Sofia coppola archive canada

Whenever Sofia Coppola wraps a film, she throws all of her memories into a box: script drafts, magazine clippings, Polaroids from costume fittings. Anything that took up space on her desk or got pinned to a bulletin board during filming.

The Special Edition is now sold out. You can purchase the standard book edition here. Archive is the first book by Sofia Coppola, covering the entirety of her singular and influential career in film. An art book personally edited and annotated throughout by Coppola, Archive offers an intimate encounter with her methods, references, and collaborators and an unprecedented insight into her working processes. This special edition includes a signed first edition of Archive alongside a signed and numbered print of a collage of two photographs by Sofia Coppola of Cailee Spaeny as Priscilla Presley in Priscilla , housed together in an embossed clamshell case.

Sofia coppola archive canada


You've landed on our EU site. What can you tell me about your process going into each film in terms of sourcing visual inspiration?


As such, I received and unboxed it very close to its launch, and my goodness… the response was epic. At time of writing, the analytics are astonishing: my unboxing videos typically get about views— views, ever. Archive hit views in 25 days and here, just over 2 months after its release, viewers have clicked the video times and watched for a total of hours and almost a dozen left comments. Viewers typically watch my videos for about 3 hours and almost never comment. What I am a fan of is archives, and find it sort of fascinating to see what photographers and photography-adjacent figures collect and how those collections impact their work. And I love the sort of photobook-as-collage or, rather, collage-as-photobook form that Archive takes. Coppola introduces each film and shares brief anecdotes about various photographs throughout, and through these I came to recognize a sort of kinship with the director, a kind of kindred spirit thing.

Sofia coppola archive canada

Contact Stocklist Advertise Internships Support. What is the nature of control? The desire for it—and to be free of it—are essential parts of both life and art. Back in , Sofia Coppola's office was photographed for Vogue. The space is a tornado of magazine clippings, doe-eyed faces, strewn manilla folders and pink peonies. Archive , published with Mack Books, is a tidier display of her process. In her more than two decades of filmmaking, Coppola has carved out an auteurism and a fanbase devoted to her seven films soon to be eight, with the release of Pricilla in October. Or Bill Murray.

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There were a few moments where I thought, Oh God, am I just repeating myself? Sofia Coppola: I had been approached before, but I just never really thought about doing one. Powered by Shopify. But I have a Contax T3 camera that I typically use. I thought about making them into their own book or staging an exhibit but just never got around to it. There was so much to look at and it really helped me rediscover the joy of taking photos again. So much goes into making a movie that you kinda forget how hard it is to get them made. You've landed on our EU site. I would say this is the best-edited version of my archives. Elvis Presley, but she chose to find her own way. What about the film made you excited to pick up a camera again? Switch to our US site to continue shopping and for local delivery. Photo: Courtesy of Andrew Durham. New Books Coming Soon. Whenever Sofia Coppola wraps a film, she throws all of her memories into a box: script drafts, magazine clippings, Polaroids from costume fittings.

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What can you tell me about your process going into each film in terms of sourcing visual inspiration? I would say this is the best-edited version of my archives. Blog Podcast Artists. I ended up asking him if I could use some of them in my book. She moved out and let us totally take over her home. Did reflecting on your career so intimately for this book make you view your work any differently? What were the types of things you found that made you excited about the prospect of turning them into a book? Set dressing from Marie Antoinette This special edition includes a signed first edition of Archive alongside a signed and numbered print of a collage of two photographs by Sofia Coppola of Cailee Spaeny as Priscilla Presley in Priscilla , housed together in an embossed clamshell case. There were a few moments where I thought, Oh God, am I just repeating myself? Aside from all of the set photography, the best part of the book is seeing all of your different visual references for each film—the photos of young Brooke Shields for The Virgin Suicides , the John Galliano photoshoots for Marie Antoinette.

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