x gate qiskit

X gate qiskit

In this article, x gate qiskit, we are going to see how to apply NOT gate on a given input 0 or 1 using quantum gates, we have to convert 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.

Is there any way that I can self define a control gate in qiskit? I have define a new quantum gate qg , and it will be applied to the "data" qubit if the "control" qubit is 1, and it will not be applied if the "control" qubit is 0. How can I implement this? I don't know if you may have already solved this problem already but I think the closest tool Qiskit provides to do what you are asking is the ControlledGate Class. Taking the specifications and prior code you gave this was the closest working example I could come up with:. I notice you have two qubits in your data register, so just to be thorough I've provided an example below with a two qubit controlled, two target qubit gate based:. The code examples above all came from here: qiskit.

X gate qiskit

In Qiskit, quantum programs are normally expressed with quantum circuits that contain quantum operations. Quantum circuits are represented by the QuantumCircuit class, and quantum operations are represented by subclasses of the class Instruction. A quantum circuit may be created by supplying an argument that indicates the number of desired quantum wires qubits for that circuit. This is often supplied as an integer:. Optionally, the number of desired classical wires bits may also be specified. The first argument refers to the number of quantum wires, and the second argument the number of classical wires:. The number of desired quantum and classical wires may also be expressed by supplying instances of QuantumRegister and ClassicalRegister as arguments to QuantumCircuit. The QuantumCircuit class contains a large number of methods and attributes. The purpose of many of its methods is to apply quantum operations to a quantum circuit. Most of its other methods and attributes either manipulate or report information about a quantum circuit.

By defining a QuantumRegister consisting of three qubits, methods such as hbarrierand measure may be applied to all three wires by passing a QuantumRegister reference. Note that the variable cr refers to an instance of ClassicalRegister, x gate qiskit.


Interested in learning how to program quantum computers? Bell states are the four states that can be created when two qubits are maximally entangled. The four states are represented as so:. Now we will go through each state and see how to implement it using quantum circuits. The first Bell state is incredibly easy to implement as it can be created using a two qubit circuit consisting of a Hadamard gate and CNOT gate found below:. This will entangle the two qubits such that the combined state becomes:. Now lets see how the circuit actually creates the first Bell state. Now that we have the two qubits initialised we can now apply a Hadamard gate to our control qubit. How do we apply a Hadamard gate to our control qubit when it is part of a 2 qubit state? The best solution is to expand out the Hadamard gates matrix so that we can apply it to our two qubit state.

X gate qiskit

In Qiskit, quantum programs are normally expressed with quantum circuits that contain quantum operations. Quantum circuits are represented by the QuantumCircuit class, and quantum operations are represented by subclasses of the class Instruction. A quantum circuit may be created by supplying an argument that indicates the number of desired quantum wires qubits for that circuit. This is often supplied as an integer:. Optionally, the number of desired classical wires bits may also be specified. The first argument refers to the number of quantum wires, and the second argument the number of classical wires:. The number of desired quantum and classical wires may also be expressed by supplying instances of QuantumRegister and ClassicalRegister as arguments to QuantumCircuit.

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Article Tags :. Note that a circuit passed into the compose method is allowed to have fewer quantum or classical wires than the original circuit. The set of gates expressed using Qiskit represents an abstraction for the actual gates implemented on a given quantum computer or simulator. The additional quantum wire in the circuit is used as a scratch area whose output is disregarded:. Like Article. Enhance the article with your expertise. Controlled-unitary operations are derived from the ControlledGate class, which is a subclass of Gate. Example circuit using the QuantumRegister and ClassicalRegister classes. Hire With Us. Interview Experiences. Methods commonly used to obtain information about a quantum circuit include depth , size , and width. Note The set of gates expressed using Qiskit represents an abstraction for the actual gates implemented on a given quantum computer or simulator.


Applies the SX square root of X gate to quantum wire 1, subject to the state of the control qubit on wire 0. I, Identity qc. Additionally, the names supplied to the QuantumRegister and ClassicalRegister constructors are displayed on the circuit drawing. We advise you add the appropriate import statements to code snippets in this book. The nonunitary operations in Qiskit such as Measure and Reset are direct subclasses of Instruction. Quantum Teleportation in Python. You will be notified via email once the article is available for improvement. Now we've encoded the input,. The following code snippet demonstrates using the barrier method with and without arguments:. Article Tags :. Vote for difficulty :.

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