
Księgarnia » Wydawnictwa » Bellona.

Lubisz serię? Kolekcjonujesz HB? Zapraszamy na grupę Bellona — Historyczne Bitwy. Dodaj do schowka. Termopile p. Lider 2. Wojna rosyjsko-ukraińska.


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Linked to war, destruction, conquest, and bloodlust, Bellona was a mighty figure in the ancient Roman pantheon of gods. As a personification of war, Bellona became quite a popular figure in the arts of later ages. The image of the goddess, decked out in armor and wearing a plumed helmet while carrying a shield and brandishing a sword or spear, has graced many paintings and inspired poetry, music, and literature. She is commonly associated with Mars, the Roman god of war, and had counterparts in other areas of the ancient Mediterranean world. Enyo, the personified spirit of war, for instance, was her equivalent in ancient Greece, whilst the people of Anatolia worshipped a similar goddess known as Ma. Public Domain. Bellona is believed to be the offspring of Jupiter and Jove.


Bellona older form Duellona , Roman goddess of war. She had no flamen see flamines and no festival in the calendar, unlike the major ancient deities; she acquired her temple as late as the s bce Livy Her temple was built in the Campus Martius, outside the pomerium , and was a frequent meeting-place of the senate when dealing with generals returning from war. You do not currently have access to this article. Please login to access the full content. Access to the full content requires a subscription. Printed from Oxford Classical Dictionary. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a single article for personal use for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice. User Account Personal Profile.

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Wydawnictwo Bellona poleca wybrane tytuły. Przodkowie 2. W sztuce w czasach nowożytnych postać Bellony wykorzystywali m. Ostatni egzemplarz! Antoine de Saint-Exupery ilustr. Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Leszek Podhorodecki. Artykuł Dyskusja. Wyślemy w czasie: dni. Duellona staroitalska Enyo grecki. Tam też Senat przyjmował wodzów powracających z wypraw wojennych. Bellonę identyfikowano głównie z grecką boginią Enyo , a także w połowie I wieku p. Podręcznik walki wręcz dla jednostek specjalnych Ron Shillingford.

More than a thousand years later, Shakespeare introduced Macbeth as a violent and brave warrior when the Thane of Ross calls him "Bellona's bridegroom," placing her as the equivalent of Mars himself! Bellona was considered an equivalent of the Hellenistic Cappadocian goddess, Ma. Being the equivalent of the Magna Mater herself should have placed Bellona equal, if not higher, in status to Mars.

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