

Note: All functions in this class are reentrant. Qiodevice can then write to the device with write or putCharand read by calling either readqiodevice, readLineor readAll.

QtCreator KDevelop Solarized. You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device. The current position in the file is available by calling pos. QFile and QBuffer are examples of random-access devices. The data must be read in one pass. The functions pos and size don't work for sequential devices.


You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device. QIODevice distinguishes between two types of devices: random-access devices and sequential devices. Random-access devices support seeking to arbitrary positions using seek. The current position in the file is available by calling pos. QFile and QBuffer are examples of random-access devices. You can use isSequential to determine the type of device. QIODevice emits readyRead when new data is available for reading; for example, if new data has arrived on the network or if additional data is appended to a file that you are reading from. You can call bytesAvailable to determine the number of bytes that are currently available for reading. It's common to use bytesAvailable together with the readyRead signal when programming with asynchronous devices such as QTcpSocket , where fragments of data can arrive at arbitrary points in time.

Reads at most maxSize bytes from the device into dataand returns the number of bytes read, qiodevice. Qiodevice data from a zero-terminated string of 8-bit characters to the device. QFile and QBuffer are qiodevice of random-access devices.

Note: All functions in this class are reentrant. You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device. QIODevice distinguishes between two types of devices: random-access devices and sequential devices. You can use isSequential to determine the type of device. QIODevice emits readyRead when new data is available for reading; for example, if new data has arrived on the network or if additional data is appended to a file that you are reading from. You can call bytesAvailable to determine the number of bytes that are currently available for reading.

More …. We always welcome contributions to the snippet translation. You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device. QIODevice distinguishes between two types of devices: random-access devices and sequential devices. Random-access devices support seeking to arbitrary positions using seek. The current position in the file is available by calling pos. QFile and QBuffer are examples of random-access devices. The data must be read in one pass.


Note: All functions in this class are reentrant. You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device. QIODevice distinguishes between two types of devices: random-access devices and sequential devices.

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This destructor does not call close , but the subclass destructor might. For buffered devices, this function waits until a payload of buffered written data has been written to the device and the bytesWritten signal has been emitted, or until msecs milliseconds have passed. This reduces the number of required device accessing calls, which are often very slow. Writes at most maxSize bytes of data from data to the device. For devices with no buffer, this function returns 0. Reads one character from the device and stores it in c. QIODevice uses these functions to implement all its convenience functions, such as getChar , readLine and write. Puts the character c back into the device, and decrements the current position unless the position is 0. It will only be emitted again once new data is available, such as when a new payload of network data has arrived on your network socket, or when a new block of data has been appended to your device. This feature is useful for classes that provide custom end-of-line handling on a QIODevice. Note for developers implementing classes derived from QIODevice : you should always emit readyRead when new data has arrived do not emit it only because there's data still to be read in your buffers. Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false. Unlike readyRead , it is emitted regardless of.

More …. You can then write to the device with write or putChar , and read by calling either read , readLine , or readAll. Call close when you are done with the device.

For devices with no buffer, this function returns 0. If called from within a slot connected to the PySide. Returns true if the current read and write position is at the end of the device i. Subclasses that reimplement this function must call the base implementation in order to include the size of the buffer of QIODevice. If enabled is true, this function sets the Text flag on the device; otherwise the Text flag is removed. Definition: qiodevice. This function should be called from any reimplementations of open or other functions that open the device. Returns the number of bytes read. Sets the OpenMode of the device to openMode. See also commitTransaction and rollbackTransaction.

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