The lie that destroyed the town bbc

Jordan Trengove was falsely accused of crimes he did not commit. A man falsely accused of rape by a serial fantasist says his life was "destroyed" by her allegations. Jordan Trengove spent 73 days in prison, sharing a cell with a convicted sex offender, after being charged as a result of Eleanor Williams' lies.

The story of false accusations about being the victim of a grooming gang and how it sent shockwaves through a small town in the North of England. From the Archive. Audio Described. Northern Ireland. Sport News Entertainment Music. Regions Northern Ireland Scotland Wales.

The lie that destroyed the town bbc

Cath nurses her resentment in silence. Cath's husband Don flirts with someone eelse. Jill makes determined efforts to secure Don. Jill steals money from Cath. There is no puckish wit. This was not made with a great deal of taste. Jill does squats in her underwear in front of Don, she also sports pigtails and FM shoes. This was all nonsense. Terry's ignored in hospital. Terry is gormless. This is unusually bad. Jill says erreoneous things.

Recent Posts from This Journal. When Eleanor Williams' Facebook post claiming she was the victim of an Asian rape gang went viral init sparked a bitter backlash against Asian-owned businesses in her home town of Barrow, Cumbria. Williams has launched an appeal against her conviction.

When Eleanor Williams' Facebook post claiming she was the victim of an Asian rape gang went viral in , it sparked a bitter backlash against Asian-owned businesses in her home town of Barrow, Cumbria. After she was jailed for perverting the course of justice, some of those affected have spoken to the BBC about the lasting impact of her lies. Their names have been changed because they're still concerned for their safety. Sajid has lived for most of his life in Barrow and as a schoolboy 30 years ago had got used to being the only non-white face in his class. The town still has a very small Asian population - just 1. The small, shipbuilding town on the southern tip of Cumbria is home to fewer than 10 of them.

The story of false accusations about being the victim of a grooming gang and how it sent shockwaves through a small town in the North of England. From the Archive. Audio Described. Northern Ireland. Sport News Entertainment Music.

The lie that destroyed the town bbc

When Eleanor Williams' Facebook post claiming she was the victim of an Asian rape gang went viral in , it sparked a bitter backlash against Asian-owned businesses in her home town of Barrow, Cumbria. After she was jailed for perverting the course of justice, some of those affected have spoken to the BBC about the lasting impact of her lies. Their names have been changed because they're still concerned for their safety. Sajid has lived for most of his life in Barrow and as a schoolboy 30 years ago had got used to being the only non-white face in his class. The town still has a very small Asian population - just 1. The small, shipbuilding town on the southern tip of Cumbria is home to fewer than 10 of them.

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Adil also noticed something less tangible but maybe more profound, "People looked at me in the face differently". A third man - Oliver Gardner, who met Williams through a chance encounter in Preston - was accused of being a rapist who had trafficked her and sold her for sex. An extraordinary story. Body on the Beach: What Happened to Annie? The windows of his business were smashed three times, people spat at his shop and regularly shouted abuse at the staff or at Sajid in the street. This was not deeply interesting. Related Topics. Create an account. I was getting abuse, looked at, spoken about. Sorry, I won't remember all that.


Tags: nighty night , review. Jill's plotting something. I don't want to return to that area. Williams has launched an appeal against her conviction. Williams posted images of injuries she had inflicted on herself on Facebook. Related Topics. There is mad action. Adil also noticed something less tangible but maybe more profound, "People looked at me in the face differently". This was disastrous. She got support. This video can not be played To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser. And a lot of racist remarks as well. Doug Marshall, the senior investigating officer on the case, describes the fallout from the Facebook post as "a disgusting state of affairs". Reflecting on the past three years, Sajid said there had always been "an element of racism" in his town, but in the summer of it was "the racists that were shouting the loudest and causing most upset". Image source, Cumbria Constabulary.

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