Wizarding world wand test
With your list in hand, you walk through Diagon Alley. You have your robes, books, quills, and parchment…You stop in front of Ollivanders, the best wand shop in the Wizarding Wizarding world wand test. In the Wizarding World, a wand chooses its owner. But which will choose you?
K Rowling herself first created the original test. It was published on Pottermore. The goal of the questionary is to define the right wand for HP fans. The original quiz, currently accessible on the Wizarding World website, has seven questions in total. And most of them are about your appearance. However, there are lots of online Harry Potter tests with the same purpose.
Wizarding world wand test
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If you could have any job in the wizarding world, it would be What quality do you most value in yourself? Courage and determination. In a difficult situation, you tend to Face it head-on, regardless of the danger. Analyze the situation before acting. Look for peaceful and diplomatic solutions. Use it as an opportunity for personal gain. Choose a magical creature that you feel a connection with: The brave and noble Hippogriff. Your ideal place to study or work would be
Wizarding world wand test
K Rowling herself first created the original test. It was published on Pottermore. The goal of the questionary is to define the right wand for HP fans. The original quiz, currently accessible on the Wizarding World website, has seven questions in total. And most of them are about your appearance. However, there are lots of online Harry Potter tests with the same purpose. Most of them use the original idea, though. No one could tell you about the HP universe better than the creator herself.
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Other quiz types will be added in the future. Step in front of my friends. One of them is about the legendary Olivander—the creator of the most notorious wands. I was paying attention. Wands with a unicorn hair core are typically the hardest to turn to the Dark Arts and are the most faithful to their owners. The original quiz, currently accessible on the Wizarding World website, has seven questions in total. Failure The dark Muggles Losing loved ones. Roll my eyes. How do you react? Hermione Granger.
With your list in hand, you walk through Diagon Alley. You have your robes, books, quills, and parchment…You stop in front of Ollivanders, the best wand shop in the Wizarding World.
Want to plan a prank. The twenty queries dig deep into your intentions and beliefs as a witch or wizard. I know a charm that might work… Shrug and go on with my day. It was published on Pottermore. These wands help their owners channel anger with purpose. It does not feel like you are in the magical universe of Hogwarts. Link copied! Friends usually ask for your help when they: Need help with their homework. He had an excellent knowledge of the series, and his friends often relied on him for trivia about the HP magical world. Even though he was an adult, he never felt too old for Harry Potter. K Rowling herself first created the original test. Updated: January 22, Harry Potter House Quiz.
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