you tube amanda ellis

You tube amanda ellis

Remember Me. I explore what is going on in our world, look at it from a higher perspective to bring love and unity.

There are those among us who I call the Masters It is who they are. It is their truest essence. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. I have come to absolutely adore Amanda Ellis, a spiritual teacher from England, who works with the energy of Archangel Metetron primarily, but many other high-level master energies as well.

You tube amanda ellis


This website is using cookies. Significance of the repeating number 20 in many of the knights or their forbearers, tied into awakening - also a nod to what Spring Equinox on March 20th may bring to the table too. No comments on royal subjects not covered in this video will be posted, you tube amanda ellis, I have already read you tube amanda ellis Kate and will return to that when I have something new to add.


Such a beautiful country and all organized by Marit Tessem, therapist, teacher and distributor of CM products. We all stayed in a school above the Artic Circle and Trondheim. It was midsummer and strange to be there during 24 hours of daylight. One of the other speakers at the conference was Amanda Ellis, also at that time, a Colour Mirrors Therapist. She talked on the final day and unfortunately the time ran out, about her channeling work with Archangel Metatron. A little while later she decided to branch out on her own and this was the birth of the Archangel Metatron Sprays. Of course, people who know nothing about channeling and how this works, often have comments… Why?

You tube amanda ellis

Remember Me. My name is Amanda Ellis. Throughout this site you can find information on my work with Angelic and Ascended Master frequencies, as well as information about my training programmes and channelled work with the Heart Squad - a group of beings that I work with in spirit to bring empowering messages of love to lift us in these turbulent times. This is a new line of energy work for me that took me by surprise in , but it continues to grow and flourish. My official training programmes are based on helping people connect with Archangel Metatron and Archangel Sandalphon. You can find more information about this under the heading "Training School. As you navigate through this website, you will find regular updates about the work I am doing as well as uploaded videos, meditations, spiritual writings, colour therapy, and regular feeds from my Facebook and Instagram communities called Angelic Celestial Colours.

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The video ends with healing sent to all involved in a higher calling and destiny that is entwined with these scared isles. We use them to give you the best experience. Also discussing: Brotherhood and Brethren and the Divine Masculine The templates of duty versus freedom Darkness attacking light - relentless attacks on William A message from Diana and who she asks to build a bridge between 'her boys' and where excalibur may lay and who its guardian is I find it fascinating! Also how the knights operate, the different causes and skills they have, shared sporting heritage in many, and who is the mystery fencer yet to be identified? Learn how embracing the rainbow rays can lead to a healthier heart and ultimately a healthy body. And they've come here to serve Creator, and assist humanity through their profound teachings. External influences on the round table, how knights jostle for position and have to prove their worth, the enemy within and more. Discover the strength of white magic and learn how to counter dark sorcery with your own light. Thank you for your support and may you find comfort and guidance in this recording. With such an explosive mix and Pluto linking to the underworld - I thought it would be a great time to lift the lid on the shadow wounds - and oh boy the divine masculine has a lot

Remember Me. Welcome to my site! I am an international spiritual teacher, medium, writer, colour therapist, public speaker and a healer.

From a series of work on the return of Arthurian energy and the Knights of the round table AmandaEllis. Mastering Christ Consciousness Get back on the horse. What freedom would look like for him and its conditions? My Previous Twin Flame work is on this dedicated playlist - any video is not time sensitive and can be viewed at any juncture of your journey. What I find fascinating is that she never, ever asks for money. My Previous Twin Flame work is on this dedicated playlist - any video is not time sensitive and can be viewed at any juncture of your journey. Learn how vulnerable individuals unknowingly fall prey to twisted thought systems. Whatever the outcome, light will win…. Thank you for your support and may you find comfort and guidance in this recording. Linking also to Anubis God of the Underworld, we take a deep dive for this years alternative Valentines message - don't worry the love shines through too. First time in years we have Mars conjunct Pluto - and it just so happens to occur on Valentines Day! A teaching also on understanding that carrying Arthurian energy is akin to when we talk of holding Christ Consciousness - it doesn't belong to just one person it can be awakened in all - but a leader that has the potential to embody it helps us all to see and remember it.

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