thinking anglicans

Thinking anglicans

Martyn Percy has written three articles which Modern Church thinking anglicans published. Is the Church of England using these words as defined by most dictionaries in ? Or, thinking anglicans, are we now enmeshed in an Orwellian church in which little that is said corresponds to our normal frames of reference?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Life in all its fullness. This advertisement has appeared on Guardian Jobs , originated by Charisma Recruitment. The Fund for Healing, Repair and Justice describes itself this way:. In , the Church Commissioners for England published a report into its historic links to African chattel enslavement. In penitence and hope, the Church Commissioners proposed a fund to address a legacy of racialised inequality that scars the lives of billions to this day.

Thinking anglicans

Nov 4, by Andrew Symes. Steven Croft, the bishop of Oxford, yesterday published a booklet Together in Love and Faith, in which he sets out his thinking about same-sex relationships, and proposes that the Church of England should provide public services for the blessing of same-sex civil partnerships and marriages, but allow a conscience clause for those who dissent, and eventually conduct same-sex marriages. Steven realises that this will be divisive, and so proposes a structure of differentiation—something that he says the other three do not agree with. Up until now, he has only offered hints about his thinking, and his change of direction on this issue, and so it is helpful to now know where his thinking has got to. I simply offer here some observations about some of the language used here and some of the arguments made…. At the same time, these dioceses were also already facing acute financial pressures, which were then exacerbated by Covid… At the same time, on a wider scale, the Anglican Communion appears to be in its dying days as a meaningful fellowship. Into this context, Steven now wants to bring division and disunity. This will have a direct impact on confidence, on mission and growth, and on finance. It feels as if the good ship Church of England is running on one engine, listing to port, holed at or below the waterline—and Captain Croft wants to grab the helm and steer her onto the rocks. Read here. An information resource for orthodox Anglicans. What is the Bishop of Oxford thinking?

The Report itself reflects the legal background of its author and is packed with painstaking detail.


A significant intervention by the bishop of Oxford points the way to overdue reform in the Church of England. F or more than a decade, the Church of England has engaged in an agonised, divisive and often poisonous debate about the status of same-sex relationships. To the deep disquiet of many bishops and much of the laity, the goal of maintaining unity, both at home and in the worldwide Anglican communion, seems to have led to the perpetuation of a derided status quo. Thankfully, a remarkable and high-profile intervention last week by the bishop of Oxford, the Right Rev Steven Croft — the first of its kind by a serving diocesan bishop — suggests that this paralysed state of affairs may not hold much longer. Ahead of a crucial December meeting of the College of Bishops, which is due to discuss reform, Mr Croft has published a groundbreaking page essay in which he disowns his previous opposition to change. Two other bishops have immediately and publicly voiced their support. Church thinking and doctrine, he points out, are not immutable; it has evolved many times in the past — for example, in relation to slavery, apartheid, divorce and, more recently, the ordination of women. Strikingly, the document also challenges the opportunistic weaponisation of isolated passages from the Old Testament in the traditionalist cause.

Thinking anglicans

Nov 4, by Jill. In advance of the forthcoming meeting of the General Synod which meets later this month the letter — published by the recently formed Inclusive Evangelicals — backs the course of action which was approved by the Synod in February It rejects calls for structural differentiation to accommodate those who are unwilling to accept the changes proposed in GS, including alternative episcopal structures. However, it does affirm and support the need for legal protection for the consciences of individual ministers, whether they choose to use Prayers of Love and Faith , or whether, on grounds of conscience, they choose not to. Read here. An information resource for orthodox Anglicans. Home » Revisionism » Open letter from Inclusive Evangelicals. Related Posts. Share This.

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I can no longer support the Clergy Discipline Measure, in view of the harm it is capable of inflicting on innocent clergy caught up in sex abuse allegations. General Synod Questions on Wednesday, 21 February at 4. What a devastating summary of the case! Symonds Reply to Kate. Under the Measure, the list of relevant persons already includes clergy, licensed laypersons, church wardens and parochial church councils. If that means they must be unfrocked, as the term is when a priest loses holy orders, fine, but we have not got the balance right up to now. This Measure will add diocesan boards of finance and diocesan boards of education to the list. Of course, there are many examples of clergymen—it is not an exalted rank—who have had their lives completely wrecked by malice. Can unproven allegations of sexual harassment ever justify the rolling out of such viciously cruel behaviour? This is a name given to a situation when an institution or an individual is using a variety of abuse methods against one person.

Of course, to say that is not self-explanatory. You have to begin with a belief that everything taught in Scripture is to be trusted as truth from God, and you have to add further the thought that for the interpreting of Scripture you have to be careful and ensure that your principles of interpretation come from within Scripture and are validated by Scripture, not imposed on Scripture by external, arbitrary means. Otherwise either you can go adrift in the liberal way—not taking seriously everything that is taught in Scripture but making your own private selection.

I am not for a moment suggesting that safeguarding is unimportant. Opinion — 6 March on Wednesday, 6 March at If the Archbishop pf York could put in place a moratorium on the church processes for three months, this might help to calm things down and stop the current madness infecting and afflicting the church in Oxford and elsewhere. Bell was charged with sexually abusing a young girl when he was bishop…. Friday afternoon — scheduled for 2. That requires identifying those who run the system. Percy, because he has been labelled as a perpetrator, has not been offered much help, pastoral, financial or practical. Apart from naming a wide range of abusive practices, the CofE document also provides suggestions of the way that the Church can respond to the victims and survivors. This is taking advantage of someone who is in a weaker position because of poverty, disability or some other handicap. It is important because any man or woman is innocent until proven guilty.

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