Talon build

Talon middle has a The best Talon players have a

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. This lane is very easy pre Even though Akali's shroud can be annoying she can't really do anything pre 6. Her Q energy cost is too much for her to trade with you.

Talon build

Talon's abilities apply a stack of Wound to enemy champions and large monsters hit for 6 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. Damaging the same target again resets Wound duration. If an enemy champion is killed while bleeding, Talon gains bonus Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds. The high Armor Pen is, the faster the dash and cast speed of this ability will be. Upon reaching maximum range, the daggers linger for 0. How to recast : Tap the ability 1 second after the first cast to recast. The ability will automatically be cast again when invisibility expires or is disabled. Using attacks or Noxian Diplomacy to exit invisibility causes the blades to converge toward the target enemy instead. Talon's strength comes from his roaming capabilities, especially with Assassin's Path. Being able to jump over walls is one of the craziest but strongest abilities in the game. This allows him to get to places and escape like no one else can. However, Talon can struggle in the early game as a melee champion. Making sure you play safe and farm minions until level 5 will be crucial to your success. Talon can also be played in the Jungle; make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page. The build with Talon in the jungle is the same.

Weak Weak Against. This matchup is Asked by TheAssasin on June 17,

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Talon Mid, Jungler. Summoner Spells.

Want to contribute to this wiki? Sign up for an account, and get started! You can even turn off ads in your preferences. Come join the LoL Wiki community Discord server! Talon is a champion in League of Legends. Innate: Talon's abilities apply a stack of Wound to enemy champions and large monsters hit for 6 seconds, refreshing on basic attacks and subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. The target cannot gain Wound stacks during this time. Active: Talon dashes toward the target enemy, dealing physical damage upon arrival. Noxian Diplomacy resets Talon's basic attack timer. Shadow Assault can be cast during the dash.

Talon build

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. This lane is very easy pre Even though Akali's shroud can be annoying she can't really do anything pre 6. Her Q energy cost is too much for her to trade with you.

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Worst case scenario is if she ults you and runs away with E so dont let her land a good ult on you lol. Jungle CS:. Stay behind minions since his Q do more damage to the first target it hits. The ability will automatically be cast again when invisibility expires or is disabled. Conclusion Overall, Talon is a more straightforward champion to play than other assassins. Hitting Talon's Q in melee range will be a guarantee crit. At level 6, if you know her shroud is down you can go in for a WQR combo to kill her. Vote Comment. Core Build. Noxian Diplomacy Q Q.

This build has been archived by the author.

I liked this Guide. February 11, Making sure you play safe and farm minions until level 5 will be crucial to your success. Lux players will usually bring barrier and stay under turret so it'll be impossible to kill them unless you get them low enough with your W to Flash all-in them. If the Vex holds her fear, you won't be able to kill her as easily, so just shove and look for roams. Using attacks or Noxian Diplomacy to exit invisibility causes the blades to converge toward the target enemy instead. Talon counters well. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Stay away from minions as she will want to Q you along with minions. My best tip is to rush Steelcaps, get ganks, or hit two Ws and all in at level 6. Talon vaults over the nearest structure or terrain in a target direction.

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