Warhammer 40000 titans

Alex McHugh.

In truth, a Titan has only three enemies: folly, hubris, and another of its own kind. The Pax Macharia , an Imperator -class Titan. A Titan , sometimes colloquially called a " god-engine " or " god-machine ," is any one of several classes of massive, crewed, robotic combat walkers fielded by the Titan Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus ' Collegia Titanica or by the forces of Chaos ' Dark Mechanicum. Originally, this term referred to many types of large combat walkers used by all of the different factions of the Milky Way Galaxy. Titans are always considered the largest and most powerful types of war engines available to the different factions of the galaxy. Xenos Titans have now been renamed by Imperial scholars with the same titles for these war engines as the species that created them, such as the Aeldari Phantom or the Gargants of the Orks.

Warhammer 40000 titans

The Warlord -class Titan is a large and powerful type of Battle Titan , armed with much more firepower than its counterpart, the smaller Reaver -class Titan. Due to their immense size, standing nearly 33 metres tall, Warlord Titans are not nearly as fast or agile as the Reaver -class Titans or the Warhound Scout Titans , but they more than make up for this failing with their sheer firepower and heavily armoured bulks. A true leviathan of the battlefield, the Warlord -class Titan was the mainstay of the Legio Titanica during the Great Crusade era. There were a number of sub-patterns of the Warlord , such as the Lucius and Anvilus, but it was the Mars Pattern that was considered the most ancient and superior, and of all of the Battle Titan types by far the most numerous and iconic. The interior of a Warlord -class Titan's cockpit, located in its head. The princeps is seated on the command throne while his moderati are seated at the control consoles beneath him. This is not without reason, for each Mars Warlord is a gargantuan killing machine, proof against the petty assaults of small arms and all but impervious even to the assault of most forms of attack aircraft and heavy weapon, save the most technologically potent or massive. Furthermore, the Warlord 's cockpit is a fully reliable and protected environment, making it as able to fight upon an airless moon as a verdant plain so long as the geology under its feet will sustain it, and even this is assisted by gravitational and inertial techno-arcana, little understood outside the inner circles of the Titan Tech-priests who sustain these god-engines. But it is the destructive power of the Warlord that is its avatar, for their firepower rivals smaller void warships in potency and a single Warlord , given time, is capable of systematically levelling a city or laying waste to an entire army. Such was their might that it was whispered by some that it was they, not the Legiones Astartes , that had truly won the Imperium's domain in the fires of battle. The Warlord Titan's colossal size, incalculable power and superior design make it both extremely difficult to harm from ground level, with its vital systems elevated far above the heads and hulls of those upon the battlefield below it, while its legs are plated with metres-thick armour to prevent it from being assailed by infantry or laid low by explosive charges. Accounts differ as to the exact number of crew required to operate a Warlord -class Titan. Most agree that a Warlord has one princeps and several moderati , although the exact number and function of the latter differ. Early sources indicated all four moderati were responsible for each controlling one of the Titan's four primary weapons. More recent sources indicate that each moderati serves a specific role.

The Nightgaunt -class Titan is a variant of the standard Warlord Pattern, and is always equipped with one or warhammer 40000 titans Titan close combat weapons or lighter, short-ranged Titan firepower. The princeps is seated on a command throne in the Titan's head, along with their moderati several system controllers and second-line bridge officers who act as the Titan's command crew.


A princeps linked with his Titan 's Mind Impulse Unit. A princeps pl. Princeps are all people of exceptional willpower, which is required to enter a mind-link with a Titan and maintain their sanity intact amidst the roaring spirit of destruction housed within the Titan's adamantium hull. Although they belong to the separate military hierarchy of their Titan Legion and the Collegia Titanica, the princeps are still part of the Cult Mechanicus , and as such defer to the orders of powerful Adeptus Mechanicus magi , who command the might of the Titan Legions and are able to issue them direct orders and decide their assignments. The princeps exerts command over his war engine by the means of a Mind Impulse Unit -- a technologically complex neural input device which allows for a cybernetic connection between the Human mind and a Titan's Machine Spirit artificial intelligence , and the ability to impose his or her will upon it. To establish the link between the Machine Spirit and the Human mind requires that the princeps submit to extensive cybernetic augmentation of his or her central nervous system, either by accepting the implantation of several cybernetic implants at the back of the neck and skull, a series of implants in the spine which enable the linking of the MIU to the spinal cord or even undergoing entombment in an amniotic tank with large parts of the body rewired to accommodate cybernetic interaction with the Titan. The process of linking the Human mind to a god-machine is very difficult and dangerous, as a Titan is possessed of a ferociously potent Machine Spirit; one that is unlike any other, harbouring its own savage and instinctive intelligence. The princeps must break the machine's opposition and bind it to their will -- a feat requiring enormous willpower. A Titan princeps of the Adeptus Titanicus. Because of this, princeps are rare individuals, and one of the tasks the Collegia Titanica carries out is to discover them wherever they can be found and train them to command the colossal war engines.

Warhammer 40000 titans

Like a god of destruction, the Warbringer Nemesis rains explosive death on its foes. This immense war machine is designed to obliterate the largest and most indomitable enemies at extreme range. The Quake Cannon mounted on its back is capable of demolishing fortresses or even felling other Titans with a single, gargantuan shell. Similarly, the Titan's myriad other armaments allow it to wreak ruin on aircraft, armoured columns and massed infantry formations. Warbringer Nemesis Titans are renowned for their bellicose Machine Spirits artificial intelligence , with numerous binharic canticles speaking of the Titans locking onto targets and assuming firing positions before their Tech-adept crews are even aware of the approaching threat. The Warbringer -class of Titan is renowned for the many sub-variations of the class in use by the various Titan Legions active within the Imperium , and the most common pattern seen on the battlefields of the Great Crusade was the Warbringer Nemesis. This immense war machine is designed to destroy enemy Titan-class targets at range, acting as a dedicated fire support platform in the maniples it is assigned to. However, sitting in between the more common Reaver and Warlord -classes , its mass and firepower often see it assigned to the front lines of the battlefield alongside the various classes of Battle Titan. Its reinforced frontal plating allows it to weather most return fire with casual ease, and its defence batteries render it well-protected against aerial attacks, though its relatively light rear armour can leave it vulnerable to flanking attacks by ground armour. Within the Titan Legions, the Nemesis has a reputation for restless Machine Spirits and for driving its princeps and moderati to near-paranoid heights of awareness.

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Simple rules for interactions with vehicles and infantry were subsequently published, and the Epic Space Marine box set developed the full initial rules for infantry and vehicles. Big Mek Orks receive a divine vision of sorts from Gork or possibly Mork , and set out to bring that vision to life in the artistic medium of thick armour plates, smoke-belching engines, and lots and lots of very, very large guns. On that day, the Warmaster Titan would stride to war, leaving naught but blood and ash in its wake. Most agree that a Warlord has one princeps and several moderati , although the exact number and function of the latter differ. In truth, a Titan has only three enemies: folly, hubris, and another of its own kind. Yet, it is the beating heart of the Iconoclast that sets it apart, for within each one dwells a Machine Spirit of noticeable ferocity, its lust for war and bellicose demeanour far more akin to that of a frenzied animal than that of the anima housed within other god-engines. Six servitor clades also mean that repairing damage is easier for the Heavy Battle Titan's commanding princeps. Legio Interfector Warlord -class Titan Abhorrent. Though built on the chassis of a Warlord titan, each was powered by a battery of potent psychics, controlled by a Pariah psychic null. Titans cost thousands of points matching their thousand-dollar pricepoint. These are closely tied to the Legio's history and victories, as well as their homeworld of origin, and are often the embodiment of the individual Legio's personality and collective character. Due to their immense size, standing nearly 33 metres tall, Warlord Titans are not nearly as fast or agile as the Reaver -class Titans or the Warhound Scout Titans , but they more than make up for this failing with their sheer firepower and heavily armoured bulks. Its heart of plasma fire is tended by one or more Tech Priests and their servitors.

Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

Thus, the commanders of Warhound -class Scout Titans are known to be bellicose and belligerent, and sometimes loners, though the latter may be due to their generally solitary assignments as scouts, while the princeps of other war engines are more cool-headed and better capable of cooperation as part of a larger force. Dire Wolf -class Titan. Very little is known about the methods used in the construction of Imperial Titans. Imperator -class and Warmonger -class Emperor Titans are the greatest war engines ever created by the Imperium of Man. The Mega-Gargant is a very rare, super-large Gargant on a par in size with the Imperator and Warmonger -class Emperor Titans , though not as powerful. The Warlord -class Titan has four Battle Titan weaponry hardpoints on the shoulders and arms, allowing for a greater variety of weapon configurations. Sign In Register. Warmaster -class Titan Warmaster Iconoclast -class Titan. Because of this reality, princeps are immensely valuable individuals, and their home Forge World will spare no effort to recover them should they go missing in action, and if the slimmest chance exists that they are still alive. There has also been noted rare instances where a princeps has died while connected to the Titan, thus creating a digital "ghost" of themselves that remains inside the Titan's Machine Spirit. The ability to fire Daemons was later found to be due to the pact the Castigator 's artificial general intelligence had formed with the Chaos Gods through the Black Legion. Once the Titan is partially repaired and powered up, even the guns studding its joints, labelled as "minor hull defence weapons" are able to destroy heavy vehicles in just a handful of shots.

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