street fight documentary

Street fight documentary

Other credits include Rory Kennedy executive producerLiz Garbus executive producerMary Manhardt additional editorMarisa Karplus associate producerCatherine Jones associate producerand Adam Etline story consultant, street fight documentary. The film details the hard-fought mayoral campaign by a young community activist and City Council member Booker against a year incumbent mayor James with a powerful political machine.

Sign In. Street Fight Hide Spoilers. AlanTES 3 May This film won the audience choice award at the Tribeca Film Festival, and it certainly deserved it. Amazingly enough, this is Marshall Curry's first film. I truly hope to see more films from him.

Street fight documentary

Back in , Chris Hegedus and D. Pennebaker's The War Room showed how spin doctors in backrooms managed Bill Clinton's presidential campaign. Both are Democrats, and both are black, but that is where the similarity stops. While the Yale-educated year-old idealist Booker fights his battles with facts and arguments, the year-old self-made James plays on sentiment. But this is not all. Curry reveals how the city police, as the strong arm of incumbent James, play a dubious role in the campaign. Booker's election posters are removed, the companies that support him are fined or closed down, and he himself is repeatedly barred from public places. And then there is the incident in which someone from the Booker camp is branded a terrorist and removed from a meeting. Meanwhile, the documentary filmmakers have their own problems, as bruisers from the James camp repeatedly send them packing as they try to film an election rally. Owing to his perseverance and ironic comments, Curry provides a humorous glimpse behind the scenes of an election that has little to do with the American democratic ideal. Institute Festival Professionals. IDFA

Shot with a hand held camera and edited street fight documentary a Mac, Curry the film-maker mirrors the determination and resolve of his main subject, political challenger Cory Booker. James goes to every extent to solidify his position, even slander Booker's name with claims that are not even true.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Street Fight Not Rated 1h 23m. Play trailer Director Marshall Curry.

The hadoukens will soon be flying again, as Legendary Entertainment has acquired the rights to the classic video game franchise Street Fighter , according to Deadline. The studio will reportedly get to work on a number of Street Fighter -related projects, including a live-action feature film that is currently in development. Details on this upcoming film are slim. However, Legendary will collaborate directly with Street Fighter game developer Capcom on the project, which will additionally act as a co-producer. While no casting or production window has been reported, it seems that Legendary is moving full-steam ahead with the feature. However, that is not the only Street Fighter media on the horizon, as Legendary acquired not only the franchise's film rights but also television rights.

Street fight documentary

Other credits include Rory Kennedy executive producer , Liz Garbus executive producer , Mary Manhardt additional editor , Marisa Karplus associate producer , Catherine Jones associate producer , and Adam Etline story consultant. The film details the hard-fought mayoral campaign by a young community activist and City Council member Booker against a year incumbent mayor James with a powerful political machine. The documentary follows Booker and several of his campaign workers from their early days of door-knocking on Newark streets through the campaign's dramatic conclusion. Through the course of the film, Booker's living conditions, race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, political affiliations, and position in Newark are questioned. From to , Booker lived in Brick Towers, one of the city's worst public housing buildings, which some accused to be a tactic for acceptance by his constituents.

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He was a high school all-American football player and graduated from Yale University. See the full list. Seeing this crap on camera is something nothing James or his people could justify--no matter how "good" or qualified he was. Cory Booker, the lighter skinned man running for mayor, runs a clean campaign about fighting against poverty and crime. But Booker questions the value of the mayor's policies to the city's poorer neighborhoods and residents. He slurs Booker's ethnicity for not being black enough, he calls in paid supporters from out of state, he gets his team to tear down Booker's signs. Photos 7. Chris Christie Self - U. The most controversial claim that he makes results in a central theme of the documentary; James questions whether or not Booker is "black enough" to fairly represent the people. Cornel West Self. The New Yorker. Unfortunately, while sick, this is something that cannot be eliminated from politics--after all, there is a First Amendment freedom of speech which allows them to distort or defame--the SAME amendment that supposedly ensures Booker supporters freedom of the press! Many business owners were asked to donate and when they refused the "we'll remember when we win" threat was used numerous times. Was this review helpful?

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Chris Christie Self - U. Contents move to sidebar hide. James goes to every extent to solidify his position, even slander Booker's name with claims that are not even true. Involved TV Channel. In Street Fight, we see a newcomer trying to unseat an incumbent that has a year hold on office, and is not afraid to use all the power at his disposal to crush this upstart. Trivia All entries contain spoilers. Details Edit. Jen Bluestein Self. See the list. This movie is a commercial for Cory Booker. Edit page. A truly disturbing, but interesting film to say the least. Or go to myspace. Newark definitely still has a long way to go, but in my opinion, James left it in much better shape than when he got there in

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