urban dictionary orbiter

Urban dictionary orbiter

A guy that wants to sleep with his female friend. He " orbits " her hangs out with in a needy way in the hopes of getting sex someday. If the girl is hot, she usually has many orbiters, urban dictionary orbiter.

A guy that wants to sleep with his female friend. He " orbits " her hangs out with in a needy way in the hopes of getting sex someday. If the girl is hot, she usually has many orbiters. Go open that hot chick. Don't worry about the guy , he isn't her boyfriend, he's just one of her orbiters. Usually someone who has ghosted you , but not always. Basically they're lingering in your life despite refusing to be an active part in it in any other capacity.

Urban dictionary orbiter

Beta Orbiter. The non Alpha Male who hovers or orbits around and pedestalizes women in hopes they can get their foot in the door and get chosen or laid. That guy is always cheesing in women's faces and " liking " their Facebook posts A beta male who stays within a close proximity of a female or females in hopes of eventually getting lucky. The Beta Orbiter's tactic is to befriend a female, and proceed give her constant attention via text message or in social gatherings. She keeps them in the friend zone, but a beta orbiter falsely believes he is making progress. He may often trash talk other man she tries to date, claiming that she "deserves better". Beta Orbiters or men who are cucked up, find themselves befriending women who most likely have daddy issues. A man a woman keeps around for platonic favors and services as well as for attention. He usually sticks around in the hope he'll some day get with her.

That's why he was being an ass to your boyfriend. A man a woman keeps around for platonic favors and services as well as for attention.

To be orbited , I. E owned, an Orbited is far worse than an Owned, an Orbited is three times the humiliation of Owned. Orbiting comes from a Canibus-central. He has risen the bar in online humiliaion. Chris Brown whent to visit his girl, and saw four dudes walking out her side door barely dressed, he was Orbited once again.

Whether you realize it or not, you probably have. That girl who keeps flaking, but promises she wants to hang out soon? Like it or not, this is the way the dating game is played. Women want to have plenty of options, and they usually do. The thing is though, nobody can MAKE you a beta orbiter. This is the good news. She becomes your oneitis.

Urban dictionary orbiter

Milan, 26, started dating a guy last year who she had met through mutual friends. She even went home with him one weekend, where she met his dad and high school buddies. One week while he was away on business, they made plans to get together upon his return. Then, radio silence. That was their last conversation. They never hung out again, although they did happen to bump into each other at a bar months later. She assumed it was over when he stopped answering her texts after the second one. Now we can do it in less than a second.

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Orbit is a character from the sprite comic Silver Koopa and friends. More random definitions. That guy is such a beta male orbiter , worshiping those online alpha influencers and buying their merch because he thinks it will actually help him get laid. Peter is such an orbiter. Basically they're lingering in your life despite refusing to be an active part in it in any other capacity. Peter is such an orbiter. Beta Male Orbiter. You're at the bar and there's this hot girl , but she has like 3 ugly orbiter girl friends hanging around her. Even after another thought comes along, this one dominates your head space. Consistently returning to a specific thought, situation, or person. Basically they're lingering in your life despite refusing to be an active part in it in any other capacity. Peter is such an orbiter. A man a woman keeps around for platonic favors and services as well as for attention.

Whether or not any of these so-called concept bikes ever make their way off of the drawing board into production, remains uncertain. What is certain however, is how they never fail to delight the senses of cycling and tech geeks alike.

Share this Comment: Post to Twitter. Already a Member? Glynda Alves. Prime Account Detected! Usually someone who has ghosted you , but not always. Love words? See more words from the same year. Find this comment offensive? Play Play. The orbiter sat patiently as he watched her. He " orbits " her hangs out with in a needy way in the hopes of getting sex someday. Log In.

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