Ronda rousey mma record

Professional Wrestling, ronda rousey mma record. She was the first American woman to win an Olympic medal in judo by winning bronze at the Summer Olympics. Rousey began a career in professional wrestling insigning with WWE, [20] and debuted at WrestleMania

Ronda Rousey's profile at Tapology. Quarterly Generated Historical Rankings Rating bar represents the fighter's standing relative to the top of the division at the time. Support Fightmatrix. Click for more details. Betsquare for Aussies.

Ronda rousey mma record

Rousey is no stranger to a fight after a successful career as a judoka which took her to two Olympic Games in and Her early fights were an exhibition in submission ability as she won them all via her trusty armbar. Her first fight in the Ultimate Fighting Championship came in February where she successfully defended her crown, submitting Liz Carmouche in of the first round. All good things must come to an end and that was the case for Ronda Rousey when she put her career undefeated streak and UFC Bantamweight Championship on the line against Holly Holm in November The Brazilian fighter was relentless as she stopped Rousey with a flurry of unanswered punches in just 48 seconds. That was the last time Ronda Rousey competed in MMA, seemingly ending her career in the sport with a lifetime professional record of , with a record in the UFC. Like, in judo you peak in your mids. I medaled at 21 so I was going to be 25 for the next Olympics. Chris Jericho had high praise for one top star, saying the star's mainstream appeal could take AEW to new heights. There is hope that Mercedes Mone's popularity in the world beyond wrestling will be vital in AEW's growth. Mercedes Mone is asked about her AEW contract and the reportedly extremely high pay that comes with it. A former WWE Superstar has revealed a top secret project he worked on with Bryan Danielson when they were both signed to the company. More Stories.

Rolling Stone.


Matt Baker is ineligible for regional rankings due to inactivity. Fighters must have at least one completed MMA bout in the past two years to be ranked. Tapology Privacy Policy. Klidson Abreu. Ryan Machan. Cancelled Bout. Enrico Cortese. SFL Backyard Brawl. Billing: Main Event. Ravindra Balhara.

Ronda rousey mma record

She accomplished everything she set out to do with UFC and became a global icon and role model in the process. Rousey also joins Faber as only the second athlete to be inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame from the bantamweight division. Ronda defeated Liz Carmouche in the first round via armbar, becoming the first woman to win a UFC bout while defending her title in the process.

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Retrieved September 21, Archived from the original on September 1, Archived from the original on August 21, Archived from the original on October 23, Retrieved June 29, Archived from the original on March 27, Reigns, Styles vs. Silva 2 Saturday, December 28th Charlotte, Bryan vs. Retrieved March 23,

Rousey is no stranger to a fight after a successful career as a judoka which took her to two Olympic Games in and

Archived from the original on April 2, Archived from the original on May 21, Retrieved September 24, Johnny Gargano Adam Cole. May 28, Retrieved March 27, August 31, She became the first mixed martial artist to ever appear on the cover of the boxing magazine and the second woman as well, after Cathy Davis in Pro Wrestling Sheets. Retrieved June 21,

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