rebecca nurse quotes

Rebecca nurse quotes

Nurse a wise old woman, birthed eleven kids and has twenty-six grandchildren. The people of Salem view Nurse as kind hearted motherly figure, rebecca nurse quotes. She is greatly respected by the citizens of Salem.

I am sick of Hell! I am not blind; there is a faction and a party. There is shock among the others. You are another kind, John. Clasp his hand, make your peace.

Rebecca nurse quotes

Character Profile - Rebecca Nurse. Opening Impression:. She is white-haired, leaning upon her walking-stick. There already exist connotations of wisdom that come with age and so an initial impression of her may be a character with greater insight and more experience than many other characters in the play. It quickly becomes clear that Rebecca Nurse is capable of seeing past the irrational fears which has panic stricken a whole town. She is from a hard working family and is highly respected by many characters which establishes a favourable and approving viewpoint from the audience. This, perhaps, makes even more appealing from a contemporary reading. This quotation is one of the first references to Rebecca Nurse. Rebecca may be portrayed as a maternal figure who provides assurance, safety, and wisdom. She is evidently a trustworthy character who should be favoured by the audience. This tone of urgency and panic was similar to the hysteria during the Communist witch hunts. To top it all, Mrs. Putnam could know. This particular section which is narrated is an example of the irrationality which exists in Salem.

On the surface Rebecca appears to demonstrate the conventions of the romantic genre.

A strong Christian Women, who is a logical and charitable person has been accused for witchcraft. This woman is Rebecca Nurse. A wife and a mother of eleven kids and a grandmother of twenty six kids. Throughout the crucible she shows little change to her character. She is known to be a strong christian woman who is a logical and charitable person.

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Rebecca nurse quotes

Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Life is the school where we learn the lessons that shape our destiny. Life is meant to be lived, not just endured. The only certainty. The best gifts are those that come unexpectedly. A surprise gift is a reminder that there is still magic in the world. Unexpected gifts are. Life is short, eat dessert first. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

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A character trait Odysseus, from the epic poem The Odyssey, and I share is optimism. She shows her caring side by giving money to charities because of her wealth. Rebecca attempts to help the Parris family when Betty is supposedly sick. I cannot I cannot. Hawthorne starts to question these accusations of Rebecca Nurse. Here, Miller establishes the dislike the Putnam family has for Rebecca and her husband which is very significant as their hatred helps determine her fate at the end of the play. Rebecca Nurse was the wife of Francis Nurse, a farmer who became wealthy after buying and tending a large plot of land between Salem Village and Salem Town. There is prodigious danger in the seeking of loose spirits. Another example would be when she falls in love with Ivanhoe regardless of rank or religion. When Rebecca is accused of witchcraft a decidedly ungodly crime , the only justification Hale can come up with is that God has been fooled by seeming purity before:. Essay Checker.

If there is one character in "The Crucible" that everyone can love and sympathize with, it is Rebecca Nurse. She could be anyone's grandmother, the woman you would never speak foul of or intend to hurt in any way.

Rebecca Nurse was one of the most respected people in town and known for being a good person. In this way, Rebecca takes responsibility for herself and maintains her high moral standing throughout the course of the play in a way no other character in The Crucible does. But even she falls victim to the accusations of vengeful neighbours. Elizabeth Proctor is convicted in. Get Access. She gives advice and her input. Both of these extracurricular activities involve charity work. I am sick of Hell! The witch trials are escalating, more and more people are being accused, and the tensions are high. This trait of charitability is a common one between the both of us. I have eleven children, and I am twenty-six times a grandma, and I have seen them all through their silly seasons, and when it come on them they will run the Devil bowlegged keeping up with their mischief. Putnam is bent on finding justice, and she sees the supernatural as perhaps the only way to do so. Clasp his hand, make your peace.

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