Cool edit pro v2

Cool Edit Pro v2's multitrack editing window, cool edit pro v2, with its virtual mixer open in front. From its beginnings as shareware, Syntrillium's Cool Edit Pro has acquired an impressive professional user base. The new version offers more features, more power, and an updated user interface. Syntrillium's Cool Edit Pro editor has become a firm favourite of amateur sound recording enthusiasts and professional audio users alike, the world over.

Figure 1: The main stereo Waveform View window, showing the host of editing options available from the many customisable toolbars. Martin Walker warms to the latest release of this popular package. For a long time Syntrillium Software were the darlings of the PC shareware audio scene, gaining an excellent reputation with their Cool Edit WAV file editor in its various incarnations. We reviewed Cool Edit 96 in our July 97 issue, and at this stage it was a comprehensive program that offered not only the standard features expected of a modern digital audio editor, but also more experimental aspects such as 'brainwave frequency encoding'. As the software grew ever more sophisticated, it seemed inevitable that Syntrillium would eventually move from a shareware approach ie. Mind you, although the distribution channel may now be more traditional, the latest software packs in yet another batch of innovative extras.

Cool edit pro v2


With an application as complex as this, many people would prefer to have a paper version of the manual to browse through as well, but this electronic approach seems to be becoming more common, since it enables the manufacturer to easily update the manual as well as the software, cool edit pro v2. Loopology: Free Loop Library The sample looping facility of CEP is an exciting and creative new function which has uses far beyond the immediately obvious. Excellent compatibility.


Digital Audio Editor from Syntrillium. Replaced by Adobe Cool Edit Pro 2. We have no technical specifications for this product but your help will be much welcomed. Fill in the product description. Cancel Save.

Cool edit pro v2

Cool Edit Pro v2's multitrack editing window, with its virtual mixer open in front. From its beginnings as shareware, Syntrillium's Cool Edit Pro has acquired an impressive professional user base. The new version offers more features, more power, and an updated user interface. Syntrillium's Cool Edit Pro editor has become a firm favourite of amateur sound recording enthusiasts and professional audio users alike, the world over. The program's widespread popularity is partly due to its remarkable ease of use, partly because of its comprehensive facilities, but especially because of its surprising affordability. The latest incarnation is version 2. The update incorporates much more than cosmetic tweaking and bug-fixing, but the basic structure remains unaltered in concept, with a stereo editing window and a multitrack window for compiling complex material. There has been extensive rebuilding of the workings, but pretty much all of the desirable characteristics of the original remain in place; the impression is of a more mature, wide-ranging and very capable product, yet without the typically steep learning curve associated with audio editing software of this kind. Like its predecessors, CEP 2.

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If only all Windows applications took this approach, we would get on a lot better. Even better, Syntrillium have provided a user option under the Preferences menu to revert to the original right-click mode, after which the menu list can be made to appear with Ctrl-right-click instead! A function missing from the original version but always high on Syntrillium's wish list was the ability to 'rip' material from audio CDs and to burn CD-Rs with accurately placed PQ flag track markers. The loops used carry the CEL suffix, but are actually stored in MP3 Pro format, a new and very efficient but high-fidelity data reduction codec. Most people who have ever used a Windows wave editor will feel at home straight away in Waveform View Figure 1 , with all the usual editing commands and keyboard shortcuts available. A rather welcome side-effect of all this new real-time processing is that the user no longer has to wait for Undo files to be created and saved, which increases the speed and immediacy of the program considerably. Syntrillium have adopted a similar approach in CEP 2. Needless to say, the advent of real-time equalisation makes life far simpler compared with CEP 1. Perhaps I should say at this point that Mac users should skip the rest of this article before becoming too disappointed and upset! There are far too many operational changes to list each one, but another function I discovered by accident is a new right-click menu in the multitrack window. This is a similar technique to that employed by the Digital Wings software reviewed in our February 98 issue. The password field is case sensitive.

Known today as Adobe Audition , Cool Edit Pro is a digital audio editing software addressed to amateur music enthusiasts and professional musicians alike. It provides a state-of-the-art audio processing environment that includes all the facilities required in music composition.

Cool Edit Pro can only further enhance the reputation of its creators, Syntrillium Software. Easy to use Multitrack recording and playback. RealAudio 3. It uses standard Windows MME drivers and seems to run happily on pretty much any Windows-compatible stereo or multi-channel soundcard. For day to day 'newsroom' use my own background , where effects and indeed multitracking are not generally in big demand, Cool Edit Pro actually offers too much. When you move or copy any of the waveforms, it only alters the playlist, leaving the wave data itself intact. Let's look at Cool Edit Pro's more traditional stereo editing features first. Cool Edit has matured into an impressive package. Each of the three bands of the fully parametric EQ can range across the entire audio spectrum, and the top and bottom bands are configurable as traditional shelf equalisers or bell curves. That is the case with Cool Edit Pro — each menu and submenu you call up also has a Help button that takes you directly to the appropriate part of the help file. Overall, the waveform editing side of Cool Edit Pro delights in its 'boffin bias', which means that there are loads of fun options to explore. For example there is a level normalising facility which operates on a selected group of audio clips in the multitrack window, and new real-time envelope manipulation facilities allow programme-related dynamic effects to be created, either from presets or manually. Pressing the Stop and Record buttons together provides a record-ready mode allowing input levels to be set up, while pressing the Record button by itself does just what you'd expect. A quarter-inch socket on the rear panel accepts a foot switch input to toggle between Record and Stop, enabling hands-free drop-ins and drop-outs. After 'unpacking' they can then be dropped straight into a song.

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