world of darkness merits

World of darkness merits

All costs to learn that Discipline are paid out as if it were native to your Clan. A character cannot take this Merit more than once, and Caitiff vampires cannot take this Merit.

This page is still a work in progress, and some merits may be in the database and approved for use, but have not been asked for in the past and may require further rulings. There is no guarantee it will be approved. Which Merit do I choose when there's more than one? Sometimes the same Merit can be found in multiple places, or there are different Merits with the same name. You're expected to choose the Merit that's within your type rather than shopping for a cheaper version from a different splat.

World of darkness merits

Some traits are presented as Merits in some sources and as Backgrounds in others; this list only covers sources that list traits as Merits. Ability Aptitude You are particularly gifted with one Ability. Perhaps you are a poet of great renown or a master fleshcrafter. Within your specific Aptitude, reduce all difficulties by 2. Characters may purchase this Merit more than once, but Storytellers should feel free to veto any Ability selections that seem too powerful or unbalanced, especially for combat Abilities. Players Guide to High Clans Pg]. Accepted Ally You have a useful connection in the mortal world, a connection of value even to Sabbat leaders. You are allowed to keep this contact as long as there are no complications. If the need should arise, you are expected to kill your contact to protect the Sabbat or prove your loyalty. Acute Vision You have exceptionally keen eyesight. The difficulties of all dice rolls that relate to vision e. Combined with Heightened Senses, this Merit can provide superhuman visual acuity. Recommended: Ghouls. Animal Affinity The character has an innate understanding of and rapport with a certain type of animal.

The essence of who you are — benign or malignant — draws spirits to you, and they, in turn, affect the essence of who you are.

Flaws and Merits Merits and Flaws are optional traits that a storyteller may choose to include, or prohibit, in her chronical. Properly used, the Merits and Flaws help players create and indivdualize their character. Merits are special abilities or advantages that are rare or unique in the general Kindred population, while Flaws are liabilities or disadvantages that pose challenges to a character's nightly exsistance. These Traits can provide player characters with added depth and personality, but Storytellers should be careful to ensure that any Traits chosen will not adversely influence the course of the chronicle or give one character an unfair advantage over the rest. Merits and Flaws can be selected only during character creation and are purchased using freebie points.

Choose a topic per Advanced Library dot. Every story, once per topic, you can take the Informed Condition when you consult your library about that topic. When violence erupts, you may suffer Insane to boost Strength, suffer Beaten Down but gain 8-Again to flee, or suffer Stunned but recover Willpower. Take 8-Again to perceive traps or ambushes, but on exceptional success, suffer Spooked. Apply the Specialty's bonus die to relevant rolls of any Skill, except unskilled rolls.

World of darkness merits

Name and Dots: The name of a Merit is, obviously, what's written on a character sheet upon purchasing it. Additionally, after the name, there is a number or range of dots. If a character buys the first tier of this Merit, they might be able to "upgrade" it by spending the remaining number of points all at once. Such a Merit can be upgraded from one dot to a maximum of four, with each intermediate tier having a different effect. Prerequisites: The Attributes, Skills, other Merits, background events, or other conditions necessary to purchase this Merit. Unless otherwise noted, exceeding these requirements is fine. Reference: The page number s in one of the World of Darkness rulebooks that details this Merit.

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This characteristic makes you the center of attention at any gathering, since they all want to wholeheartedly please you. System: With this merit, you begin the game with 2 points in Eidolon. System: You receive two extra dice when attempting to resist a frenzy. In most cases, a person suffering from PTSD simply learns to live with the symptoms and avoid the triggers that can set off a reaction. You may have gifted them with favors or material items sometime in the distant past, or just last week, but they now owe you a debt. Regal Bearing 1 Social Aristocratic charisma is your birthright. Despite the drawback, when used in conjunction with Aura Perception, the vampire will discover far more information from her target. You are affected by the Avatar Storm when you venture into the Middle and Astral Umbrae, only the lands of the dead are excepted. This vampire deals an extra, unsoakable level of lethal damage when they bite an opponent. When you roll the selected Skill to uncover clues, achieve exceptional success with only three successes.

May be purchased separately for multiple types. While you remain in good standing, you may spend Willpower for bonus dice to resist gaining a derangement from the community's practices. May purchased once for each dot of Occult.

Document 51 pages. If the single die roll equals or exceeds this total, then the player rolls normally to cast the effect, using the minimum dice possible - that is, trying to affect minor forces Forces 2 would require at least a four on the initial single die two for the Forces, two for the Arete and would allow the player to roll two dice for an effect. If the roll fails, the victim loses two dice from her Dice Pool that turn; if it botches, she may take no action whatsoever. This may be used only once per story on a particular target. Many will question your Sire and possibly ridicule him for choosing you. Though you cannot see them, you can sense them, speak to them and, through pleading or cajoling, draw them to your presence. Narratively speaking, in the context of the World of Darkness, this Merit is not appropriate for PCs whose jobs already come with their share of perks, like being a CEO of your own business, a police officer or owning an occult book store. You can estimate the time until sunrise or sunset within a matter of a couple moments, and you can follow the phases of the moon in your head. The difficulties of any die rolls involving the use of your eyesight are increased by two. Merits are special abilities or advantages that are rare or unique in the general Kindred population, while Flaws are liabilities or disadvantages that pose challenges to a character's nightly exsistance. System: You lose no Social Attributes when in Glabro. Should your fae seeming be permanently destroyed, or should you retreat into Banality, you will begin to age normally. For whatever reason, the mentor who introduced you to your specific faction whether it's a mafia family or a supernatural group did a terrible job, and now you reap the results.

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