traer preterite conjugation

Traer preterite conjugation

In this Spanish grammar lesson, you will learn about the traer preterite tense conjugation.

Traer means to bring or to carry. Traer is irregular in the preterite. Yo traje los boletos. I brought the tickets. Where did you bring us? Did she bring you a sample?

Traer preterite conjugation


Los muchachos trajeron los boletos.


In this Spanish grammar lesson, you will learn about the traer preterite tense conjugation. By the end of the lesson you will know all about traer to bring! This section of the lesson on the traer preterite tense conjugation is about seeing the verb in action. This is valuable because you can improve your understanding of the traer preterite tense conjugation through examples. He brought several gifts from his trip to Mexico. Nosotros algunos cuadros. We brought some paintings.

Traer preterite conjugation

Traer is an irregular -ER verb in Spanish. The traer conjugation charts only use one translation for organization purposes. For this pronoun, we must use the stem traig. These traer conjugations are used to talk about what someone brings or carries.

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Traer is the most common Spanish verb that means "to bring. Other verbs that are conjugated in the same pattern include abstraer to think about abstractly , atraer to attract , contraer to shrink , distraer to distract , extraer to extract , retraer to dissuade or retract , and sustraer to remove.

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