Eve online killboard

It collects killmails and publishes them for everyone to read. The EVE Online community uses it for many purposes, eve online killboard, the most common of which is to check how much was destroyed in a fight thus who the "winner" is.

All killmails are automatically pulled from the API. If you think a kill or lossmail is missing then please contact a Director. Please note, however, that the board has been known to take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days to update, so be patient. Your Comment should include a description of the situation which lead to the kill or loss, if possible include what you learned from it. If you can, include a link to the AAR. Some of the above is also found under About Killfeed.

Eve online killboard

I did some analysis of data which I scraped from zkillboard. It is based on killmails, so it only shows how efficiently each ship is used by the playerbase, not how powerful it is. Different tactics or metas could thus influence the results for certain ships. Really have no idea of how much the ship that won the fight was was worth only the ones that lost. Perhaps an average drop rate would be better, though … to be honest this really depends on what the targets are …. The zkillboard data interface I use allows to retrieve kills or losses for a specific ship. It can retrieve a maximum of entries. Because I want to evaluate the kills and losses over the same timeframe I only take the kills and losses into account that are within the same timeframe. For example when retrieving Merlin data I got kills and losses. Therefor I limit the kills to match the same timeframe as the losses. In the case of the Merlin there were kills in the timeframe of the losses. For other ships this timeframe can be different.

The biggest turn off for eve pvp for me is two very different things: time to target and one sided encounters. Massive fleet from Fidelas Constans had the bare faced cheek to be roaming around EZA so we let eve online killboard have a go.

You know what, fine. I am a reasonable man, I can compromise. Level 1. Level 2. Will generate killmail but without the victim fit and cargo. Level 3.

It collects killmails and publishes them for everyone to read. The EVE Online community uses it for many purposes, the most common of which is to check how much was destroyed in a fight thus who the "winner" is. It is also often used to gather intel and check out what fits people use. A killmail is sent to the victim, the pilot who landed the killing blow, and their corps. Being that zKill is the most popular killboard, most corps or individuals allow it to pull their killmails. Where reasonable you can narrow down to kills, losses and solo. Further it is possible to filter for certain categories. Known categories are: awox, ganked, npc, highsec, lowsec, nullsec, wh, abyssal. These filters can be combined through manipulation of the url.

Eve online killboard

Please support zKillboard by disabling your adblocker. Or block them with ISK and get a golden wreck too. CCP does not make killmails public. They must be provided by various means.


Is this still live? Most Valuable Ships - Last 7 Days. All killmails are automatically pulled from the API. We will not join your fleets. We are open for negotiations. I never kept track of my score till I started to post on the forums. These 50 million ISK will be deducted from the first payment. AGBee Coercer Safety. You can, in theory, apply any filter you may wish if you take the time to write the code for it. It collects killmails and publishes them for everyone to read. Perhaps in different levels. I actually do a lot of pvp in other games like War Thunder. Any modules that may have been fitted, contained within the destroyed cargo or confiscated are not included within this value. Portraits In order to make your charater portrait visable on the killboard, please take the time to visit the killboard using the ingame browser and choose the option: 'Update portrait'.

Eve Squadron is a cross-platform Intel Tool for Eve Online that provides quick access to important character metrics and statistics fetched live from Eve and zKillboard Servers.

The problem is that there are people whose primary motivator to PvP are killmails. That is a problem for me. Guristas Massacrer npc Guristas. Alex Vodkin Kryos Alex Vodkin sodality. If you think a kill or lossmail is missing then please contact a Director. Neurotoxin45 Capsule Fraternity. Irsk Prospect Silent Company. Kill points Administrator option. Namespaces Page Discussion. Dredwerkz Dredwerkz August 2, , am This article is deprecated and no longer in use.

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