skyrim meme

Skyrim meme

Ah, Skyrim - the title that Bethesda still refuses to let go of.

Bethesda's Skyrim will be ten years old come November 11th, , and much to no one's surprise, it is still played to this day. The game's foundation itself lends to nearly limitless replayability, but couple that with nearly a decade of dedicated mod support from passionate fans, as well as various re-releases much to the chagrin and amusement of fans, it is not surprising that Skyrim has endured as long as it has. Because of this longevity, the memes centered on the game still hold amazing staying power. Traveling by foot, whether one is a casual player wanting to get where they are going as quickly as possible or a hardcore role-player who insists on never fast traveling and soaking in the ambiance; all Skyrim fans are slaves to the objective marker. This meme showcases the predicament that most players find themselves in when they suddenly realize that in their bid to follow a straight route towards the objective, they are now stuck on the side of a steep mountain, spamming the jump button to not fall to their death.

Skyrim meme


Being the Dragonborn is a full-time job. With that in mind, I am proud to present to you 25 of the most-hilarious Skyrim memes out skyrim meme.


What makes something a classic? The answer is complicated, but staying power is always a factor. In the relatively new and constantly changing space of video games, anything that people keep playing for years and years has the makings of a classic. In , The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is still frequently played and widely discussed, which marks it out as a classic for a single-player game, and no one's ever gotten over that sense of fun and adventure it brought with it. Of course, a game that stays popular for a decade will generate new memes all the time, especially after people got over Fus Ro Dah and I Took an Arrow in the Knee jokes nearly 10 years ago. When people are always playing the classic game, there's always new content to joke about, whether it be game glitches or character design. Even in , there's a brave new world of Skyrim memes out there, and we've collected the best below. Source: Reddit. View All Related Memes.

Skyrim meme

Bethesda's Skyrim will be ten years old come November 11th, , and much to no one's surprise, it is still played to this day. The game's foundation itself lends to nearly limitless replayability, but couple that with nearly a decade of dedicated mod support from passionate fans, as well as various re-releases much to the chagrin and amusement of fans, it is not surprising that Skyrim has endured as long as it has. Because of this longevity, the memes centered on the game still hold amazing staying power. Traveling by foot, whether one is a casual player wanting to get where they are going as quickly as possible or a hardcore role-player who insists on never fast traveling and soaking in the ambiance; all Skyrim fans are slaves to the objective marker. This meme showcases the predicament that most players find themselves in when they suddenly realize that in their bid to follow a straight route towards the objective, they are now stuck on the side of a steep mountain, spamming the jump button to not fall to their death. Truly, a classic problem. The news that Microsoft had purchased Bethesda Softworks along with all of their IP's was one of the most industry-shaking bombshells to hit the news last year. With their current attitude towards studio acquisitions though, there seems to be little reason to worry. Companies appear to be able to maintain their autonomy while now being able to access the resources of a juggernaut in the industry like Microsoft. With that in mind, one fan decided to take a jab at Bethesda's notorious reputation of releasing buggy products with this hilarious meme pointing out how unpolished games should be less of a possibility thanks to Papa Microsoft.

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As well as two rather large metal plates and a metal mug. Leaving the Special Edition aside, there is almost nothing that sets the current version of the title apart from the original one from six years ago. Sure, they could cause you a lot of trouble, but only if you let them. They are only encountered randomly on the road and if they have no business with the player, they have little to say. Just imagine hearing a different "Yo Momma" joke, depending on which city you are in or the size of your bounty. We stuff them in zoos and hunt them for their hide, while all they want is to be left in peace. However, due to the nature of the Internet and the average gamer, there have been some questionable mods too. In every RPG, there are certain classes and archetypes that work best. While we are on the subject of Skyrim horses, we have to admit that they sort of make sense. One never knows what they can find when traversing the frozen lands of Skyrim. Most players probably appreciate the inclusion of the bard NPCs and how their songs will add atmosphere to any tavern, but it is more likely than not that most Dragonborn do not stick around just to listen to a bard's song. Fus Ro Dah is so powerful that it can an entire platoon of guards fly off a cliff or into a building, smashing their skeletons to dust. People around the globe have created some wonderful things thanks to that.

Even so, there seem to be no signs of a deteriorating cultural impact for the game.

How many times have you found yourself saying that you will go to bed after completing this small quest, or crafting that specific weapon, just to realize that it's seven o'clock in the morning, the sun is rising, and you have one hour to get to the office? So, maybe the horses in Skyrim are some sort of a mixed breed? In a popular movie franchise, for example, they were called Jedi and made some poor soldiers ignore the fact that these are in fact the droids they are looking for. The idea that Adrianne's kindness, in offering the use of her forge to the Dragonborn, could be abused in such a way makes for an objectively funny meme. In The Elder Scrolls games, there are so many different potions that you are bound to collect more than you actually need. Like a particularly agile mosquito or a fly that refuses to stop landing on you. Not only will you be moving much faster than on your own two feet, but you will have fewer troubles picking a route. However, due to the nature of the Internet and the average gamer, there have been some questionable mods too. Just imagine what would have happened if it was used on the pigs' houses. After all, you never know when the Dragonborn will get bored of the side quests and will decide to wreak havoc all over Skyrim. These revelations come in a variety of forms - screenshots, videos, Reddit posts, and so on. Out of the several hundred hours I have spent in Skyrim and Oblivion , at least one hundred of them were spent decorating my various homes. That's how many iron weapons and useless armors she has been carrying for you.

2 thoughts on “Skyrim meme

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