terra teen titans

Terra teen titans

The Titans meet and befriend an insecure girl named Terra who has tremendous power.

During the Teen Titans Season 2 finale, "Aftershock Part 2," former member Terra sacrifices herself and defeats the villain Slade , but turns into stone in the process. The character was thought to be frozen until the Season 5 series finale, "Things Change," when Beast Boy comes across a girl who looks exactly like Terra. Although the episode's conclusion doesn't verify whether this girl is Terra, Teen Titans provides a few possibilities on how she came back to life. The shapeshifter immediately tells the team about his discovery, but Cyborg and Raven explain that they already tried reviving her with their powers without any success. This leads Beast Boy to return to the place of her statue, which he finds is missing. He later discovers that the girl from the aforementioned battle is a student at a local high school and persuades her to eat pizza with him.

Terra teen titans

Terra : You said you'd be my friend no matter what, remember? Beast Boy : Slade was right. You don't have any friends. Raven : Terra. Terra : Raven. Raven : Traitor. Terra : Witch. Terra : My name is Terra and I have done horrible things. I have sworn to serve a dark master. I have obeyed his every command and commited crimes in his name. I have betrayed and attacked everyone who used to be my friend. One-by-one I have destroyed the Teen Titans. And with no one left to stop me I have brought an entire city to its knees.

Dark Secret : Only in her mind really.

El personaje fue creado con una vida finita prevista. Eso incluye Terra 1 y 2. Hemos estado trabajando con Terra durante meses y meses tratando de encontrar y desarrollar lo que tiene de especial. Todo lo que hace es para ayudar a otras personas y en el servicio de la vida". Finalmente, los capturados Titanes fueron llevados por Deathstroke ante H.

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Terra is a major character in the Teen Titans series, who is based of the character with the same name in the Teen Titans comics. In this incarnation, unlike her comic book counterpart who was portrayed as a irredeemable psychopath, she was a sympathetic character whom was a former member of the Teen Titans, whose role as a hero or villain is complicated. Until the events in episodes Aftershock Part 1 and Aftershock Part 2, she was confused, and wished to be a heroine and friend of the Teen Titans. In her childhood, Terra was always a "hard-headed child", confused about who she was and who she was supposed to be.

Terra teen titans

From the beginning of 's Teen Titans series, the five young heroes have already become established crime-fighters in Jump City. However, they all found their way there from different places and for different reasons. Robin, Batman's well-known number two , likely traveled from Gotham as his ties to Batman are acknowledged briefly in the series. Beast Boy, a former member of the Doom Patrol, set out for Jump City alone after rejecting the Patrol's harsh leadership style. Cyborg was lonely and adrift after high-tech body enhancements both saved his life and left him ostracized- that is, until he found Starfire. Starfire originates from the planet Tamaran, a place where its people harness and strengthen their powers through emotion.

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Here she is a troubled, short-tempered girl with issues with her alcoholic mother with the ability to control the earth around her, and in a relationship with Cyborg. Photos Add photo. Retired Badass : She gave up her failed superhero life for a happier and more fullfiling life as a high schooler. There, they suffer torture, experiments, and fight each other in order to remain. She answers to find Beast Boy, who gives her a heart shaped box that he made for her and proceeds to ask her on a date. The two of them had fun together that night, but this was all until Slade came in and told everything about who she really was. You boys ready to rock? Terra causes the earth to break beneath them and sends them underground, apparently crushing them. She is now dating Aqualad. Terra manages to escape, but Beast Boy is crushed. The experiments worked, but she could not control them, so she ran away so she would not hurt anyone.

She possesses the ability to telekinetically manipulate the earth.

Ultimately, Love Redeems and she sacrifices herself to save Beast Boy and her other former teammates from Slade. She was gifted with tremendous power, and cursed with it as well. She even had the nerve to beg Beast Boy not to attack her despite her attempts on their lives the previous episode. By then the psychosis was so bad, she tried to kill us all. With her most difficult battles being against herself, Terra and her story represents a key aspect of what Teen Titans is ultimately about: the choice between good and evil is just that- a choice- and "it's never too late" to do the right thing. Dick is briefly rescued by Wally, and the two call Superman for help, but Gaia's heightened powers allow her to even defeat Superman by drawing all of Earth's kryptonite to her, subsequently triggering massive earthquakes just to make it clear to the few survivors of this attack that she is now in control of Earth. Terra suggests breaking the computer with a rock, but Raven disagrees stops Terra from trying it. Scott Menville Robin voice. Glowing Eyes of Doom : Terra's eyes glow yellow when she uses her geokinesis. Terra : Uh, Earth, walked, red, and, sure. Related news.

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