e36 overheating

E36 overheating

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Remember Me? BMW Models. M series. E36 M3 Overheating issues at idle. Results 1 to 15 of

E36 overheating

I drive a '97 that recently had a problem with the temperature gauge hit the red zone in traffic. The temperature didn't stay there long, though; I pulled into a parking lot to shut it off, but found the temperature would drop when it got moving, so I managed to limp it home. Found out that sure enough, the auxiliary electric fan was dead. It wouldn't do anything when I fed it 12 volts by jumpering the fan relay. So I replaced that, and the new fan does switch on when I give it power. Should be an easy fix, right? But I've found now that if I turn the engine off for a few minutes while hot and then have the car idle without moving for about two minutes or so, the fuel gauge can start climbing again. Goes back down shortly after the car starts moving. It's not losing coolant like I'd expect if it had a blown head gasket. Any ideas on what to check? Could there be an air bubble in the system caused by that first overheating?

Is the bleed screw the one to the left of the rad cap with the cross in it?? Please consider creating a new thread. Thread: E36 M3 Overheating issues at idle, e36 overheating.

Original Poster. Search My Stuff What's New 3 12 24 OP Posts Only. Its still overheating almost immediately and no hot air from the heater. These engines seem to have known over heating issues and i suspect that the rad is partly at fault as it was weeping from the coolant low sensor at the bottom of the rad, but that doesnt explain the rapid overheating, the lack of warm air from the heater and the fact that the top hose doesnt seem to be full.

Log in. Sign up. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I thought that changing the thermostat would fix the problem but the car started to overheat again few days ago, basically this only happens when the weather is hot and humid and I am driving in stop and go traffic. I have replaced the coolant when I changed the thermostat. Could the overheating problem be caused by faulty fan since when I am not driving in stop and go traffic the car does not overheat even if the weather is hot and humid? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Mario. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions.

E36 overheating

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Does it climb up when your driving or at a stand still. The new fan not pulling enough air? Is this bad? That being said, hopefully, I didn't forget to bleed some poor dude's or way back when. Do not try to limp the car home. Theres at least one every week. Hey y'all, so after filling it and bleeding it last right before i made post it has only crept up on me once, which is why i made the post. Share This Page Tweet. So I replaced that, and the new fan does switch on when I give it power. Thanks guys! Thread Tools Show Printable Version. If you are having trouble bleeding the system by normal means, you can try pulling a vacuum on the system using a port attached to where the radiator cap fits. Could they possibly be damaged? Now that's dealt with, signal, pull to the side of the road and turn the car off. Good luck!

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On 4-cylinder cars, you will need about 7 quarts 6. I tried the heaters and apart from when the blower direction is set to head on which blows cold constantly doesnt it?? The only BMW engines that self bleed are the N62 engines in the After about seconds, the fan will un-clutch and the noise and airflow will drop. Anything else I could do to make sure? If your needle is moving, your car is getting considerably hotter than it should. Also the coolant system in your car can be crabby. Sounds the most plausible to me. At this point you have two choices: 1. Insert Quotes Quotes Post Reply.

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