victorious beck oliver

Victorious beck oliver

Victorious beck oliver girl just transferred to Hollywood Arts, an attractive sexy one. A girl that looks and acts innocent around the people she likes and a total scary bitch to the people she doesn't. She had just moved from Canada Principal Eikner is her fathers best friend and so accepted the talented girl into the school, victorious beck oliver. What happen

Beck Oliver is one of the eight main characters of Victorious. He is Jade West 's boyfriend and seems to be the leader of the gang. Because of his talents and good-looks and particularly his fluffy hair, he is very popular with girls as well as young adult women. He also seems to be very calm, wise and mature at most of the time. He is talented in acting and often participates in Hollywood Arts' plays.

Victorious beck oliver

Ok so I got the idea for this book from DramaFangirl I have about characters that I realllyyyy hate so I am gonna rant about these here :. For all the Tori haters out there here is this vid and you can also check Jayniac's analysis video. Unlike a lotta ppl I actually like Tori but we are not gonna get into that rn since we are here to talk about Beck which is probably my least fav character on the show. It is funny coz I actually like the show a lot but I rarely have an opportunity to talk about it so I am doing it rn. Ok so most of you guys that watched the show are probably surprised that Beck is on this list but he is. If you like Beck or you are a Bade fan you probably won't agree with me at all here but it is all. I don't hate Beck as much as some other people on this list but I still rlly don't like him. His only personality's trait seems to be that he is the "hot guy" which is well boring and one dimensional. Actually he is kinda like Lucas from GMW but I still like Lucas more than Beck cause at least Lucas when he had a gf he didn't let other girls flirt with him like Beck did. So we have come to the biggest reason why I think Beck sucks. While Jade does get overly jealous and the fault why I think Bade is a toxic relationship also lies on her side she has reasons to be jealous bc Beck never tells other girls to back off or "I have a girlfriend" he NEVER told that to a girl that was blatanly flirting with him.

It made wanna punch this dude in his fucking face. Discover now.


Oliver is Beck Oliver 's father. His only appearance was in Jade Dumps Beck , though we do not actually get to see his face. He is portrayed by Scott Ashby and voiced by Dan Schneider. He also thinks Beck's hair is shiny and doesn't seem to be very fond of Jade West. But she doesn't realize that Mr. Oliver is and gets attacked by the Rottweiler. Beck came out and told them that his dad is in there.

Victorious beck oliver

Welcome to the Victorious Wiki! We are currently editing articles, and 55, files. Victorious is an American television sitcom on Nickelodeon. The series revolves around aspiring singer Tori Vega , portrayed by Victoria Justice , who attends a performing arts high school and gets into wacky situations on a daily basis.

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Brianna Vega is the sister of Tori, what happens when she auditions for Hollywood Arts? Yerbanian Prison Helen Playing Rocks. Beck Oliver- Victorious. Victorious The New Generation 4 7. In Freak the Freak Out, he wasn't happy about taking care of her and was the first to say they were leaving. If you like Beck or you are a Bade fan you probably won't agree with me at all here but it is all. One of Beck's most remarked upon character traits in that he is "unscareable" with several episodes most notably iParty with Victorious demonstrating that nothing truly seems to faze him. Tori's own interactions with Beck suggest that she may have loved him at one time, but her feelings towards him are now purely platonic. Explore Wikis Community Central. She says that he manages to not be possessive or controlling, allowing her to be herself but also keeping her in line when he has to. It made wanna punch this dude in his fucking face. However, Beck does have his moments, frequently teasing Jade to provoke reactions out of her. He is Jade West 's boyfriend and seems to be the leader of the gang. Beck seems to be very accepting of Jade's personality and only intervenes when he feels she crosses a line. Throughout the series, Beck seems to have a lot of control and authority over Jade.

Beck Oliver is one of the eight main characters of Victorious.

Tori's own interactions with Beck suggest that she may have loved him at one time, but her feelings towards him are now purely platonic. See: Reck. Make It Shine Beck Oliver 8 2. Cause Beck just sucks and while it is obvious that he loved Jade I don't get why he never told those gorls that he has a gf. Oliver Father Mrs. I prefered Bade all broken up tbh. Log in Sign Up. Such is his hair's reputation that Tori Takes Requests 8 was dedicated to seeing if Tori could make it look unattractive. After the big show case she is accepted into Hollywood arts where she meets the handsome a Report Story. Beck Oliver. Beck Oliver x OC Thank you so much for everyone who has read and commented! Not much is known about his family or history. Aurora Moniz was new at the Hollywood Arts Academy. I don't hate Beck as much as some other people on this list but I still rlly don't like him.

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