tipoca city

Tipoca city

Once purged from the otherwise complete Jedi Archives was all evidence of the mysterious world of Kamino. A lonely world beyond the Outer Rim and just south of the Rishi Maze, few could have predicted that Kamino would become a key contributor to a massive shift in political power tipoca city the tipoca city days of the Republic, tipoca city. Kamino is a planet of endless oceans and storms. Few features mark its surface, save for massive stilt-mounted cities wherein reside the planet's natural inhabitants, the Kaminoans.

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. Tipoca City was the capital city of the watery planet Kamino , and home to several million Kaminoans and housed the Ruling Council. The city was a network of domed structures built atop stilts over kilometers tall at Kamino's equator.

Tipoca city

This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Please follow the article standards laid out in the Layout Guide and the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on other articles. Remove this message when finished. Tipoca City was the capital city of Kamino and the site of a major cloning facility. It was also where the bounty hunter Jango Fett , the template for the clone army, lived for a time. Jango's clone "son" Boba Fett lived here with him. Kamino's capital , Tipoca City, consisted of a network of stilt structures that spanned more than a hundred kilometers along Kamino's western equator and was considered by many to be the heart of Kaminoan society. The millions of Kaminoans who occupied Tipoca worked either with the cloning program or with the bureaucracy. No Kaminoans took residence within the city , nor was there any public space. Nearly all Kaminoans who worked within the city lived in numerous satellite cities situated around the capital.

The ships jumped out of the Ocean and into the city, drilling into the domes to allow Battle Droids to enter, tipoca city. Current Wiki.

Tipoca City was the capital city of the Ocean Planet Kamino. Below the titanic city was a roaring ocean, causing dangerous storms and torrential downpours to be very common. The city was powered by an immense fusion generator located in the heart of the structure. The generator worked by extracting the hydrogen from the seawater in the vicious seas beneath. It was secured by insulator plating, and a network of power processing units and exhaust vents surrounded the fusion generator.

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. Tipoca City was the capital city of the watery planet Kamino , and home to several million Kaminoans and housed the Ruling Council. The city was a network of domed structures built atop stilts over kilometers tall at Kamino's equator. It served as a major military complex for both the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire , and was the location of the Kaminoan cloning facilities that created the army prior to the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, Tipoca City was the main fighting ground during the Battle of Kamino , which saw the Republic's enemy, the Confederacy of Independent Systems , launch an assault on the city to cripple the Republic's production of clone troopers. Early on into the Galactic Empire 's reign , Kamino's cloning facilities, including those at Tipoca City, were shut down as the Imperial Army transitioned away from relying on the clone troopers.

Tipoca city

Content approaching. The Clone Conspiracy , Truth and Consequences —class. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. This article should be split into either multiple articles accessible from a disambiguation page or a set of articles. If you disagree, please discuss the matter on this article's talk page. Remove this message when finished. The attack on Kamino , also known as the destruction of Tipoca City , was carried out by Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart and the clones under his command around 19 BBY following an operation to withdraw all useful assets from the planet , leading to the majority of the Kaminoan population being killed.

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The invasion of Kamino was stalled by a group of clones who alerted the Republic to the Separatist fleet's location near the Rishi Moon. Nala Se protested, but Shaak Ti's orders stood. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. The city was a network of domed structures built atop stilts over kilometers tall at Kamino's equator. The shutdown of the clones production on Kamino resulted in the destruction of Tipoca City. Approximately one decade prior to the First Battle of Geonosis , Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas secretly contacted Kamino and commissioned a clone army to be bred for the Galactic Republic , [12] in the guise of a request from the Galactic Senate. Dooku then ordered them to terminate the clone, perform an autopsy and give the inhibitor chip to him. Later, there was a confrontation in the city, where Fives and AZI-3 discovered that all of the clones had the chips implanted in them. General Grievous used Seperatist Dreadnoughts to create a distraction, allowing Sith Assassin Assaj Ventress to infiltrate the oceans under the base with some Trident-class assault ships. Several turbolaser turrets were located around the top of the dome as a defense mechanism.

With an area of 70, With over 13 million inhabitants, it is the second most populous German state behind North Rhine-Westphalia , but due to its large physical size its population density is below the German average. Major cities include Munich its capital and largest city , which is also the third largest city in Germany , [5] Nuremberg , and Augsburg.

The city was a network of domed structures built atop stilts over kilometers tall at Kamino's equator. To allow easy access for maintenance, many hatches and openings were located along the sides. Se reported to the Prime Minister, who then both secretly reported to Count Dooku. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. The assassin Obi-Wan had trailed was Jango Fett , whose genetic material had been used to create the clones. Please follow the article standards laid out in the Layout Guide and the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on other articles. Located near the top of the main dome which housed the fusion generator was a Kaminoan Planetary Defense substation , utilized by Kamino's defense network, and several static discharge towers to secure the city during electrical storms. Because the defensive shields provided little protection against troop invasions, the KPD also retained thousands of Kaminoan soldiers in the barracks. Sorry about the mess. I thought we were escaping. Kenobi took the dart to his friend, Dexster Jettster, who identified the dart to have Kamino origins. As the ice caps that once thrived across Kamino began to melt, rising the sea level, the inhabitants were forced to search for higher ground. From there, they rescued Hunter and incapacitated their former teammate CT "Crosshair," who had remained loyal to the Empire.

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