The companion app to the Best Coast Pairings website, delivering on our mission making gaming events more bestcoastpairings and easier for everyone, bestcoastpairings. Free access to everything from registration through final scores while participating in an event. Subscribers gain bestcoastpairings to every pairing and list available globally for all game systems.
Teen info. The companion app to the Best Coast Pairings website, delivering on our mission making gaming events more informative and easier for everyone. Free access to everything from registration through final scores while participating in an event. Subscribers gain access to every pairing and list available globally for all game systems. Every round, every Pairing, Placing, along with Lists or Decks users have submitted.
This message was edited 1 time. This message was edited 2 times. Forum Index. Tournament and Local Gaming Discussion. Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: No adverts like this in the forums anymore. Times and dates in your local timezone. Full tracking of what you have read so you can skip to your first unread post, easily see what has changed since you last logged in, and easily see what is new at a glance. Email notifications for threads you want to watch closely. Being a part of the oldest wargaming community on the net.
Size 2. Full tracking of what you have read so you can skip to your first unread post, easily see what has changed since you last logged in, and easily see what is new at a glance, bestcoastpairings. Kingsley wrote: In any bestcoastpairings, Dakka isn't a 40k -only forum, and the Tournament Discussions forum is specifically for many different games.
Using the Player App you can search for, browse through and register for events. Also, see table assignments and pairings and view placings for any ongoing events. Players who are participating in the event can securely check in and remotely score as well as see any submitted lists at the event. Subscribe Subscribe and see any submitted list, deck or crew for any event world wide and get exclusive discounts and rewards. Currently, the TO App offers support for over 15 of your favorite game systems such as Warhammer 40k, Xwing and Magic. This free software provides a TO with everything they need to run their event easily including: online registration, pairings, placings and rankings. Even opt for online ticket sales for a small charge per ticket. This revolutionary tool makes it easy to be a TO for any system giving you more time to judge and have fun. Event Suite by Best Coast Pairings is the ultimate tool to run your large multi game events, leagues and retail events.
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Every round, every Pairing, Placing, along with Lists or Decks users have submitted. I've gone to over 20 events in the past year or so with about 10 or so being GT or higher level. Expect the app to break and have a plan to resolve the problem. If you lose. This message was edited 1 time. Capitalism gettin' philosophical here works on the system that mother nature worked out: Survival of the most adaptive. Colorado Springs, CO. MODs ought to close this. Apple Vision Requires visionOS 1. Automatically Appended Next Post: Brothererekose wrote: For those chiming in on 'not being involved' or not attending those events, maybe not post at all? Non a single event had an issue that I can recall. Email notifications for threads you want to watch closely. You Might Also Like.
The companion app to the Best Coast Pairings website, delivering on our mission making gaming events more informative and easier for everyone. Free access to everything from registration through final scores while participating in an event.
I also second the use of TTT O , it is pretty much all that I use for events and have never had an issue with it. Email notifications for threads you want to watch closely. It's absolutely perfect and crashesh and delays in tournaments is just good feature! Panic all the time. No, the mods shouldn't close this. Having done results entry for multiple large events in the past, I'd also advocate for some form of paper results slip as a back-up to submitting results electronically, but that's just me thinking about worst-case scenarios for the software. Brothererekose Fixture of Dakka Los Angeles. Wow, Brothererekose, what a horrible post. Personally i have no intention of ever subbing to the app, but, i can understand why people do. It's a trash app. Miniature Painter Pro. That is an exponential data growth and no one thinking through basic file size is embarrassing.
It is well told.