webcomic xkcd

Webcomic xkcd

No, we're not doing another Describe Topic Here joke. It is a gag-a-day comic and generally does not have a continuing plot line or continuity though there are occasional short story arcs. Many of the jokes webcomic xkcd based on math, physics, webcomic xkcd, science, UNIX or Internet memesas well as romance and sex.

It focuses on science , mathematics , technology , and general geekiness , told with a light, quirky sense of humor, and at times profound philosophizing. Its art style is minimalist, told through simple stick figures. New comics are posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and are accompanied by a title text , serving as Randall's commentary. Although quite complex objects can be drawn, or conventionally cartoon-like representations of things and animals , a majority of the people featured are stick figures who have become a cast of recurring characters. The xkcd art style has undergone many changes over time. Initially, the comics were made by scanning hand-drawn sketches. However, they eventually transitioned to being entirely digitally inked and lettered.

Webcomic xkcd

The subject matter of the comic varies from statements on life and love to mathematical , programming , and scientific in-jokes. Some strips feature simple humor or pop-culture references. It has a cast of stick figures , [3] [4] and the comic occasionally features landscapes, graphs, charts , and intricate mathematical patterns such as fractals. Munroe has released five spinoff books from the comic. The first book, published in and entitled xkcd: volume 0 , was a series of select comics from his website. His book What If? His book Thing Explainer explains scientific concepts using only the one thousand most commonly used words in English. On August 31, , a spinoff Youtube channel named xkcd's What If? As a student, Munroe often drew charts, maps, and "stick figure battles" in the margins of his school notebooks, besides solving mathematical problems unrelated to his classes. By the time he graduated from college, Munroe's "piles of notebooks" became too large and he started scanning the images. According to Munroe, the comic's name has no particular significance and is simply a four-letter word without a phonetic pronunciation, something he describes as "a treasured and carefully guarded point in the space of four-character strings ". In January , the comic was split off into its own website, created in collaboration with Derek Radtke.

Archived from the original on March 16,


This means you're free to copy and share these comics but not to sell them. More details. Archive What If? A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. What If? The Video Series channel to be notified about each new video.

Webcomic xkcd

The sixth What If? In fact, it's honestly sort of impressive to find a solution that would actively make the problem worse in so many different ways. Dropping a comet into the ocean to cool the planet, famously suggested by the Futurama episode None Like It Hot , [1] I'm used to stuff making me feel old, but the fact that this episode aired 20 years ago is distressing in multiple ways. One is that dropping things from space creates heat. When water—or anything else—falls, it gains kinetic energy. When it stops falling, that energy has to go somewhere. Generally, it turns into heat.


Ooh, Shiny! Homeowner: You still can't walk into someone's house without being invited! Archived from the original on December 18, Government Conspiracy : This open letter to whatever group or groups are secretly controlling the U. Megaphone Gag : Strip 81 "Attention, shopper" the page image shows Black Hat holding a golf club and announcing over a megaphone that an expensive car in the parking lot was just smashed by a golf club. Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards. Visible Silence : E. Kalamazoo Gazette. The New York Times. This strip is about a version of Superman where the adjective "super" is intended to be just as impressive as it is in the astronomical term "supermoon", meaning not very. Everyone around him screams as he grows them to the size Earth.

Note: You are welcome to reprint occasional comics pretty much anywhere presentations, papers, blogs with ads, etc. If you're not outright merchandizing, you're probably fine. Just be sure to attribute the comic to xkcd.

If I'm wrong, nobody knows, and if I'm right, maybe I just freaked the hell out of some secret organization. Archived from the original on May 23, Not to mention the free meat. Staircase Tumble : Black Hat rides to the top of the country's longest escalator and blocks the end with a chin-up bar , causing the people to tumble down like dominoes while the escalator still takes them up. Archived from the original on March 16, September 19, Categories : s webcomics s webcomics s webcomics webcomic debuts American comedy webcomics Computer humor Creative Commons-licensed comics Hacker culture Infinite canvas webcomics Nerd culture Short form webcomics Web Cartoonists' Choice Award winners Webcomics in print. Readers were even able to submit their own drawings or text. The saltiness of the "drink" was brought up. The end of this strip. Randall has a degree in physics, which might have inspired him to make this comic. Archived from the original on June 22, Dream Apocalypse : A character in someone's dream says, "please don't wake up. Death World : Earth-like Exoplanet.

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