sebastian thor

Sebastian thor

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An arch-cardinal of the Ecclesiarchy with his retainers. The Age of Apostasy was a second period of interstellar civil war that consumed the Imperium of Man in the early 36th Millennium. The terrible conflicts of the Age of Apostasy grew in part out of a long-running political struggle between the Administratum and the Adeptus Ministorum for dominance over the Imperium's governance. The period is usually divided into two separate major events by Imperial historitors known as the " Reign of Blood " and the " Plague of Unbelief. The struggle began when control over the Imperium's government was essentially seized by a single man, the High Lord of Terra Goge Vandire , who commanded both the Administratum and the Ecclesiarchy as Master of the Administratum and ecclesiarch and ruled the Imperium according to his own wishes instead of in accordance with the Emperor 's will. Fortunately, his brutal reign eventually came to an end with the coming of the reforming preacher Sebastian Thor and his reborn Confederation of Light , a sect of the Imperial Cult based on the previous Confederation of Light's banned teachings that were once a rival to the then-orthodox theology of the Imperial Cult's most dominant sect, the Temple of the Saviour Emperor. The Confederation of Light sought to end Goge Vandire's corruption of Imperial theology and reform the faith of the Imperium in what its adherents viewed as a more moral form that embodied the Emperor 's own sacrifice for Humanity.

Sebastian thor


With this proclamation, Dominica drew her power sword and held it aloft for all to see, sebastian thor. Luring the Master of the Astra Telepathica into a trap, Vandire utilised the innate sebastian thor abilities of a Culexus Temple Assassin to nullify Phaedrus' psychic abilities.


Without Him, a billion billion souls are nought but fodder for the ever-thirsting evils of the Warp. Icon of the Adeptus Ministorum. The Ecclesiarch is the nominal high priest of the Imperial Cult and the chief administrator of the Adeptus Ministorum. Elected for life by the Holy Synod , a gathering of the most prominent cardinals of the Imperium of Man , the ecclesiarch's primary duties are to represent the Ecclesiarchy as one of the High Lords of Terra in the Senatorum Imperialis , to order the launch of Wars of Faith , and to monitor and maintain the devotion of the average Imperial citizen to the orthodox worship of the God-Emperor of Mankind. Since the establishment of the Imperial Cult as the official state religion of the Imperium in the midnd Millennium, the ecclesiarch has always held a position as one of the High Lords of Terra and has maintained a highly influential seat on the Senatorum Imperialis , at times acting as the Imperium's most politically powerful High Lord. The ecclesiarch rules the Imperial Cult's galaxy-spanning priestly hierarchy from the massive, continent-sized Ecclesiarchical Palace on Terra , which is one of the most popular sites for pilgrimage in the whole Imperium.

Sebastian thor

Those who would wield sorcery against the righteous often find themselves facing the full fury of the Ecclesiarchy. The Order of the Bloody Rose employ disciplined heavy firepower to open up the flank of their enemy, before driving their swift-moving forces into the gap created, and corralling the God-Emperor's foes into a deadly kill zone. None may escape the Emperor's gaze, and where he sees wickedness, there will the Sacred Rose punish. The ministrations of the Sisters of the Orders Hospitaller have seen many a warrior brought back from the brink of death to return to the fray. Those who exemplify the finest qualities of the Order will be entrusted to bear holy relics into battle, a blessing and a burden for the honoured warrior.

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The Adeptus Astartes and the Adeptus Mechanicus had both become estranged from Terra during Vandire's rule, fortifying their own fiefdoms while undertaking their traditional duties as best they could. With a defiant look and a stern voice, the messenger proclaimed himself to be the envoy of Confessor Dolan Chirosius. At the dawn of the 34th Millennium the Adeptus Ministorum held nigh total power over the Imperium of Man , which it used to ensure that every single subject of the Emperor of Mankind in the Imperium paid their dues, both spiritually and financially, to the duly-appointed officers of the state faith. Also, the personal wealth of Bucharis grew from the profits made from the sale of precious ores and resources across his sector of the Imperium. Wolf Scouts were dispatched to disrupt the rebel supply lines and many cannons fell quiet due to a lack of ammunition. No world was untouched by the anarchy, as whole populations rose up in increasingly bizarre and extravagant acts of penance and self-flagellation. They stuck hooks into his flesh and hung them with weights, driving him onwards with kicks and punches. The furious attack of the returning Space Wolves was vicious, and tens of thousands of rebel Guardsmen died. The Brides not only served as Vandire's bodyguard, but also as his servants and companions. Loves cozy sofas and often gets lost in thoughts about this and that. The commander of the rebel fleet in Chiros had restrained from the use of devastating orbital bombardments as he saw the planet as a good place for Bucharis to retire to, hoping to gain some favor by sparing it. These are eerie, doom-laden places, heavy with the weight of ages and haunted by the ghosts of that tragic era, where only the insane and the deluded dare trespass. Three hundred standard years into this new age of influence and power for the Ecclesiarchy in the late 35th Millennium, Greigor XI was elected to the rank of ecclesiarch. Many of his soldiers deserted and there was infighting and dissension even within the highest ranks of his army. After three standard years, millions had died as the Space Wolves had countered every attempted storming of the citadel.

An arch-cardinal of the Ecclesiarchy with his retainers.

Anyone who dared attempt to reason with such doomsayers were declared Heretics , and world after world tore themselves apart in an orgy of bloodletting and violent penance. The High Lords of Terra soon reestablished full control over the regions of the galaxy that Bucharis had controlled while the Ecclesiarchy established thousands of Missions on the worlds of Bucharis' empire to restore the true teachings of the Imperial Cult. Supplies were intercepted and there was no respite. A small contingent of Custodians , led by a Centurion of the Companions , made its way into the very heart of Vandire's domain. He gave elegant speeches to the people of his world and they lapped it up, believing his words to be the Emperor-given truth. Vandire glanced around the assembled warriors, his brow knitted in confusion. He used his power to announce that the Ecclesiarchy had fallen and that it was corrupted by Traitors and Heretics. The terrible conflicts of the Age of Apostasy grew in part out of a long-running political struggle between the Administratum and the Adeptus Ministorum for dominance over the Imperium's governance. During the reformation of the state church that followed the high lord's fall, many of these hated idols were torn down by the masses, and either broken up or dragged off to distant regions of the worlds, there to slowly erode as the vagaries of nature dictated. Starfield walkthrough for the main story. As such he arranged for San Leor to receive a rare ecclesiarchal visit. He was a simple preacher, but the passion and wisdom of his oratory caused the faithful of Dimmamar to flock to him from far and wide. Heralded as a deeply spiritual individual who desired only that the faithful work together as one, Greigor announced that the Holy Synod would return to its rightful home on Holy Terra , the seat of the Emperor and the heart of the Imperium. All of this dragged on for solar months. The attack on Fenris had taken a heavy toll on the rebellious Astra Militarum forces, slowing, but not stopping, the expansion of the Apostate Cardinal's other armies.

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