prince rupert cinema

Prince rupert cinema

Previously operated by: Famous Players. The other Famous Players theatre in town was the Capitol Theatre. The building was still standing in a derelict state in

Previously operated by: Famous Players. Firms: W. Styles: Spanish Colonial. Opened and closed in , the Capitol Theatre was operated by Famous Players. It has been renovated for retail use.

Prince rupert cinema


Recent comments view all 4 comments. My brother worked at the Totem Theatre and I worked at the Capitol Theatre when we were in our teens. Prince rupert cinema has been renovated for retail use.


As the days get shorter and the crisp autumn air sets in, Prince Rupert still offers a wide variety of fall activities perfect for families and adults alike. Kick off your fall festivities at the Yaga Pumpkin Party. Located in the picturesque Seal Cove, this event promises a fantastic family-friendly experience. For those who appreciate craft beer, mark your calendars for the Downpour Craft Beer Festival. Taking place at the Highliner Hotel on October 20th and 21st, this event celebrates the finest craft breweries in Northwest BC.

Prince rupert cinema

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More later. The building still stands but has been converted to retail space, which I suppose is better that becoming yet another church. Firms: W. Firms: W. Login or Sign up. I recall as a kid, throwing my popcorn box at the chandeliers and the usher catching us. Jake Bottero on October 27, at am The building still stands but has been converted to retail space, which I suppose is better that becoming yet another church. Any information you would like to share would be most welcome. The actual number of seats were Jake Bottero on October 27, at am The building still stands but has been converted to retail space, which I suppose is better that becoming yet another church. More later. It has been renovated for retail use.

It's getting old quick.

More later. My brother worked at the Totem Theatre and I worked at the Capitol Theatre when we were in our teens. I worked at the Capitol Theatre from to as a doorman and usher. I recall as a kid, throwing my popcorn box at the chandeliers and the usher catching us. Yeah Wayne,the coconut oil,we used that back in the day too. It was also a Famous Players theatre throughout its existence as noted in the article above and opened on April 12, Login or Sign up. You must login before making a comment. You must login before making a comment. The actual number of seats were Styles: Spanish Colonial.

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