
After the seed track for kanna and a draw togeluga getting viking, togeluga, I managed to draw another one with the version Havent done traditional art in a minute so this is kinda lackluster, togeluga, sorry haha! Once in a moonlight AbraGo art post most of the togeluga I do is included in the GCSE course and I cannot share those; I will try to remember to share togeluga whole sketchbook here once I'm done with it this year, though.

True Form added in Version 5. This form is useless by design. Similarly to the other cats from Tales of the Nekoluga, this cat is not meant to be used until it evolves. Togelan Pasalan can be used as a nuker similar to Bahamut Cat , with a more acceptable cooldown among Ubers of its set. Refrain from pairing them up with cats that have a similar attack rate or have a chance to knockback as they will usually miss their target due to their long attack animation.


This also boosts its base attack to deal an extremely high k strengthened Damage per hit to all enemies, meaning you often only need one good hit to land to turn the tide of battle. With excellent attacking power, a good standing range, as well as exceptionally good repositioning abilities, Shishilan is very capable as both a general Backliner and as a Wave Immune attacker with great compatibility against all recurring major wave enemies. Shishilan's main weaknesses are its very slow attack rate and long attack foreswing. Fast pusher enemies with a high knockback count, such as Gory variants or Shadow Boxer K, can easily push close in between its attacks and also effortlessly interrupt its attack animation if they manage to hit. If you get unlucky, Shishilan can also miss due to the enemy being knockbacked as Shishilan finishes his attack. Despite having a strong matchup vs wave enemies, other piercing attackers with LD or surge such as Dolphina, Tackey, Kappy, or St Dober hard counter Shishilan, as they are able to juggle it due to the high knockback count and long foreswing. Its slow attack rate and inability to fully tank even weak hits make Shishilan less reliable compared to backline attackers with faster attack rate — even Awakened Ururun — and render it completely useless in mixed stages with LD enemies. In late game, Shishilan no longer gets to exploit its main strength of high KB count as most enemies will begin to kill it in a small number of hits, leaving you with a slow attacker with fairly normal survivability. Overall, Shishilan is a very strong backline general Nuker with an excellent niche as an anti-Wave attacker. Its early to mid-game performance is exceptional. Due to a slow attack rate and long foreswing, however, it cannot deal well with fast, LD or surge enemies that become more prominent in the late-game, causing Shishilan to somewhat fall off more and more as you progress and also likely obtain specialists with more than DPS in their niches.

Shishilan has 51, togeluga, togeluga, 51, damage 3k dpsattack range ofattack frequency of 17 seconds, 4 movement speed, and KBs. Sign In Register. Capsule Cat [?


One of the strongest units in the whole game Lv. In addition to looking similar, both are described as gods of life and death. He has twice as many knockbacks as Inumusha. This Unit will save your ass in later SoL Stages. You're doing a great job when you inculde him in your team. I know. And those KBs make up for it by knocking him into the backlines to survivve longer. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content.


After the seed track for kanna and a draw of getting viking, I managed to draw another one with the version Havent done traditional art in a minute so this is kinda lackluster, sorry haha! Once in a moonlight AbraGo art post most of the artwork I do is included in the GCSE course and I cannot share those; I will try to remember to share my whole sketchbook here once I'm done with it this year, though. I noticed a user implying that Shishilan is worse than Crazed Bahamut, so I wrote an essay on why this is false.

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Tagged Posts. Hatsune Miku. Monster Hunter. The Almighties The Majestic Zeus. JP Script. Yakuza Apocalypse. Kyosaka Nanaho. Whether it's a Cat or what, this mysterious character's true nature remains completely unknown. He does not have access to any ability. Dark Heroes. Despite Bahamut having better recharge, Shishilan can get more damage done overall due to his survivability problems. With excellent attacking power, a good standing range, as well as exceptionally good repositioning abilities, Shishilan is very capable as both a general Backliner and as a Wave Immune attacker with great compatibility against all recurring major wave enemies. Battle Cats Wiki Explore.

The main role of the set aims for Backliner support units that can target all types, while being extremely useless in Normal Form and having extremely long recharge times.

Shishilan has 51, hp, 51, damage 3k dps , attack range of , attack frequency of 17 seconds, 4 movement speed, and KBs. Strike Unit R. Goddess of Light Sirius. This form is useless by design. This can't be right Normal Form Togeluga. Crash Fever. Battle Cats Wiki Explore. Shin Japan Heroes Universe. Yakuza Apocalypse.

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