Planes and pigeons

By Steve Mirsky. Watch a pigeon dodge traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian.

This is Applied Science, which is generally a space for me to wax poetic about the music business. We bonded over a love of underground hip-hop and Fiona Apple. Simply, Jacob is one of the purest music fans I know, deep in his convictions and a constant champion of the artists he loves. While catching up a few weeks back, we shared frustrations about the uncertainty and volatility of the current musical landscape. I love discussing the questions facing our industry with Jacob; he approaches the answers with humanity and pragmatism, the perspective of a fan trying to help connect more fans with great music rather than some would-be world-eating media tycoon spouting empty inspirational aphorisms. Our most recent phone call led to a slightly more manicured back and forth covering the shifting media landscape, artists development, and, naturally, Pigeons and Planes favorite Michael Cera. Take editorial however you think I mean that and then we can fine tune it from there.

Planes and pigeons

Pigeons and Planes England, UK. Pigeons and Planes are a two piece band from South West Essex. Forming in late , the band met while at University in Cambridge. We are currently writing new material, which will be released through our Bandcamp Page. Contact Pigeons and Planes. Streaming and Download help. Report this track or account. If you like Pigeons and Planes, you may also like:. Afrofuturist punk from Philly that twists the hardcore sounds of '90s DC and San Diego into a seething mass of wires and roots. Canadian trio Metz level up their songs of joyful rage with more dynamic shifts and existential themes.

Let's just do like a long form piece that's really nice with photos.


After the Communists led by Mao Zedong came to power in , the bicycle industry was revived. In April , Chairman Mao's heir apparent, vice president Liu Shaoqi paid a visit to the factory and commanded that it become the first bicycle manufacturer in New China. Their workers were tasked to build a generation of strong, durable, light and beautiful bicycle for New China. On July 5, , the first Flying Pigeon bicycle was produced. It was the brainchild of a worker named Huo Baoji. The name chosen to represent the most prominent bicycle trademark was an expression for peace amidst the raging war in Korea. The current logo is a stylized dove which represents concord and harmony, resting on the initials FP.

Planes and pigeons

Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. We still listen to email submissions from artists every day, and these are a few that we keep going back to. We still listen to submissions every day. We think it's important that professional PR and management, industry connections, streaming platforms, and social media buzz don't fully dictate which artists get talked about, so we're always looking for great music that isn't already positioned for success. Truthfully, most of the submissions aren't good. It's easier than ever for artists to make their own music, and that means a lot of aspiring artists are making and sharing music right now. A lot of it is half-baked and unoriginal, but every now and then we come across something really cool, and there's still nothing as satisfying as hearing something early, directly from the artist, while you're clicking through random submission links and listening to song after song hoping something connects. Usually, we keep submissions to ourselves for a while.

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Buy Digital Track name your price Send as Gift. It's kind of what you were saying about Lizzo, I guess I never really thought about her in that way, but yeah, I feel like space and time for an artist is crucial. I knew that those things were important and I pushed them off for so long that now I feel like I missed the boat there a little bit. Do you think that digital tools have enabled artists to express themselves better? Well, you know what I mean. Because the birds were denied the chance to show what they could do in the air—as pilots. I feel like Drake was fascinating to see. Mastermindless, colour blindness Do not ask for anything baby You don't know that you're down I'll pick you back up again when you realise I, I just wanna help I don't want to hurt you Or bring you down to size Mastermindless, colour blindness Where do you think you're going baby? People aren't going to read your word profile on some new artist. MOORE: I think social media is still a great tool for artists and I think a lot of artists think of it as marketing and promotion. Now anybody with a cool Instagram account and connections can be way more powerful than somebody who's been doing it for a decade. Applied Science 3. It's great.

Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. When we started planning See You Next Year , we had no idea what was possible.

MOORE: I always struggled with that thought too, because I do think it's important to have smart writers who have something to offer that some kid with a cool Instagram account can't offer. You imagined they were going to write something thoughtful or from a fan's perspective, and really wanted to put people on to good new music. TANNERS: One of the reasons that as a college student interning at a record label I gravitated towards Pigeons was that it felt like it was run by someone who loved what they were writing about. My wife and I saw him last June at The Forum. We're at this weird point now though, I feel like I kinda know what it is again, but it doesn't make sense. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. You know what I mean? This is Applied Science, which is generally a space for me to wax poetic about the music business. It's supply and demand. Not pursuing the easy path, not pursuing the obvious big songs.

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