rwby cinder

Rwby cinder

Spoilers for all works set prior to the end of Volumes 8 are unmarked.

Growing up in an environment of violence prior to being taken to the Glass Unicorn, Cinder spent her early years as a malnourished slave while being forced to wear a shock collar, subjected to electric shocks as a form of discipline while barely supplementing her diet with scraps. In a desperate bid for freedom, Cinder stole a sword from the visiting Huntsman Rhodes, who sniffed her out and offered to train her in hopes of a future as a Huntress. Her health would greatly improve during her training with Rhodes, building up her athleticism with regular exercise and sparring sessions. Sometime afterwards, she was recruited by the immortal sorceress Salem, submitting herself in a bid for the power and agency she so desperately craved. During this time, Cinder was implanted by a parasitic Grimm beetle that allowed her to forcibly steal Maiden powers, though this implant would be her undoing at Beacon. The latter would be replaced by a prosthetic Shadow Hand that was likely an outgrowth of the parasite, a mixed blessing.

Rwby cinder

She is a member of Salem's Inner Circle and was the leader of her own faction. She is also the current Fall Maiden. Her machinations are the driving force behind the events of the first three volumes and cemented her as the primary antagonist of the Beacon Arc. She made her debut in the first episode of Volume 1 , " Ruby Rose ". Cinder used a special Grimm glove to steal half of the Fall Maiden's powers from Amber. During the Fall of Beacon , she gained the other half and killed Ozpin in battle. When Beacon fell, Ruby Rose unleashed the power of her Silver Eyes , putting Cinder into a state of near death and causing her to lose her left eye and part of her left arm. She had incredible difficulty speaking for a time, and her entire left arm was eventually replaced with a Shadow Hand. After narrowly surviving a defeat by Raven Branwen , Cinder allied herself with Neopolitan , one of her former associates, in order to eliminate their shared enemy against the orders of Salem. She later succeeded in getting the Relic of Knowledge thanks to Neo and returned to Salem on Monstra.

Both women use Dust and their Semblances to create projectiles, bursts of elemental flame or ice, rwby cinder, and outmaneuver each other with traps. To be clear, I am not saying that Cinder is in any way weak or incompetent.

Written by ReaverArklight. To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Toggle Menu. Cinder Fall. Cinder's first name was Cinder Falleaf, she was born into the family but soon after her Mother died and her Father left the family, resulting in Cinder being sent to Madame Falleaf in the Glass Unicorn at the age of 10 where she served as a Slave for 5 years and used as an example to the other Faunus Maids as to what happens if they disobey. Soon A Huntsmen named Rhodes found her during a secret mission to confirm reports of child slavery at the Glass Unicorn, becoming attached to Cinder and teaching her how to fight.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Any act of adding this villain to the Pure Evil category without a proposal or creating a proposal for this villain without the permission of an administrator will result in a ban. Additional Notice : This template is meant for admin maintenance only. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. She was the leader of a now-disbanded group of anarchists seeking to cause chaos in the world of Remnant. Her associates have included her former subordinates Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai , her reluctant temporary partner Neopolitan , the criminal mastermind Roman Torchwick and Adam Taurus , the leader of the Vale sect of the White Fang.

Rwby cinder

In her childhood, Cinder Fall lived in an orphanage [1] in Mistral , where she scrubbed floors and was bullied by the other children and was implied to have also been starved and overworked by her caretakers. There, Cinder was introduced to the Madame's two biological daughters. Once there, the Madame explained Cinder's new duties and work of cleaning the hotel and delivering food to the rooms and making her position and responsibilities as her "step-daughter" clear. Since then, both the Madame and her Two Daughters heavily mistreated, overworked and abused Cinder and forced her to singlehandedly do all the needed maintenance to keep the Glass Unicorn running. In order to keep her in line, the Madam would have Cinder wear a shock collar disguised as a necklace. During her time with her new "family", Cinder was constantly shocked by her "Step-Mother" for even the smallest of blunders in order to keep Cinder in under control during the times she would act out due to her mistreatment from them and mostly for her own amusement at punishing her "daughter". The Madame would also psychologically abuse and degrade Cinder by shocking her constantly until she said the phrase "Without you, I am nothing" to further demoralize her from fighting back. Cinder also faced constant bullying from her two "Step-Sisters" who made a point of constantly picking on her due to her status as essentially being their family's personal slave and making her chores even more difficult by purposefully causing messes and snickered and laughed whenever Cinder made a mistake, an attitude enabled by their biological mother. One day, while scrubbing the floors, the Madame's daughters purposefully muddied their shoes and made a mess of the floors in order to increase Cinder's workload, angering Cinder, who then caused a scene by accidentally creating a large cloud of mist after unconsciously awakening her Semblance and super heating a wet scrub brush and smashing it to the floor in frustration. This caught the attention of Rhodes and caused a scene in the hotel lobby, angering the Madame, the latter of whom used then used shock collar to torture Cinder in a back room and repeatedly shocking the young girl until she made her admit that she was nothing without her.

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And you … [Ruby] should have never been born. Growing up in an environment of violence prior to being taken to the Glass Unicorn, Cinder spent her early years as a malnourished slave while being forced to wear a shock collar, subjected to electric shocks as a form of discipline while barely supplementing her diet with scraps. During the events of "Beginning of the End", Cinder had shorter hair. Though, this is still mitigated by the fact that her Grimm arm now consumes more of her body and the muscles can be seen underneath it. R — Y Red Right Hand : The scars Cinder suffered along the left side of her body better reflect just how selfish and cruel Cinder is and, since becoming the Fall Maiden, she has become increasingly unstable, taking a sadistic delight in hurting others. She typically used her powers for additional attack vectors, solidifying material into projectiles and heating objects to the point of detonation. Ambition Is Evil : Her ambition for power has made her try and kill the Fall Maiden to take her powers for her own, and indirectly caused mass chaos and some other deaths. Additionally, her model lacks painted fingernails. Therefore, whenever the two obsessions clash, Cinder will usually prioritize her lust for power rather than following her want for revenge on Ruby. After getting a Shadow Hand grafted into her body, its innately soulless status prevents Cinder from protecting it with her Aura, leaving it vulnerable to other weapons and Silver Eyes. Cinder was also shown to have developed a genuine friendship and bond with Rhodes, as seen where she truly cared for him due to being the first person in her life to treat her with kindness instead of cruelty, with Cinder and Rhodes having developed a mutual trust in each other.

Cinder originally led a group of five individuals consisting of herself, Roman Torchwick , Emerald Sustrai , Mercury Black and Neopolitan. The ultimate goal of this group was to aid Cinder in completing Salem's orders as a part of her group. They were responsible for many crimes committed throughout Vale.

In Volume 8, Watts lampshades this during a powerful "The Reason You Suck" Speech that reduces her to tears and forces her to re-evaluate her behaviour. Following her battle with Winter and Penny, Cinder loses the glove covering her arm, exposing her Shadow Hand. When Neo turns up trying to avenge Roman's death by killing Cinder, Cinder tells her that the real culprit is Ruby and that they should team up to take her down together. Her Semblance is Scorching Caress, which allows her to superheat and manipulate the shape of objects, such as turning sand into glass. Don't have an account? Recently Liked. During her infiltration of the Cross Continental Transmit System Tower, Cinder is shown wearing a black infiltration outfit, which she had previously been seen sewing together in "Extracurricular". In a nutshell, she was a terrorist. Because of this, Cinder is shown to have developed a deep desire for vengeance against Ruby. Villains Wiki Explore. When Raven proposes a counteroffer she helps them get the Relic in exchange for the death of her brother, Qrow, in addition to them leaving her and her tribe to live in peace , Watts immediately points out the illogicality of it, but Cinder is too enticed by the possibility of getting revenge on Ruby for the loss of her eye. Vale Atlas Mistral Vacuo. Cinder prefers that such problems be solved quickly, is seen to give very direct orders, and keeps her subordinates on a strictly need-to-know basis, sharing a similar leadership style to Salem.

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