strunk white elements of style

Strunk white elements of style

The Elements of Style is a style guide to writing American Englishpublished in numerous editions. The original was written by William Strunk Jr. White greatly enlarged and revised the book for publication by Macmillan in

Here, succinctly, elegantly and without fuss are the essentials of writing clear, correct English. It's as timeless as a book can be in our age of volubility. What he says and his way of saying it are equally rewarding. Should be the daily companion of anyone who writes for a living, and for that matter, anyone who writes at all. Daily News. Paul Dispatch — Pioneer Press.

Strunk white elements of style

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. The Elements of Style. William Strunk Jr. This style manual offers practical advice on improving writing skills. Throughout, the emphasis is on promoting a plain English style. This little book can help you communicate more effectively by showing you how to enliven your sentences. Loading interface About the author. White , author of The Elements of Style Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text.

Claim, vb. The temperature reaches 90 or 95 degrees in the daytime; at the same time the nights are often chilly. When I read, typographical and grammatical errors leap off the page, assailing my eyeballs, demanding to be noticed.

Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including inconsistencies in spelling and hyphenation. Some corrections of spelling and punctuation have been made. They are marked like this in the text. The original text appears when hovering the cursor over the marked text. A list of amendments is at the end of the text. This book aims to give in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style.

The Elements of Style is a style guide to writing American English , published in numerous editions. The original was written by William Strunk Jr. White greatly enlarged and revised the book for publication by Macmillan in American wit Dorothy Parker said, regarding the book:. If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second-greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first-greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they're happy. Harcourt republished it in page format in

Strunk white elements of style

Grammarians rejoice! The classic little book "The Elements of Style" -- the English classroom staple that urges omitting needless words, explains subject-verb agreement and savors the active voice -- turns The story behind it began at Cornell University. In a New Yorker column, writer E. Further, he described the page treatise, first published in , as a "case for cleanliness, accuracy, and brevity in the use of English. Published April 16, , Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style" went on to win critical acclaim and total sales of more than 10 million copies. The tome proved so popular, that it earned a nickname "Strunk and White. Strunk and White peaked at No.

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That book is even supported by standardized English test books studied by non-native speakers. The book suggests that we use the present tense or the past tense. Coming is an exception. The examples are hilarious and perfectly suited for instruction. Always written as two words. Quotations introduced by that are regarded as in indirect discourse and not enclosed in quotation marks. It is light-hearted and often humorous, and presents language and communication in a thoughtful way. Having trouble figuring out whether your ear is "good", your adverb is "awkward", or your writing is "over"? In the sentence,. Reviews with images. Page 48 : embarass embarrass. An exception may be made of sentences of transition, indicating the relation between the parts of an exposition or argument. Readers are smart. Correlative expressions both, and ; not, but ; not only, but also ; either, or ; first, second, third ; and the like should be followed by the same grammatical construction, that is, virtually, by the same part of speech. All writing is communication; creative writing is communication through revelation — it is the Self escaping into the open.

Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including inconsistencies in spelling and hyphenation.

As a general practice, give the references in parenthesis or in footnotes, not in the body of the sentence. Each rule covered has multiple examples attached to it for proficient understanding and it managed to be both highly informative, whilst offering me nothing new. You cannot subvert and idea unless you understand it, and you cannot communicate anything to your reader that doesn't have a basis in their experiences and understanding. It cleary spells out the rules of English grammar, and provides examples to explain each guideline. Likewise, this agreement to abide by these rules means that we can teach communication. Shall we look at some examples? Divided into. For example - Do not inject opinion. I'll tell you right now that every aspiring writer should read The Elements of Style. Contrast with them the sentences in the paragraphs quoted under Rule 9 , or in any piece of good English prose, as the preface Before the Curtain to Vanity Fair. Readers tend to consider it warranted that Strunk's Style lists absolute rules, but authors do not seem to profess that. The object of treating each topic in a paragraph by itself is, of course, to aid the reader. For about a year and a half I taught that course and was convinced it was impossible to teach grammar - but I didn't have the right tool. The people of France however were suffering from burdensome taxation oppressive social injustice and acute scarcity of food and their representatives refused to consider projects of taxation until social and economic reforms should be granted. Meredith Trying to catch up!

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