surah nisa with urdu translation

Surah nisa with urdu translation

Surah an nisa with urdu translation download and read online besturdubook. Surah an nisa with urdu translation in urdu besturdubook. Download Now Download to read offline.

Fear your Lord Who created you from a single soul and made its mate from within it, and from thatpair spread many men and women and fear Allah in Whose name you ask for your rights and pay attention tothe ties of relationship. Allah is watching you all time. And give the orphans their property and do not exchange dirty for the clean and consume not their propertymixing it with your property. Undoubtedly, it is a great sin. And if you apprehend that you will not be able to do justice to orphan girls, then marry such other women asseem good to you, two, three, four, but if you are afraid that you will not be able to keep two wives on equalterms, then marry one only or captives whom you own.

Surah nisa with urdu translation


Al-Zalzalah Al-Qadr


Your browser does not support the audio element. Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women. Be careful of your duty toward Allah in Whom ye claim your rights of one another, and toward the wombs that bare you. Allah hath been a watcher over you. For this is indeed a great sin. Exchange not the good for the bad in your management thereof nor absorb their wealth into your own wealth.

Surah nisa with urdu translation

All information on IslamicFinder. If you find any inappropriate material or links leading to inappropriate materials , kindly contact us. Y a ayyuh a a l nn a su ittaqoo rabbakumu alla th ee khalaqakum min nafsin w ah idatin wakhalaqa minh a zawjah a wabaththa minhum a rij a lan katheeran wanis a an wa i ttaqoo All a ha alla th ee tas a aloona bihi wa a lar ha ma inna All a ha k a na AAalaykum raqeeb an.

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And whom Allah leads astray, you shall not thenfind a way for him. And as to those women whose disobedience you fear, thenadmonish them and sleep apart from them, and beat them lightly , then if they come under your command,then seek not any way of excess against them. Al-Mutaffife And what was the harm, if they would have faith in Allah and the Last Day and spent out of what Allah hasgiven them? Prophet If there had not been the grace and mercy of Allah upon you, then some people ofthem had wished to defraud you. Yes, but those of them who are firm in knowledge and believe, they believe in that which O beloved prophet has been sent down to you and that which was sent down before you, and the establishers of prayer and giverof poor due Zakat and the believers in Allah and the Last Day, to such, We shall soon give a great reward. And this is easy for Allah. And quarrel not from the side of deceivers. Al-Kahf Al-Mujadila Surah an nisa with urdu translation download and read online besturdubook. Al-Muminun Ar-Rum


Then it is likelihood that as for such Allah will pardon. Then those who accepted faith and did good deeds, after paying them their wages in full, He will give themmore out of His Grace, and those who were scornful and proud, He will give them a painful torment. And whose disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His all limits; Allah will cause him to enter theFire, in which he will abide and for him is degrading torment. Those who use to watch your position, then if you get victory from Allah, they say, 'Were We not with you, andif the infidels had a share, then they say to them, 'Had we not control over you? And whoso does evil or wrongs his own soul, thereafter seeks forgiveness of Allah shall find Allah Forgiving, sMerciful. Undoubtedly, Allah is knowing, Aware. But if they, of their own pleasure of heart remit something of it toyou, then consume it with taste and pleasure. Hiljadu Zamki. Road transport brta motor vehicle inspector examination question paper And Allahis knowing, Wise. Ar-Rum Whoso desires the reward of the world then with Allah is the reward both of the world and of the Hereafter. Al-Lail And there is no fault upon you, if you are in trouble due to rain or you are sick that you put aside your arms,but you carry your means of protection with you. Undoubtedly, the infidels are your open enemies.

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