travis alexander crime scene pictures

Travis alexander crime scene pictures

Prosecutors in the trial of Jodi Arias have entered dozens of graphic crime scene photos into evidence during her murder trial. Photos of the location of the homicide, evidence recovered from the scene and graphic images of the victims body have all been displayed in court.

Arizona woman Jodi Arias was responsible for one of the most brutal murders committed by a woman in recent US history. In , Arias drove to Alexander's Mesa, Arizona, home with the intention to harm him. At the time, Arias and Alexander had broken up, which would ultimately become the motive for his excruciating death. Alexander allegedly ended his relationship with Arias and declined her requests to get back together. Prosecutors claim that Arias was fueled by jealousy and rage after discovering Alexander had not only denied her advances to rekindle their relationship — but had moved on entirely and was seeing another woman. Police discovered the body of Alexander in his shower. The year-old had suffered an overwhelming amount of severe injuries at the hands of his ex-girlfriend.

Travis alexander crime scene pictures

Authorities found Mesa resident, Travis Alexander, 30, dead in his own shower with his throat slit, a gunshot wound to his head, and stabs across his back and body. A coroner later stated Travis had numerous defense wounds on his hands. The primary motive, according to prosecutors, was of jealousy and anger. Authorities arrested Arias shortly after the murder and during her trial for murder in , prosecutors argued that Arias became increasingly upset after Travis broke up with her and continued to decline her request to get back together as a couple. She flew in a fit of rage when she learned Travis was dating someone else. Authorities found no evidence that Travis ever abused Arias. While testifying during her trial, Arias said she was also abused as a little girl, followed by abuse by Travis. She indicated that Travis was also secretly attracted to young boy and girls, something authorities again found no evidence of. She later began giving interviews while in jail, and in an interview with Inside Edition, she assured the public that she would never be found guilty of murdering her former boyfriend. You can mark my words on that. During trial, prosecutor Juan Martinez argued that Travis suffered through excruciating pain and ultimately died when Arias slashed his throat, cutting his common carotid artery, jugular vein, and trachea.

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Prosecutors in the trial of Jodi Arias have entered dozens of graphic crime scene photos into evidence during her murder trial. Photos of the location of the homicide, evidence recovered from the scene and graphic images of the victims body have all been displayed in court. The year-old photographer is accused of shooting her lover, Travis Alexander, in the face , stabbing him 27 times and slitting his throat from ear to ear in the shower of his Mesa, Ariz. Arias has pleaded not guilty to murder, claiming she killed Alexander in self-defense. If convicted, she faces the death penalty. At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone. Whether you come to HuffPost for updates on the presidential race, hard-hitting investigations into critical issues facing our country today, or trending stories that make you laugh, we appreciate you.

Travis alexander crime scene pictures

Authorities found Mesa resident, Travis Alexander, 30, dead in his own shower with his throat slit, a gunshot wound to his head, and stabs across his back and body. A coroner later stated Travis had numerous defense wounds on his hands. The primary motive, according to prosecutors, was of jealousy and anger. Authorities arrested Arias shortly after the murder and during her trial for murder in , prosecutors argued that Arias became increasingly upset after Travis broke up with her and continued to decline her request to get back together as a couple. She flew in a fit of rage when she learned Travis was dating someone else. Authorities found no evidence that Travis ever abused Arias. While testifying during her trial, Arias said she was also abused as a little girl, followed by abuse by Travis. She indicated that Travis was also secretly attracted to young boy and girls, something authorities again found no evidence of. She later began giving interviews while in jail, and in an interview with Inside Edition, she assured the public that she would never be found guilty of murdering her former boyfriend. You can mark my words on that.

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She later began giving interviews while in jail, and in an interview with Inside Edition, she assured the public that she would never be found guilty of murdering her former boyfriend. As Americans head to the polls in , the very future of our country is at stake. While awaiting her trial behind bars, Arias appeared confident and cocky. And that is especially cruel. Terms Privacy Policy. Go to Homepage. Popular in the Community. Sign up for your daily dose of dope. You can mark my words on that. Submit a tip.


Terms Privacy Policy. Authorities found no evidence that Travis ever abused Arias. The jury found Arias guilty of first-degree murder on May 7, At the time, Arias and Alexander had broken up, which would ultimately become the motive for his excruciating death. In a jailhouse interview, Arias claimed, "No jury is going to convict me … because I am innocent. Opt-out of personalized ads. Popular in the Community. She flew in a fit of rage when she learned Travis was dating someone else. HuffPost Personal. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. Alexander allegedly ended his relationship with Arias and declined her requests to get back together. Read on to see what photos and evidence have been shown during the trial:.

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