Turtle wings of fire

He then lost them in Talons of Power, after exposing himself to Darkstalker- who enchanted Turtle to no longer be an animus and lock him up. However, turtle wings of fire gained them back in Darkness of Dragons thanks to one of Qibli's enchanted earrings, which were enchanted by Turtle himself to remove any and all of Darkstalker's spells, whether past, present or future.

Turtle is a male SeaWing dragonet and the protagonist of Talons of Power. Along with being an animus dragon and a SeaWing prince , he is currently attending Jade Mountain Academy as a member of the Jade Winglet. He has romantic feelings for Kinkajou. Turtle has unblemished, [3] jewel-toned, [4] dark emerald-green scales with lighter green underscales [5] and hints of gold in his dark green eyes. His bioluminescent scales emit a pale green light, [9] and he has a low, rumbly voice.

Turtle wings of fire

As an animus dragon, he initially hid his powers from everyone but later revealed them in Escaping Peril in order to save Winter's life. He has a crush on Kinkajou, though Kinkajou herself is not sure if she feels the same way. Turtle has rich, dark green scales, described as appearing "like an emerald hidden in a cave", with flashes of brighter green underscales and hints of gold in his dark green eyes. When Moon first saw Turtle, she thought that he had a sweet curve to his snout and upper arms. She also noted that he was a little plump. His only accessory is a gold armband, located on one of his upper forearms, that is studded with three glittering black pieces of Skyfire, originally containing six before he gave a few of them to his friends in order to block out Moonwatcher's mind-reading ability. His glow-in-the-dark scales emit a pale greenish light, and luminescent spirals and shapes like webbed talon prints light up all along his pale green wings. He was noted to have big talons and a low, rumbly voice. Turtle doesn't appear in this book but he's indirectly mentioned by Anemone when she laments how Queen Coral won't let her play with her brothers since the latter believes her sons play to rough. When Moon first sees Turtle, she is confused as to why she can't read his mind. The only reception she receives from his brain is described as a quiet hum or fuzz. When Turtle smiles at her outside of Jade Mountain Academy, she sees a vision of a sunny beach, with him pinning Anemone down as she writhes in pain. This makes her believe that Turtle is evil in some way. Moon takes this vision as a sinister attempt to murder Anemone that will happen sometime in the future, and keeps a wary eye on Turtle afterwards. After the tumult of an explosion in Jade Mountain Academy that leads to Moon revealing that she is a mind-reader and prophet, Turtle is the only one who keeps his secretary his head, taking Moon to an underground lake in the caverns of Jade Mountain and helping her wash off her seed pod wound on her shoulder in the explosion of the dragonflame cactus.

He watched as Darkstalker healed Flame 's face and gave MindreaderMightyclaws, and Fearless powers. This seems to show that Turtle is very insecure about his power and worries about hurting and killing other dragons.


As an animus dragon, he initially hid his powers from everyone but later revealed them in Escaping Peril in order to save Winter's life. He has a crush on Kinkajou, though Kinkajou herself is not sure if she feels the same way. Turtle has rich, dark green scales, described as appearing "like an emerald hidden in a cave", with flashes of brighter green underscales and hints of gold in his dark green eyes. When Moon first saw Turtle, she thought that he had a sweet curve to his snout and upper arms. She also noted that he was a little plump. His only accessory is a gold armband, located on one of his upper forearms, that is studded with three glittering black pieces of Skyfire, originally containing six before he gave a few of them to his friends in order to block out Moonwatcher's mind-reading ability.

Turtle wings of fire

Kinkajou's scales are typically kept at bright colors, such as pink and yellow. Kinkajou is bouncy, [8] snarky, [9] fierce, [10] bright, [11] immature, [12] mischievous, [13] and is quick to anger in difficult situations. When the NightWings were coming after them during their escape, Glory asked Kinkajou to camouflage herself to look like a NightWing dragonet. Kinkajou fooled the guards for long enough so that she and Glory could escape with Clay and Deathbringer 's help. They were both able to escape and warn the rest of the RainWings about the impending danger that they had been ignoring; however, most of them continued to ignore the warnings and follow Magnificent 's example. Near the beginning of the book, Sunny spied on Starflight with the Obsidian Mirror. As she watched, the healers were mumbling to each other, saying that they would prefer to be Kinkajou rather than Starflight, believing Starflight's injuries to be worse than Kinkajou's. Kinkajou was mentioned when Peril asked Sunny if Clay had talked about her.

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He swam to the Healers, and however fast he may have swum, when the Healers and the king returned to the Hatchery, the two princesses were dead. It knocked Peril temporarily unconscious, and at least three other dragons were burned. Sometimes while thinking about using his animus power to hurt other dragons, he looks down and sees his talons covered with blood, and he quickly shakes his talons to get the vision away. Turtle warns her about Darkstalker's awakening then Mightyclaws overhears them and bolts to warn the other NightWings. They meet in Moon Rising, although little interaction was shown between them. Due to rumors of an assassin killing any SeaWing princess heirs, Gill was worried about leaving the eggs alone while he took his general to the healers. This is because he has a crush on Kinkajou; Peril even noticed it herself, thinking, "He likes Moon and Qibli, but he's really here for Kinkajou. He sprinted to the Healers, and however fast he may have swam, when the Healers and the king returned to the Hatchery, the two princesses were in fact dead. Princess Tsunami 16 0. After Peril leaves in a fit, Turtle, sad because his new friend is mad, heads to the Sky Kingdom to try to release her from Chameleon's spell, and he reappears after Scarlet is killed. Qibli told him to keep an eye on Darkstalker. On their way, they pass the history cave and hear voices that they realize belong to Tsunami and Sunny. Turtle apologized to his friends that he could not stop Darkstalker, but they did not mind.

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Queen Coral. After the death of two of his sisters, however, he gave up on these goals and thought of himself as a 'hapless sidekick'. When Kinkajou wakes up, she acts no different to Turtle then before Anemone cast the love spell, with Turtle hoping the love spell didn't work. But then I got here and it was very stormy and I couldn't find you and suddenly there were eight million SkyWings pouring out of the mountains and a big fight going on and I thought To ensure that most of the NightWings follow him, he grants more dragons powers before he and most of the NightWings set off for The Lost City of Night. Turtle was introduced very early on in the book, surprising Peril with how little caution he had around her. Turtle follows her to the ruins of the Island Palace, where they have an animus fight, in which Turtle gains scales as hard as diamonds, a permanent spell. Though Coral had never loved him, he still loved her enough to save her from Anemone. Moon takes this vision as a sinister attempt to murder Anemone that will happen sometime in the future, and keeps a wary eye on Turtle afterwards. Darkstalker Dragonslayer.

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