The amazing spider man mary jane

She is the second of two children, with her elder sister Gayle having been born four years earlier. Due to her family's constant moving as a result of her father's various teaching jobsMary Jane began developing a more extroverted and carefree personality, a trait which helped her make friends as the Watson's moved from one location to the next.

If you buy something from a Polygon link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. For an entire year, Amazing Spider-Man has been teasing readers with its set up. Why is Mary Jane dating some guy who has two elementary school age children? And now Amazing Spider-Man is finally getting around to explaining what it was.

The amazing spider man mary jane

When it was revealed that Mary Jane had children in Zeb Wells' run on The Amazing Spider-Man , the immediate response from fans was to question how she could possibly reunite with Peter Parker. It was revealed that Mary Jane's children were in fact never real, and merely complicated bindings used by Rabin to find her. With their purpose fulfilled, the children were wiped from existence , leaving Mary Jane to grieve her loss. As traumatic as this experience is though, it might actually provide her with a path back to Peter. It's no secret that fans heavily dislike her current relationship with Paul, but the sudden loss of their children might force their relationship into a downward spiral that could result in them breaking up. If so, then the chance exists that she could try to patch things up with Spider-Man after all. While Mary Jane has made it clear in previous issues that she is devoted to Paul and her kids , there is reason enough to doubt that her feelings for Peter are completely gone. Coupling this with the sudden realization that the children she came to love never truly existed, puts her in an emotionally complex state. To be clear, the fact that the children weren't real doesn't invalidate the pain she feels right now. For four years, she looked after and cared for them, only for the man she was protecting them from to destroy them in the cruelest possible way.

Understanding what that meant, Mary Jane told Peter he has to go. She has Peter exit her apartment as Spider-Man so if anyone sees they will just think she was talking with him because she knows Stark. Following on from the events of Secret Warswhere deadly incursions have laid waste to most of the multiverse, Battleworld, the amazing spider man mary jane, a planet composed of the remains of alternate realities, is created by Doctor Doom and Doctor Strangewith each reality on the world divided into different domains.

Since then, she has gone on to become Spider-Man 's main love interest and later his wife. Mary Jane is his most famous and prominent love interest due to their long history, and one of the most iconic in all of comics. Although she made a brief first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man 25 with a plant obscuring her face, as part of a then-long-running recurring gag about Aunt May attempting to set Peter up with her friend's "nice girl" niece, Mary Jane's first official face reveal was a cameo appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man Designed and drawn by John Romita Sr. Since then, 'Tiger' has been her most recognizable nickname for Peter, spanning comics and media adaptations, with the character becoming the third to assume the superhero mantle of Jackpot in August

Mary Jane Watson was originally planned to appear in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , but the character's role was cut from the final version of the movie. Shailene Woodley, who was initially cast as Mary Jane, never got an opportunity to appear in a Marvel movie. She then emerged as his primary love interest, embarking on a long-term on-again-off-again relationship. Since the character of Mary Jane is traditionally linked to Spider-Man, she's often involved in TV and movie adaptations. While the film was focused on Peter's relationship with Gwen, who was played by Emma Stone, the sequel intended to lay the groundwork for MJ's presence later in the series. It was always the plan for Woodley to have a small role in the installment, seeing as Peter was also focused on the supervillain Electro Jamie Foxx , and Harry Osbourne's Dane DeHaan transformation into the Green Goblin. That said, MJ's presence wasn't deemed important enough for the final cut since Webb axed Woodley's scenes for creative reasons.

The amazing spider man mary jane

Since then, she has gone on to become Spider-Man 's main love interest and later his wife. Mary Jane is his most famous and prominent love interest due to their long history, and one of the most iconic in all of comics. Although she made a brief first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man 25 with a plant obscuring her face, as part of a then-long-running recurring gag about Aunt May attempting to set Peter up with her friend's "nice girl" niece, Mary Jane's first official face reveal was a cameo appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man 42 November Designed and drawn by John Romita Sr. Since then, 'Tiger' has been her most recognizable nickname for Peter, spanning comics and media adaptations, with the character becoming the third to assume the superhero mantle of Jackpot in August Throughout her initial appearances, Mary Jane was written as a foil to Peter's initially intended soulmate, Gwen Stacy , with her extroverted, fun-loving personality a mask for her troubled home life contrasting with Gwen being more like Peter in demeanor and intellect. Nonetheless, following Gwen's death in " The Night Gwen Stacy Died " story arc, the heartbroken Mary Jane became more caring and empathetic, and eventually one of the few people to consistently know Peter's secret identity. This would result in the two falling deeply in love and eventually getting married. Despite their marriage being undone in the widely panned storyline " One More Day " due to the timeline manipulations by the villain Mephisto , Mary Jane and Peter retained a close friendship and have had on-and-off relations since. Unbeknownst to them, they are further destined to have a daughter who will end Mephisto's eventual reign over the Earth, and whom Mephisto seeks to erase from reality.

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She has an eruptive temper and has even physically attacked some of the bullies at her school, resulting in a detention. In the present, Rabin schemes the death of the 'scarlet woman' so that he may ascend to godhood. Peter eventually recovers and awakens from his coma, Mary Jane continues to look after him, and at one point saves him from a serial killer stalking the wards of the hospital. With a bracelet device, Mary Jane can temporarily gain randomized super powers for extreme situations. She confessed to him that no matter how complicated their relationship was, her feelings would always remain the same - she loves him, all the way down to her soul. The Civil War events forced Peter to stage a secret transfer of Mary Jane out of Stark Mansion, feeling that with the loss of his secret identity and his doubts about Tony Stark 's ideas, Mary Jane had become a hostage in a luxurious house. Peter uses the Regent tech to weaken the symbiote, allowing Mary Jane to retaliate and bring the symbiote under her control. Mary Jane threatens to kill herself so that she will not reveal Patient Zero's location, but the Kingpin calls her bluff. In the reality where Silver Surfer died due to coating breaking down, Mary Jane is seen where she is still married to Peter. Mary Jane turned him down, claiming to be too much of a free spirit to be tied down with marriage and settling down. Mary Jane Watson is mentioned in The Amazing Spider-Man 15 August , and is initially used as a running joke of the series, as Peter Parker 's Aunt May repeatedly attempts to set her unwilling nephew up on a date with her.

She is the second of two children, with her elder sister Gayle having been born four years earlier.

When hired by Stark, she took her role seriously in aiding the armored avenger, and when returning to film, she showed a fastidious dedication fixing issues in Mysterio's mismanagement. Peter suggests they look after the now infant and helpless Inheritors, but the Parkers stress to him that taking care of one kid is enough. November 27, Following adventures in which she was pursued romantically by Sub-Mariner and Xanadu , Mary Jane learned that Marvella II had been given a theatrical release, and that she was to commence a publicity tour across the nation. Now unshackled, MJ grieves along with Peter and Paul. In Spider-Verse Team-Up 3 , while in hiding on a radiation-ravaged Earth inhabited by an alternate version of Peter's Uncle Ben, a grieving Mayday confesses to this Ben that she hopes there are variants of her and her brother who are still together with their families. April 1, The Superior Spider-Man 1. Feeling lost and guilty, Peter visits Mary Jane and apologizes with an awkward kiss before heading to Berlin with Ned Leeds. Peter Parker Gwen Stacy.

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