Shrek porn comics

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Shrek porn comics

Skip to main content. You are here Home » Rule 34 » Shrek » Shrek album. Add new comment. Anonymous not verified. Oh fuck yes! God I love Shrek I wanna lick has asshole as he stomps my cock into smithereens god Shrek makes me so hard. Did you make an account of shrek, just to comment this? Who is joe; and why are they my mama. I banged your mom. Yeah well I banged your dad. And I banged your Nan. And I banged your grandad. I havent found a dragon i wanted to cum for so bad in so long!

You are here Home » Rule 34 » Shrek » Shrek album. Hot Simpsons, dirty Ariel and more Nasty toons. Legend Quest.


Shrek , a grouchy, mean, selfish green ogre that has always enjoyed living in peaceful solitude in his swamp, finds his life disrupted when numerous fairytale beings, including Pinocchio , the Three Little Pigs , and Donkey , are forced into the swamp by order of the obsessive, perfectionistic, fairy-tale despising Lord Farquaad. Shrek leaves the swamp to ask Farquaad for the return of his privacy, with Donkey happily tagging along. Meanwhile, Farquaad tortures the Gingerbread Man into revealing the whereabouts of the remaining fairytale creatures until his guards rush in with an object Farquaad has been searching for: the Magic Mirror. The Mirror tells him that Farquaad can only become a real king by marrying a princess completely disregarding his original question regarding if his kingdom was the fairest of them all. Farquaad chooses Fiona and silences the Mirror before he can mention "the little thing that happens at night" which is later revealed to be a curse. Shrek and Donkey arrive at Farquaad's palace in Duloc, where they find themselves in the midst of a tournament. The winner will have the "privilege" of attempting to rescue Fiona from a castle surrounded by lava and protected by a fire-breathing dragon so that Farquaad may marry her. Shrek with some help from Donkey easily beats the other knights in a fashion that resembles a wrestling match and Farquaad agrees to remove the fairytale creatures from the swamp if Shrek rescues Fiona. Shrek and Donkey travel to the castle and split up to find Fiona.

Shrek porn comics

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