sexiest african american actors

Sexiest african american actors

From ages 21 to 80's, some of the finest and most talented Black men in Hollywood In Alphabetical Order. Actor Black Panther. Michael B. He is the son of Donna Davisa high school counselor, and Michael A.

Feast your eyes on this crowd ranking of the hottest Black men of who are causing a storm across the globe with their talent, charm, and irresistible good looks. Featuring actors, singers, rappers, and more, this list celebrates Black male celebrities from different fields who possess not just good looks, but also immense talent and remarkable personalities. These attractive men, who are setting the benchmark for Black excellence, are ranked by adoring fans, keen to show their support and admiration. Michael B. Jordan is recognized not only for his seductive charm and well-chiseled physique, but also for his remarkable acting versatility. Michael Ealy, with his striking blue eyes and aura of mystery, continues to captivate audience's hearts while delivering eloquent performances on the silver screen.

Sexiest african american actors

Here are some of the Black actors we run to the theaters to see! Did we name your favorite? Son of Denzel Washington, John David Washington , brings that classic handsomeness just like his father in all of his films and on Broadway stages! Will Smith has had people swooning over him since the 90s! Jonathan Majors has been causing a frenzy lately from the February Ebony photoshoot you know the one to his newest movie roles showing off his perfectly sculpted body. Denzel Washington will always be known for being one of the most attractive and talented actors in Hollywood with his smooth talking and beautiful smile. Michael B. Jordan has been drawing crowds to theaters for years from his looks alone! Boris Kodjoe is the eye candy we look forward to seeing every week on Station People also love him for his dedication to his wife of almost 20 years , Nicole Ari Parker. Jesse Williams, known most for his role as Dr.

Those Lips.

Voting rules: Choose the actor you think is the most handsome! This is a community-based ranking of the most handsome African American actor. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or actor is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking! Michael B. A participant may cast an up or down vote for each actor once every 24 hours.

From any era and genre, these are the greatest African American actors in film history, ranked by the community to determine who is the best African American actor of all time. These top Black actors are the best of the best and many are also among the best living actors today. From those who have portrayed classic Black characters , to award winning actors, only the best African American male actors are on this list. Click here to vote on the best Black actresses. Who are the greatest African American actors in film? Including Oscar winners, like Denzel Washington, classic actors, like Sidney Poitier, and movie stars, like Will Smith , each of the famous Black actors on this list has earned his place with an excellent body of work and memorable performances. Some African American comedians and rappers are also on this list, having found success in a movie, or two. From young to old, the popular Black male actors that are featured on this list include some of the best actors of all time including, Morgan Freeman, Don Cheadle, Samuel L. Is the African American actor you think is best not on the list? Add him to make a truly comprehensive list to determine the best African American leading Hollywood men.

Sexiest african american actors

Here are some of the Black actors we run to the theaters to see! Did we name your favorite? Son of Denzel Washington, John David Washington , brings that classic handsomeness just like his father in all of his films and on Broadway stages! Will Smith has had people swooning over him since the 90s! Jonathan Majors has been causing a frenzy lately from the February Ebony photoshoot you know the one to his newest movie roles showing off his perfectly sculpted body. Denzel Washington will always be known for being one of the most attractive and talented actors in Hollywood with his smooth talking and beautiful smile.

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More Daniel Kaluuya. Actor The Oath. He is the middle of three children of a beautician mother, Lennis, from Georgia, and a Pentecostal minister father, Denzel Washington, Sr. Actor Mayans M. Tell Your Friends Share this list:. Hounsou has graced the catwalks of Paris and London as a popular male model. They have one child. Most divisive: Tyrese Gibson. Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. Actor Blood Diamond. Will Smith has had people swooning over him since the 90s! Actor Beasts of No Nation. From there he performed in several stage productions, including the Off-Broadway Tim Wakefield, who died Oct. His brothers are actors Larron Tate and Lahmard J.

Actor In the Heat of the Night. He grew up in poverty as the son of farmers, with his father also driving a cab in Nassau.

Add a new actor. He attended Benedict College where he was mentored and groomed his drama professor Scott Blanks. A man of many talents, he started his music career as a DJ under the moniker DJ Big Driis, producing and performing in various genres, including hip hop, soul, and reggae. Danny Glover Actor Lethal Weapon Actor, producer and humanitarian Danny Glover has been a commanding presence on screen, stage and television for more than 35 years. Ballard was last seen as Dr. Aging Like Fine Wine. Steph Curry, born as Wardell Stephen Curry II on March 14, , in Akron, Ohio, has become one of the most influential figures in the realm of professional basketball. Michael Irby Actor Mayans M. Then check back later to see if your favorite Black celebrity men topped the list! Eddie Lee Colter Sr. Ealy's talent isn't confined to comedic roles. Kodjoe was born in Vienna, Austria, the As an actor, he is best

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