

This one was really helpful and made me discover cognitive functions, it's sarkinova bit long but it's worth it, sarkinova.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI is a test that tries to sort people out into one of sixteen personality types that are identified using a four-letter sequence. These types supposedly say something about how your strengths and weaknesses as well as your personal preferences. Aside from being used as an even more problematic alternative to the already problematic I. The most common interpretation of MBTI types is that there are sixteen personalities with letters that tell you whether someone prefers Introversion versus Extroversion , Sensing versus Intuition , and Judging versus Perceiving. Why much hated?


Log in. Sign up. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. So the functions are grouped into domains. Also, you can "fail" the test, apparently more likely if you're an experienced test-taker, who pick answers to get points for a desired function. Once you're finished, you will get a very detailed explanation of what it all means, and I suggest you read it. Also, the creator deliberately made it more difficult to get the more demanded, popular types. If you have the time it might be worth it. This test is also from someone who thinks Cognitive Functions are a load of bullshit, but made this with best efforts to make sense of it. It's great. Test results:. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions.

I wonder if this test would change if I answered only from sarkinova yes to extreme no.


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI is a test that tries to sort people out into one of sixteen personality types that are identified using a four-letter sequence. These types supposedly say something about how your strengths and weaknesses as well as your personal preferences. Aside from being used as an even more problematic alternative to the already problematic I. The most common interpretation of MBTI types is that there are sixteen personalities with letters that tell you whether someone prefers Introversion versus Extroversion , Sensing versus Intuition , and Judging versus Perceiving. Why much hated? Because to many people who are deep into this hobby, the 16Personalities test is inaccurate because of how it easily changes your type and how far-removed it is from the original theories of Carl Jung, the guy who the Myers-Briggs mom and daughter duo based their types on. Spoiler alert: Many modern ideas within the community regarding type are more Jungian-inspired than they are Jungian themselves. The Sakinorva MBTI test operates mostly on the Grant-Brownsword model which has become one of the most popular interpretations of type online. But that makes it really hard to make sense of because if you take a test and end up having perceiving functions at the top of your results back to back, that raises the question of which one is actually your type more on this later. Sakinorva MBTI Test gets around this by incorporating the axis-based model where functions come in pairs which the page explains like this:.


This is where I answer questions and comments pertaining to the cognitive function test. I used to originally post these responses on an iris thread, but I'm no longer going to continue doing so because I only ever got engagement from spam bots I know, really? So, why not give it a fresh start? Comments and their responses can be of any nature. You'll see serious comments, angry comments, and silly comments. My responses are the same way. Please bear in mind that I can only reliably respond to comments in English. If there are comments in other languages that particularly pique my interest, I will go out of my way to respond to them in that language but I don't expect this to be a common phenomenon.

Jonesing meaning

Insert Quotes Quotes Post Reply. You may come across as outgoing and gentle at a first glance because of this. Unlike other Myers-Briggs tests, this one goes way beyond the usual 4 letters to explore the deeper c. When there are multiple questions getting at the same issue in a questionnaire, these are typically a d ded together to get a combined score. I know systems in a big picture kind of way. You may come across as boring and responsible at a first glance because of this. Free and accurate Cognitive Functions Test and Jungian typology articles provided by mistype. Far right for yes, far left for no. In terms of feeling, ENTJs are often painted as robotic and narcissistic. When people see you or speak with you, they may miss your S preference, because you are engaging with their concrete reality rather than requiring them to engage in yours. Dealing with solid things. I will on occasion interact with an SP who talks about the future, but it happens much, much more often with the NJ types.

Disclaimer: This page serves to help you understand the meaning behind your responses. If you truly understand typology and its merits, I think you'll find the information provided here—not the results on the function test—to be revealing of your test-taking habits.

You should see a table like this after submitting your results. Dealing with solid things. Come join the discussion about health, behavior, care, testing, personality types, and more! The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI is a test that tries to sort people out into one of sixteen personality types that are identified using a four-letter sequence. I'm more of a purist, but I do think cognitive functions influence one's likelihood of having certain values and vice-versa , and I don't think highly of apititudinal. They live in the future far more often … dreaming … visualizing … imagining. Insert Quotes Quotes Post Reply. Uh… yeah. Their biggest cognitive function problem that may be consistently apparent is their friendly, yet socially odd behaviour, as Te attempts to navigate the abstract social world. Are they constantly high, or are they just off the charts zen masters?

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