plastic bertrand wife

Plastic bertrand wife

He had a massive hit in with "Ca Plane Pour Moi" and probably remains one of the most famous Belgians to this date, even though he has now disappeared into obscurity, plastic bertrand wife.

Jouret was born in Brussels to a French father and Ukrainian mother. He then formed a band called The Pelicans, who performed at parties. They changed their name to Passing the Time, extending their act in bars, clubs and at festivals along the Dutch and Belgian coast. Later he was hired by pirate radio station Radio Veronica. In , he entered the Conservatory to study music theory, percussion and music history. Influenced by the punk movement, he formed the band Hubble Bubble in , sharing his time between study at the Conservatory, rehearsals and concerts with the band, and work as stage manager at the Theatre des Galeries.

Plastic bertrand wife

The song has been covered by many artists, though the original recording was the most successful, reaching No. It was conceived as a comic pastiche of the punk movement. Everything started from the text of Pipou [Lacomblez], which required a very staccato singing, as did, in the United Kingdom, the then fashionable punk singers. I only brought to the text the title, by reference to a song by Michel Delpech , "Tu me fais planer". What we wanted to do was pogo-pogoing , the punk dance. A kind of pastiche. I had three simple chords, A E and D, and musicians that I had chosen to fit the bill. I did not want virtuosos but guys a little bit wild. Once in the studio, with this text and my three chords, I told them "Get by yourselves" and we did it. The music was recorded by Mike Butcher guitar , John Valcke bass guitar and Bob Dartsch drums , and the song was released as a B-side to "Pogo-Pogo", [10] which was chosen to launch the solo career of Plastic Bertrand. The song was praised by Joe Strummer of The Clash : "Plastic Bertrand compressed into that three minutes a bloody good record that will get any comatose person toe-tapping, you know what I mean? By purist rules, it's not allowed to even mention Plastic Bertrand. Yet, this record was probably a lot better than a lot of so-called punk records.

This section does not cite any sources. Ruck and Rool!! He had a massive hit in with "Ca Plane Pour Moi" plastic bertrand wife probably remains one of the most famous Belgians to this date, even though he has now disappeared into obscurity.


To this day, Plastic Bertrand has sold more than 20 millions of album throughout the world. Plastic was born in Brussels, on the 24th of February , of a French father and Ukrainian mother. He is a musician, songwriter, producer, editor, television presenter. He then forms «The Pelicans» who performs successfully in parties. Later on, «The Pelican» change their name into «Passing the time» and perform in all the bars, clubs and festivals at the Dutch and Belgian coast, and are finally hired by Radio Veronica, the legendary pirate radio.

Plastic bertrand wife

The song has been covered by many artists, though the original recording was the most successful, reaching No. It was conceived as a comic pastiche of the punk movement. Everything started from the text of Pipou [Lacomblez], which required a very staccato singing, as did, in the United Kingdom, the then fashionable punk singers. I only brought to the text the title, by reference to a song by Michel Delpech , "Tu me fais planer". What we wanted to do was pogo-pogoing , the punk dance.

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Punk rock new wave rock and roll. The song has been covered by many artists, though the original recording was the most successful, reaching No. Musical artist. Library and Archives Canada. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Archived from the original on 14 October Authority control databases. From October onwards, Roger called himself Plastic Bertrand and was having worldwide success with his single "Ca Plane Pour Moi" the second ever French language single in the Billboard Top , where it climbed up to number GfK Entertainment Charts. A delirious synth whirl which hollers and spits and pouts not unlike EMF in a Electrolux spin-cycle without their guitars. Trouser Press. Once in the studio, with this text and my three chords, I told them "Get by yourselves" and we did it. I had three simple chords, A E and D, and musicians that I had chosen to fit the bill. Retrieved 10 October Everything started from the text of Pipou [Lacomblez], which required a very staccato singing, as did, in the United Kingdom, the then fashionable punk singers.

The artist seems delighted to come and share his latest project on the channel of Europe 1. Like a resurrection, Roger Jouret, whose real name is, only wants to see the positive, even sending a message of love to humanity: " Finally with all that I have done, you humans, I love you ". That is to say, the songwriter has come a long way.

Retrieved 28 March AMC Sire. In , Bertrand toured Belgium, France, Switzerland and Germany with a series of concerts, and composed a number of new songs. Pure Frosting. Yet, this record was probably a lot better than a lot of so-called punk records. It was released by Mega Records as the second single from her first solo album, Carousel Archived from the original on 23 April Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Tools Tools. Archived from the original on 2 February This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. He then formed a band called The Pelicans, who performed at parties. Plastic Bertrand. A cover version is featured in the video game Just Dance

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