Cowley abbott

Special Events. Location: Art Gallery of Hamilton.

Cowley Abbott Canadian Art Auctioneers is an auction house in Toronto, Canada, which holds live and online auctions of Canadian historical, post-war and contemporary artwork, as well as international art. It also sells work through private sales and conducts appraisals and provides art consultancy. In early , Ryan Mayberry, the son of Winnipeg gallery owner Bill Mayberry, launched the consignor. In , Rob Cowley and Lydia Abbott, both veterans with at least 10 years of experience in the Canadian auction field, joined him as managing partners and owners. They launched Consignor Canadian Fine Art at Dundas St West, Toronto, across from the Art Gallery of Ontario , launching a model new to the Canadian market—online-only auctions complemented by a year-round gallery space. Previously, Cowley born , president, worked for over 10 years at a Toronto auction house —five years as chief auctioneer—while Abbott born , vice president, worked at Waddington's and Heffel Auction.

Cowley abbott

View upcoming auction estimates and receive personalized email alerts for the artists you follow. Filter by media, style, movement, nationality and activity period. Charts on artist trends and performance over time, ready to export. Get your artworks appraised online in 72 hours or less by experienced IFAA accredited professionals. Get the best price for your artwork or collection. We notify you each time your favorite artists feature in an exhibition, auction or the press. Access detailed sales records for over , artists, and more than two decades of past auction results. Buy unsold paintings, prints and more for the best price. Toronto Ontario Canada. Sign up to MutualArt for all the latest in the art world, including upcoming auctions, exhibitions and press coverage for the artists you love - straight into your inbox. Log In Sign up. Access complete market analysis. Unlock exclusive artist performance data.

The start of its private collection sales occurred in fall Cowley Abbott bridges the gap between traditional art auction services and the online fine art marketplace, cowley abbott.


We are currently viewing artwork for consideration in our upcoming auctions and we would be happy to speak with you to discuss a potential consignment. Please note that the schedule and details of our upcoming auctions and events are subject to change. A selection of artwork available for immediate sale. Purchase artwork through carefully-curated semi-annual Live Auctions of Important Canadian Art and monthly, themed Online Auctions, guided by the advice of our art specialists. Artwork featured in our auctions are subject to standard all-inclusive selling commissions without additional services fees that are usually encountered within the Canadian auction industry. All information and images presented on this website are the property and copyright of Cowley Abbott. Details and images included cannot be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of Cowley Abbott. JavaScript is turned off in your web browser. You will not be able to take advantage of many of our advanced features without JavaScript enabled and may experience difficulty. Refresh this page after JavaScript has been enabled.

Cowley abbott

This page provides details on a selection of works of art sold through past Cowley Abbott Canadian Art auctions or through the private sale process. Select an artwork for more details. All posted prices include Buyer's Premium. Click here to learn about including artwork in upcoming auctions. All information and images presented on this website are the property and copyright of Cowley Abbott.

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The Star, October 13, From the Canadian Art Collection. Galleries West Magazine, fall With dedicated preview and gallery space, regular art auctions, and partnerships with national art experts, they provide both buyers and sellers of Canadian Art a unique and effective set of services which marry the traditional methods of promoting artwork and innovative means of building a collection. They launched Consignor Canadian Fine Art at Dundas St West, Toronto, across from the Art Gallery of Ontario , launching a model new to the Canadian market—online-only auctions complemented by a year-round gallery space. Retrieved November 5, Galleries West Magazine, July 3, Filter by media, style, movement, nationality and activity period. Globe and Mail, May Galleries West Magazine, spring

Cowley Abbott Canadian Art Auctioneers is an auction house in Toronto, Canada, which holds live and online auctions of Canadian historical, post-war and contemporary artwork, as well as international art. It also sells work through private sales and conducts appraisals and provides art consultancy. In early , Ryan Mayberry, the son of Winnipeg gallery owner Bill Mayberry, launched the consignor.

Log In Sign up. Download as PDF Printable version. It also sells work through private sales and conducts appraisals and provides art consultancy. View upcoming auction estimates and receive personalized email alerts for the artists you follow. Special Events. Read Edit View history. With dedicated preview and gallery space, regular art auctions, and partnerships with national art experts, they provide both buyers and sellers of Canadian Art a unique and effective set of services which marry the traditional methods of promoting artwork and innovative means of building a collection. Reserve Your Spot Become a Member. Previously, Cowley born , president, worked for over 10 years at a Toronto auction house —five years as chief auctioneer—while Abbott born , vice president, worked at Waddington's and Heffel Auction. Get your artworks appraised online in 72 hours or less by experienced IFAA accredited professionals. For more information, see our Cookie Policy. CTV News.

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