scp mobile task force

Scp mobile task force

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See Archived Pages for a detailed explanation of archival. The new version of this page can be found here. An older version of this page can be found here. Mobile Task Forces MTFs are elite units comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed. Mobile Task Force personnel represent the "best of the best" of the Foundation. Mobile Task Forces can vary greatly in size, composition, and purpose.

Scp mobile task force

Mobile Task Forces MTFs are elite units composed of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed. Mobile Task Force personnel represent the "best of the best" of the Foundation. Mobile Task Forces vary greatly in size, composition, and purpose. A battalion-strength combat-oriented task force trained to deal with highly aggressive anomalous entities may consist of hundreds of troops plus support personnel, vehicles, and equipment and can be deployed in whole or in part to deal with threats across the globe. However, a Mobile Task Force can also be a small, specialized intelligence-gathering or investigative task force that may have fewer than a dozen personnel if that is deemed sufficient to accomplish their goals. While in the field, task force members often pose as emergency responders, local or federal law enforcement, or military personnel appropriate to the region in which they are operating. Mobile Task Force Commanders can also request the assistance of local field units or personnel stationed at nearby Foundation facilities in order to accomplish their missions. Each unit is fundamentally structured in a way that best suits their intended purpose. While combat-oriented task forces may closely follow military hierarchy and organization, smaller units may have an informal or otherwise esoteric chain of command. As such, the responsibilities of the Mobile Task Force Commander MTFC for each particular task force can vary greatly; the commander for a large task force might focus on maintaining multiple teams and deploying them as necessary to each assigned operation, whereas the commander of a small team might deploy with their team and direct the operation from on location. Similarly, the cohesion of each unit will vary as well. Some Mobile Task Forces consist of personnel who have trained and worked for many years or even decades together, whereas the personnel of a Mobile Task Force formed on a moment's notice to deal with a specific incident may know little more than each others' names and fields of expertise. Mobile Task Forces are typically commissioned as deemed necessary by the Foundation's Director of Task Forces, often with the direct approval of one or more O5 Council members. A significant number of Mobile Task Forces are created to deal with specific anomalies exhibiting traits that standard containment or response teams are unable to effectively counteract, though many were also created to pre-empt an emerging or theoretical threat.

Additional Information for Authors.

Staff site Team. Mobile Task Forces MTFs are elite units comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation, and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel. As their name suggests, they may be relocated between facilities or locations as needed. Mobile Task Forces under the command of different branches of the Foundation are listed in the pages linked below. Each task force is designated with the appropriate abbreviation plus a Roman numeral.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. It is an unique mobile task force serving the Foundation, as the task force is comprised of four cyborgs made from cloned bodies derived from the flesh of a dead god, armed with esoteric and experimental weaponry, and trained to investigate and contain thaumaturgic, and psionic threats. The task force can respond to lethal situations that would otherwise result in a loss of personnel, since their minds can be recovered in the event of their current body's destruction. They are the main protagonists in the "Apotheosis" series set within the "Third Law" canon, but are more known for their appearance in SCP They were originally an entry for the 's "Mobile Task Force Contest!

Scp mobile task force

They are currently based at Site , the home base of the O5 Council. MTF Alpha-1 is the O5 Council 's direct mobile task force , made to carry out their will exclusively. The task force consists of the best and most loyal operatives, due to its nature. As they are only deployed in cases requiring extreme discretion and strict security, any files regarding Alpha-1 are only accessible by those with a Level 5 security clearance level. Alpha-1 is responsible for overseeing MTF Epsilon "Nine-Tailed Fox" 's operations, as Epsilon is typically deployed in cases of internal security, save for a few incidents.


A battalion-strength combat-oriented task force trained to deal with highly aggressive anomalous entities may consist of hundreds of troops plus support personnel, vehicles, and equipment and can be deployed in whole or in part to deal with threats across the globe. Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 is a task force that reports directly to the O5 Council and is used in situations that require the strictest operational security. Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Omega-9 consists of 3 anomalous entities available for near-instantaneous deployment into extreme circumstances requiring the delivery of overwhelming force. General Wikidot. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. To take an example from the U. Task Force Mission: A task force composed of reality bending Foundation personnel from an alternate universe. Mobile Task Force Omega-7 has been disbanded and decommissioned; this entry is to be deleted by order of the Records and Information Security Administration. Append content without editing the whole page source. Filename: Omega7.

A bunch of miscellaneous CSS 'improvements' that I, Croquembouche , use on a bunch of pages because I think it makes them easier to deal with.

Mobile Task Forces vary greatly in size, composition, and purpose. As mentioned in the Secure Facilities Locations guide, this varies from author to author. Created as a response to the growing Sarkic threat , Xi-8's operational scope encompasses all six major continents, with naval support provided by the Foundation as needed. Psi are teams of that monitor the status of the anomaly they are deployed into. Filename: Alpha4. Filename: Rho7. Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Sigma-3 is charged with covert infiltration of the anomalous community for the purpose of gathering intel, with a particular focus on the vast otherworldly location of The Wanderers' Library. Delta 19 is a MTF task force made up of spetsnaz volunteers. This varies from author to author. Psi is deployed into anomalous realities, near entrances to anomalies or to monitor specific entities themselves. Task Force Mission: A task force that specializes in dealing with retail-oriented locations and anomalies, be they singular restaurants or entire shopping districts displaying anomalies. Find out what you can do. Mobile Task Force Delta-5 is comprised of multiple autonomous deep-cover cells specializing in the identification and pre-emptive acquisition of anomalous objects and entities of interest to other Groups of Interest.

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