Review yongnuo 35 f2

But did Yongnuo pushed too far? Both plastic barrels are assembled through a helicoidal thread, feeling ultra-hiper wobbly as soon as you take it out of the box. You can feel how the inner tubes shakes inside a hollow outer shell, moving up to 1mm between them; unthinkable for the true prime sharpness you expect from a review yongnuo 35 f2 focal length lens. Its usability is dead simple with a single manual focusing ring at the front.

The lens offers both manual focus and autofocus, with a DSM stepping motor enabling quiet focusing and making the Yongnuo a suitable lens option for videographers. The Yongnuo features 9 elements in 8 groups and comes with low-dispersion glass and an alloy body. A rubber seal on the rear mount adds some weather protection. Coming in at a very attractive price point, the Yongnuo has the potential to be a great prime option for budget-conscious Sony photographers. You can view the results for all tested lenses and create your own comparisons and in-depth analyses using our interactive image lens comparison tool.

Review yongnuo 35 f2

For me a reason to be happy, but irrelevant for the test. Still a very affordable price for a lens with this specs. But how much can you expect from a lens in this price range? I have tested it. In terms of construction, the Yongnuo 35mm f2 is a 1 replica of the Canon lens of the same name and therefore has the same specifications, of which I would like to mention only the most important ones:. But being a 1: 1 clone does not mean that the replica is automatically as good as the original, that should of course be obvious. Materials and manufacturing quality can vary too much. So I tested the lens right away in one of the most difficult environments and used it in concert photography. Because with the rapidly changing stage lighting, the rapid movements of the musicians and low-light situations, not only the photographer but also the equipment has to struggle. And right from the first use, I was really positively surprised by the performance of the China lens. Because even if the autofocus was not super fast, the speed was sufficient to deliver accurate and sharp results. The sharpness in the center of the image is in the absolutely acceptable range. Here I have had completely different lenses on my body that failed in these situations. Only sometimes did I have to resort to the live view ontofocus, as it works more slowly but more precisely.

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Saya berkesempatan memiliki yang versi 35mm dan tentunya ingin berbagi dengan pembaca bagaimana performa lensa ini setelah saya mencobanya. Yongnuo lebih dikenal sebagai produsen flash eksternal, tapi kini akhirnya mencoba membuat lensa juga. Dia punya 7 elemen lensa dalam 5 grup, dengan 7 bilah diafragma dan diameter filter 52mm. Lensa berbobot gram ini sudah bisa auto fokus, bisa fokus sedekat 25cm dan hebatnya sudah memakai mount berbahan logam. Saat dipasang di Canon 70D, kamera mengenali lensa tanpa ada masalah. Motor fokus juga berfungsi di mode AI Servo tapi lensa ini jelas bukan untuk meliput aksi cepat atau satwa karena putaran motor fokusnya yang agak lambat. Tapi kalau bicara akurasi fokusnya saya beruntung karena dapat yang good copy , saat dites ke focus chart tidak terlihat adanya issue front focus atau back focus. Jangan harapkan putaran yang presisi di lensa ini, bukan hal mudah mendapat fokus yang akurat dengan memutar ring kecil di lensa ini, juga tidak ada indikator jarak fokus seperti lensa fix lainnya. Tapi lumyan lah setidaknya masih bisa diputar secara manual saat diperlukan, misalnya saat saya membuat pengujian ketajaman lensa ini tentu saya set ke manual fokus.

Review yongnuo 35 f2

The very first impression you get with this lens is its lightness and compactness. The build quality is good and the focusing ring rotate nicely. I see an improvement vs the Yongnuo YN85mm F1. The lens hood is easy to mount and remove. Yongnuo has also 2 other lenses with AF for Sony E mount that deliver very good results. AF performance :. Firmware of the lens was V2 upgrade only works on windows there is now a V5. Excellent performances at this price point. Its build quality is very good and similar to the Samyang one.

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The Sonnar comes with a slower F2. Packaging The lens comes in a nice little box that clearly reminds one of those nice golden Nikon boxes. Geometric distortion is kept within acceptable limits on the Yongnuo lens, but our measurements do show a slight negative distortion. Interestingly, this makes for an interesting artistic effect that almost looks like a sharpness-vignette. However, since one of them is a full-frame lens and the other is designed for crop cameras DX , comparing these two is not easy. The difference with the Distagon changes somewhat at F2. The Nikon version, which is the subject of this review, offers the same specifications as the variants for the other mounts, featuring 9 elements in 8 groups and low-dispersion glass, all wrapped up in an aluminum alloy body that uses a rubber seal at the rear mount for some weather protection. You can see an overview of this comparison in our database. It will put your photos at risk. So far, my only real concern, although I have no data for it, is the long-term reliability of the focus motor. Information about your browsing habits is shared with our social network, advertising and analytics partners. I personally keep the lens in my collection, especially because of its low weight, as it is a good alternative if you only want to travel with light luggage. With a 2.

The lens offers both manual focus and autofocus, with a DSM stepping motor enabling quiet focusing and making the Yongnuo a suitable lens option for videographers. The Yongnuo features 9 elements in 8 groups and comes with low-dispersion glass and an alloy body.

Overall, the Yongnuo compares well to the Sony in-house competition, offering good sharpness across the frame. As usual, you can create your own comparisons and in-depth analyses using our interactive image lens comparison tool. Change your Cookies Preferences and read more about our Comment Policy. On my Nikon D, the focus is still reasonably quick and precise. We employ that technology for functional, statistical and marketing reasons. There is a noticeable improvement when stopping down to F4, but some corner shading remains even at the smallest aperture settings. With a 2. If you wanted to, this could be fixed in Lightroom in a second. The lens offers both manual focus and autofocus, with a DSM stepping motor enabling quiet focusing and making the Yongnuo a suitable lens option for videographers. And around the frame we can spot axial chromatic aberration issues, that gives green halos on background elements, and purple fringes on the frontal plane.

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