yaseen surah

Yaseen surah

It consists of 83 verses. About this Surah: The main theme or premise of Surah Yaseen is to explain some of the basic beliefs of Islam, specifically the belief in life after death, yaseen surah.

Surah Yasin Quran Reading. Contains ads In-app purchases. Everyone info. Surah Yasin is an Android App, which is designed to facilitate the users with the imperative Surahs of Quran all together in one App. App comes with a distinctive feature of Surahs with translation, transliteration, and audio recitation of each Surah of Quran. Surahs of Quran included: 1.

Yaseen surah

All information on IslamicFinder. If you find any inappropriate material or links leading to inappropriate materials , kindly contact us. Y a seen. Wa a lqur a ni al h akeem i. Innaka lamina almursaleen a. AAal a s ir at in mustaqeem in. Tanzeela alAAazeezi a l rra h eem i. Litun th ira qawman m a on th ira a b a ohum fahum gh a filoon a. Laqad h aqqa alqawlu AAal a aktharihim fahum l a yuminoon a. Inn a jaAAaln a fee aAAn a qihim aghl a lan fahiya il a ala th q a ni fahum muqma h oon a. WajaAAaln a min bayni aydeehim saddan wamin khalfihim saddan faaghshayn a hum fahum l a yub s iroon a. Wasaw a on AAalayhim aan th artahum am lam tun th irhum l a yuminoon a.

Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih: Yang tetap di atas jalan yang lurus ugama Islam. Siapakah yang membangkitkan kami dari kubur tempat tidur kami?


All information on IslamicFinder. If you find any inappropriate material or links leading to inappropriate materials , kindly contact us. Y a seen. Wa a lqur a ni al h akeem i. Innaka lamina almursaleen a. AAal a s ir at in mustaqeem in. Tanzeela alAAazeezi a l rra h eem i.

Yaseen surah

This is a middle Makki Surah and derives its name from the Huroof Muqattaat that begin this surah. The warning will only benefit who are sincere in seeking guidance and willing to submit to Allaah SWT. Narrating the story of the town that was sent three messengers from Allaah SWT , it is stated how they rejected all three saying that they were ordinary men like them. One man believed from among them and urged his people to accept the message of the prophets, who were not asking for any compensation in return and it was only right to worship Allaah SWT as He was the Creator of everyone and we will be returned to Him. But the people persisted in their disbelief and so were destroyed by a single shout. As for the believing man, he was forgiven and honored by a place in Paradise. The Satan is adamant on misleading mankind and wants them to end up in the Hell Fire, as part of his vengeance against Adam AS being preferred over him.

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At-Tur The Mountain. Surah Rahman, which is the adornment of Quran, soothes the hearts of the believers. Pickthall: But all, without exception, will be brought before Us. Abul Ala Maududi: and our duty is no more than to clearly convey the Message. Al-Qalam The Pen. There are traditions of reciting Surah ya-Sin over the dead, or dying. Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih: Dan mereka beroleh berbagai faedah dan kegunaan pada binatang ternak itu dan juga beroleh minuman; maka mengapa mereka tidak mahu bersyukur? Sahih International: You can only warn one who follows the message and fears the Most Merciful unseen. Fussilat Explained in Detail. Abdul Haleem: some for other benefits, and some for drink? Al-Fatiha The opener. If ye desist not, we shall surely stone you, and grievous torture will befall you at our hands.

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Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih: Matahati orang-orang yang menderhaka itu rosak dan kalau Kami kehendaki, Kami berkuasa menghapuskan bentuk dan biji mata kepala mereka menjadi rata, sehingga masing-masing menerpa mencari-cari jalan yang biasa mereka lalui. That is a Straight Path. Al-Adiyat The Courser. Yusuf Ali: Thou art indeed one of the messengers,. Muhsin Khan: It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe. Al-Balad The City. The truth is that you are a people who have exceeded all bounds. Sahih International: Indeed the companions of Paradise, that Day, will be amused in [joyful] occupation —. Ghali: And the Trumpet is blown; then, only then, are they pressing down from the graves to their Lord. Abul Ala Maududi: Then the Trumpet shall be blown and lo! We strip it of the day, and lo! Dan ingatlah tiap-tiap sesuatu kami catitkan satu persatu dalam Kitab ibu Suratan yang jelas nyata. Pickthall: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Turutlah Rasul-rasul itu —. Obey the Messengers;.

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