Seductive lesbian stories

Jo and Seductive lesbian stories have been playing cat and mouse for ages now Jo being the cat she's out and proud with a crazy bunch of mates behind her, she's taken a shine to Jennie; feeling this game has been moving too slow she takes action, Jennie on the other h AN: helloooo! So hang tight! In the meantime…, seductive lesbian stories.

My other half has a job that takes him abroad for weeks at a time, which leaves me on my own for longer than I want to be; she was on her own, having dumped her man who was by all accounts useless. We were both in need of company, so we became easy and relaxed with one another, having a lot in common; being of similar age, and laughing at the same things. It became obvious very quickly that our friendship was developing into something else. She was lighting fires within me that had lain dormant for many years. The heat of girl love that had not warmed me since university. I thought all that was dead.

Seductive lesbian stories

Isabelle Parrier seemingly has everything, she is beautiful, has handsome boyfriend and is the most popular girl in her high school. But she is also cold and conniving, and does everything she wants. Everyone in her school is trying not to get on he Elisa's heart was thumping so hard against her rib cage that she thought she might have a heart attack. The sight before her was It was a sort of a raw ravishing beauty that deserved to be written about in poems. Elisa forgot how to breathe for a couple of seconds. She gripped the door frame in order to steady herself. Breathe Elisa! She blinked a couple of times trying to compose herself, but her insides were burning as the desire for the brunette in front of her raised like a whirlwind. She couldn't keep her gaze steady, her chocolate eyes darkened by lust as they roamed all over Isabelle's body. Her face completely free from any makeup revealed her classical beauty in all its simplicity, her small nose, and her full pink lips that begged to be kissed again. Her green eyes sharp as always but this time free from the cold gaze, and her wet brown locks cascading down her porcelain white shoulders made her the most beautiful sight Elisa laid her eyes on.

Her hand slips inside the dress, squeezing my breast again. Her eyes were still a bit wide in surprise, her arms crossed defensively, seductive lesbian stories. She couldn't keep her gaze steady, her chocolate eyes darkened by lust as they roamed all over Isabelle's body.

Received an email from us, or wondering if something changed at Smashwords? Check our 'Site Updates' for the latest news. Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our FAQ? Ask it below. Hot summer of was coming to an end. Laura was a girl that lived in a Southern town; town so small that only a few years ago everyone met at the same movie theater and the local ice cream place housed every teacher, classmate and neighbor in the city.

This bundle contains six steamy, exciting short stories of lesbian erotic romance! Please note, these stories are also available individually. Megan's Lesbian Seduction Megan, a freelance writer, is asked by her friend to perform a special favor: take some intimate pictures of her to use on a website. At first she's confused, but happy to help her friend. Then she starts to realize she thinks of Jenny in a completely different light. Megan's feelings are leading her into a lust she's never known before, and now all she needs to know is if her friend feels the same way. Lesbian Friends Liz is divorced and curious.

Seductive lesbian stories

Welcome to Audiodesires. We create short, erotic audio stories for women and couples, bringing your most intimate fantasies to life. Here you'll find lesbian sex stories featuring sexy tales of women who are unafraid to satisfy their appetites together in our carefully curated podcast collection of erotic lesbian sex stories. Join us here on Spotify to listen to sneak previews of some of our favorite stories to help improve your overall health and sexual wellbeing. For exclusive access to hundreds more stories, visit us at Audiodesires. During the day, you have a typical working relationship with the intense head chef, but at night, when the restaurant's closed and it's just you two in the kitchen, you take your games of power and control to the next level. Join us for more free lesbian erotic audio stories! Climb into the backseat for a fun and spontaneous hookup neither of you will forget. Finish off your hot afternoon in the garden with a sensual cooldown beneath the maple tree.


Erotic stories. At my door, she puts the second key into the slot, turns, and then pauses. She gulped hard, realizing how dry her mouth was. You know, summer? I close my thighs to keep her hand exactly there, wanting her to go deeper into me while my tongue finds new ways to explore the woman she is. No, those titties were nice and firm, with a nice playful bounce to them as she walked down the hall to her next class. She drags me to the bar, orders two shots of something, and hands me one. My other half has a job that takes him abroad for weeks at a time, which leaves me on my own for longer than I want to be; she was on her own, having dumped her man who was by all accounts useless. I lean back into the wall, looking down at my feet, hands behind me, feeling shyer than I can ever recall being before. Where stories live. I had just gotten into bed, pulled the blankets up, and grabbed my copy of Pride and Prejudice for what was probably my th reading, when my phone rang. You'll also like. Your E-mail: Subject: Describe your issue. You buy me a drink for dragging your lame ass out of your apartment and providing you with an awesome Saturday night?

Account Options Ieiet. Nancy Brockton. Lesbian Seduction…the very idea sends thrills of excitement through the body.

I have to get home. I feel her hand reach back to my parted legs, fingers finding my wet wanting and slipping into me. And that may be just the thing that contributed to her shyness. Put some clothes on. She needs no second request. Near my ear. I let one of my hands move over to her body, slipping between her legs and touching gently. Also, easy access if someone wants to get under the skirt! There is a rising in the gyrations on my face, a frenzied downward thrusting to take all from me. She gripped the door frame in order to steady herself.

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