renege meaning in hindi

Renege meaning in hindi

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SPORT 7. NAUKA Poszerzona wersja słownika zawiera znacznie więcej bloków tematycznych, tematów ponad oraz przykładowych zdań. Szczegółowe opracowanie było możliwe dzięki zastosowaniu różnych źródeł - literatury pięknej, korpusów dwujęzycznych i prasy. Czytelnik znajdzie tu zdania, których próżno szukać w innych publikacjach i podręcznikach.

Renege meaning in hindi

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English to Hindi Dictionary renege. A new theory predicts when countries will honor or 'renege' on their international obligations. The life insurer was forced last week to 'renege' on its pledge. Competition thwarted this cartel when members 'reneged' on the deal, exceeding their quotas. Hospital authorities promised to pay up, after protests two months ago, but then 'reneged' on the commitment. The treaty and peace terms in favor of Haidar Ali were shamelessly 'reneged' by the British and soon a second Mysore war ensued from to What's a nonprofit to do when a donor 'reneges' on a pledge? The management agreed to increase salaries by 10 percent but then 'reneged' and transferred the activists.

Renege meaning in hindi

English synonyms. If someone reneged on a deal, they could never trade here again. English Quiz. Collins English Dictionary. Cards to fail to follow suit when required and able to do so. Archaic to deny ; renounce.

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But big businesses now routinely use bankruptcy to renege on contracts with their workers. Reich , Beyond Outrage. Such smiling rogues as these, Like rats, oft bite the holy cords atwain Which are too intrinse t' unloose; smooth every passion That in the natures of their lords rebel, Being oil to the fire, snow to the colder moods, Renege , affirm, and turn their halcyon beaks With every gale and vary of their masters Knowing naught, like dogs, but following.

The wedding is scheduled for July He spent his final 12 months in a nursing home. Jamey montegal aol. It's not surgery. Seeseerom Friday 07 September Już to stwierdzenie pociąga za sobą ważne konsekwencje dla antyrasistowskich projektów ważnych w kontekście toczonej tu dyskusji. The women from the village helped her at the birth. Wyszła z wanny. Skonczywszy z piwem, pan Wiechowski stolu na our blog i stoczyl. Boffalalepaig Monday 07 January His first was ’s ‶First Sunday.

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