Worm wildbow

Hello, and welcome, I'm 'Wildbow', and I write web serials, putting chapters online every Worm wildbow and Saturday, and some Thursdays too, if and when funding hits certain benchmarks. My first series, Wormwas something of a sleeper hit. Word spread, and is still spreading, about the story, worm wildbow, which features a teenager with a superpower that lets her control bugs.

The closest thing to an official cover. Worm by John McCrae, a. Wildbow , is a Web Serial Novel centered around Taylor Hebert, a teenager with a superpower enabling her to control bugs. It is the first novel in the Parahumans series. Worm takes place in an alternate universe known as "Earth Bet".

Worm wildbow

Worm finished in November of The sequel is underway. The teaser post-Worm-epilogue, semi-prologue, not mandatory reading chapters to Parahumans 2 can be found starting here and arc 1, chapter 1 of the story starts here. An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find escape from a deeply unhappy and frustrated civilian life. As she risks life and limb, Taylor faces the dilemma of having to do the wrong things for the right reasons. The story, titled Worm, takes the form of a web serial, posted in bite-sized reads in much the same way that authors such as Mark Twain would release their works one chapter at a time in the days before full-fledged novels. Worm started in June , updating twice a week, and finished in late November, It totals roughly 1,, words; roughly 26 typical novels in length or very thick novels. The story updated on Tuesdays and Saturdays, with bonus chapters appearing on the occasional Thursday, as explained below. The actual work is divided into a number of story arcs, each containing five to sixteen individual chapters. Further interludes were released as bonus content when the audience reached specific donation goals, but these were found to distract from the core story with a good reception, but still and were paced out more in favor of additional main-story chapters. Readers should be cautioned that Worm is fairly dark as fiction goes, and it gets far darker as the story progresses. Just the opposite on every count, really. You really need a table of contents. There is a table of contents, though fairly minimalist.

Averted by New Wave, who have gone public with their identities, though they worm wildbow to be the only ones for the foreseeable future due to the unbelievably terrible luck they have experienced since going public. She would have killed herself if not for Tattletale.

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Parahumans 1 Worm.

Hello, and welcome, I'm 'Wildbow', and I write web serials, putting chapters online every Tuesday and Saturday, and some Thursdays too, if and when funding hits certain benchmarks. My first series, Worm , was something of a sleeper hit. Word spread, and is still spreading, about the story, which features a teenager with a superpower that lets her control bugs. She is mistaken for a supervillain on an early outing, and is thrust into a world where hero and villain and good and evil don't always match up. In Pact, our protagonist inherits his grandmother's house in a small town and her trove of diabolic tomes, along with all of the enemies and negative attention that come with being a diabolist. Allies are few and far between, and the best weapons at his disposal have consequences for use that could readily surpass whatever his enemies have in store for him.

Worm wildbow

This article contains spoilers regarding the ending of Worm and plot of the sequel. Lisa Wilbourn born Sarah Livsey , known in her cape persona as Tattletale , is a member of the Undersiders. Lisa is often perceived as an arrogant "know-it-all" by those around her. She values her intelligence and perceives any threat to that as a challenge. She is reticent to admit she doesn't know something. Additionally, it serves as a method to reveal more information about the target.

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I loathed Tattletale. Conservation of mass, conservation of energy, basic laws of our universe get broken by capes all the time. Creative Sterility : Not only did Scion become a hero just because it was suggested to him and he didn't have a better idea of what to do with himself, the Entities' plan as a whole is based on this. These characters could not ever escape the darkest moment in their life; the irony of their powers makes sure that the trauma would never go away as they used those powers. Up until when I stopped end of Tangle , I was enjoying it and liked the concept, but it's just way too long to spend time on for something I don't absolutely love. However, "soph" can also mean "skill" in Greek, and she has plenty of that in both her civilian and cape identities. For example, when she finds three ex-ABB gang members threatening her deputies : Skitter: It won't be pretty. Coordinated Clothes : The Travelers all dress in black and red, New Wave dresses in similar white and their preferred color costumes, and the Wards wear identical concealing body suits to help surprise the 9. I used my Christmas Break to do this, despite not enjoying the story, and liking it less as it continues. It is revealed that Tinkers actually derive their designs from the accumulated knowledge of their passengers, which have recorded the technologies of alien civilizations. Gary, Indiana- evacuated and abandoned after riots and established villain presence. I've never yet read a well-written Batman novel published by DC Comics though looking at the company name, I may have an inkling why and I think that's a shame. Add a new page. Ironic Hell : Shadow Stalker survives but will have to live for the rest of her life with the knowledge that Taylor was stronger than her and did more to save the world than she will even if she lives to old age.

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The Greatest Story Never Told : Echidna's attack becomes this, with a common refrain of people wanting to know what the hell happened on June 20, , and most not involved having no idea who or what "Echidna" even is. As someone who generally dislikes reading from first person POV, I loved that the story was written from Taylor's perspective. There's communication and an exchange of news and media between them, and yes, they botched the Star Wars prequels too. Granted they're neutered versions of the originals, but still. She went out with a hell of a bang, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. In other parts of the world, things are even worse with some places being true hellholes run by parahuman warlords. Archived from the original on May 9, Mana Pop. The way Tattletale put it in their meeting afterwards was telling as to how damaging the attack was. A number of companies have approached McCrae to discuss adapting Worm, as well as another of his serials, Twig. That being said, these are pretty minor things in the scope of the story and didn't at all detract from my enjoyment of the story. And then, after Scion kills Behemoth, three more show up: Khonsu with time-manipulation and teleportation powers , and Tohu and Bohu a pair of Endbringers, with the former turning the landscape into a series of traps while the latter defends her. Gaining the Will to Kill : Skitter first uses lethal force to try and kill Coil, though she admits that he likely has an antidote to her spiders' venom.

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