Vedanta dividend payment date 2020
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Record date for the same is 31 October. The record date for the purpose of payment of dividend is Saturday, October 31, The interim dividend will be paid within stipulated timelines as prescribed under law," the company said in a stock exchange filing. On October 10, Vedanta Ltd announced that its voluntary delisting offer -- to acquire the balance shareholding in Mumbai-listed Vedanta Ltd and then delisting it from the stock exchange -- had failed at the reverse book building stage. The total number of shares tendered by Vedanta Ltd's public shareholders fell 7 per cent short of the mandatory minimum 90 per cent for successful delisting.
Vedanta dividend payment date 2020
Vedanta Ltd. Market Cap. Price to Book Ratio. Beta 1Year. Markets Today. Top Gainers. Top Losers. Global Indices. IPO Dashboard. Recently listed. Most Successful.
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The company has announced to pay a whopping per cent dividend to its shareholders. This is the third interim dividend that Vedanta has announced to pay in the current financial year Vedanta in the current financial year has already paid dividends on two occasions, amounting Rs According to an exchange filing by Vedanta, it will pay per cent dividend per equity share, amounting to Rs 6, crore. This translates into Rs Vedanta stocks will trade ex-dividend date ahead of the record date.
For the year ending March Vedanta has declared an equity dividend of At the current share price of Rs The company has a good dividend track report and has consistently declared dividends for the last 5 years. Home Elections Fractional Ownership. Powered by. Join Us On.
Vedanta dividend payment date 2020
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On Friday, the company's scrip on BSE closed 0. Your Reason has been Reported to the admin. In the last financial year , Vedanta paid Rs 45 dividend per share. Best Industrial. Industry Dividends. Market Calendar. Sector: Materials. Market Research. Create a Superstar Alert. Track Market Deals. Portfolio Report. The total number of shares tendered by Vedanta Ltd's public shareholders fell 7 per cent short of the mandatory minimum 90 per cent for successful delisting. Vedanta in the current financial year has already paid dividends on two occasions, amounting Rs
Vedanta has declared its fifth interim dividend of Rs
Have you ever wished for the safety of bonds, but the return potential Capture Strategy. Not trading. Top Gainers. Real Estate. Preferred Shares. You take care of your investments. Market Classroom. New IPO reports. In the past one month, Vedanta has delivered a positive return of more than 10 per cent. Portfolio Management Channel. Cruise lines. Read Today's Paper. Limited Access. Dividend Data.
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