Flr chastity

While my marriage looks mostly normal from the outside, I fully control my husband through the chastity device that I have his "manhood" locked in. Follow along weekly as I bring you up to speed on where we are now, and how an outwardly vanilla flr chastity operates alongside a very kinky secret life! Sign up to get updates from us By signing up, you agree to receive email from this podcast, flr chastity.

To fight spam we're putting some limits on private messages and also introducing verified accounts. Let us know what you think in the comments! One powerful woman's journey to understanding and embracing her dominance, and the men who love her for it. We are currently looking for freelance writers who would like to contribute articles to AboutFLR. Simply put FLR is when women lead men - men who want to be led….

Flr chastity

This article will show you how to use chastity and teasing to mould the perfect obedient husband. They wind and twist, carving paths of anticipation, pleasure, obedience, and control. But why, pray tell, are they such critical elements of a chastity-based FLR? Firstly, the sublime dance of tease and denial is an exercise in power dynamics. The anticipation, the waiting, and the power she wields in deciding when and how to reward her partner is as intoxicating for her as it is tantalizing for him. Secondly, teasing and denial strengthen the emotional connection between the couple. He learns to appreciate his partner not just as a lover but as a leader, a guide, a queen. His desire for her goes beyond the physical and delves into a deeper, more profound craving for her happiness and approval. His eagerness to please her amplifies, and he learns to find satisfaction in his acts of service and obedience. On the flip side, denial intensifies his desire, keeping him perpetually on his toes quite literally, if she so wishes. The restraint and discipline required during periods of denial help shape him into a more focused, obedient partner. Lastly, we come to the role of tease and denial in enhancing the chastity experience. Chastity, in its very essence, is a form of denial.

The art of tease and denial Ah, tease and denial, those two beautifully interlaced threads in the tapestry of a Female-Led Flr chastity FLR.

Being in charge is work. I know, you could argue that most women are already in charge. They manage kids, household budgets, as well as responsible jobs. Adding the burden of being boss to their husbands is just piling more on. This may come as unwelcome news to some guys, but FLR is really a game similar to male chastity.

FLR and male chastity are common bedfellows, but it's incorrect to say each is necessary for the other, or, indeed, submission and surrender to your wife's will is an inevitable consequence of giving her the keys to your chastity device. The place for me to begin has to be with an admission, if not actually a confession: not only is a female led relationship not what we had planned, but I was even resistant to the whole idea, even though I knew intellectually it wouldn't require John to turn into some kind of submissive and cowed weakling. I'll be frank here: I find the men who want to be humiliated and abused to be quite unappealing and unattractive; in the extreme, I find them even repellent. There is nothing attractive to me about a man who with low-self esteem and who considers himself to be a worm, second-class citizen, or object of derision. All of this is their choice, of course, and as a libertarian I'd be the first to say it's none of my business how they choose to conduct themselves in their own relationships. But what is my business is how I feel about someone who wanted me to treat him in that way. It would be a monumental turn-off. Nor do I want a man who's weak, unable to think for himself and form and express his own opinions, or unwilling or unable to speak openly and honestly to me regardless of the consequences because he wants to spare my feelings or somehow "protect" me. What we do we do of love, mutual respect, and the pleasure of giving someone else pleasure. Fortunately, John can't be humiliated, intimidated, or bullied, and has no desire to be treated in a way intended to elicit those feelings.

Flr chastity

There are tons of definitions floating around the Internet but I think Wikipedia says it very well:. Like enforced chastity, FLR is generally initiated by the man. This is the typical pattern of power exchanges. Generally, the male partner has had many fantasies about how this power exchange might work. Like enforced chastity, the woman may well reject the FLR concept because of these fantasies. More about that later. FLR is a role reversal in most places. Traditionally, the male partner is dominant in the relationship. OK, what should a woman expect?

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Let me clarify. This psychological shift is profound, and its consequences echo through all relationship aspects. The man must understand that his pleasure is under her control and depends on his ability to serve and obey her. Let us know what you think in the comments! Lion punishes me. Lion is due home any time now. Krystine Kellogg shares her personal experiences, navigating through a world where traditional roles are flipped. Concepts like DD are much easier to accept if she believes the man she loves wants, or even needs it. Show him that intimacy is not only about sexual gratification but also about a deep emotional connection. His desire for her goes beyond the physical and delves into a deeper, more profound craving for her happiness and approval. He has to accept her cruel power and punishments or find himself homeless without his family. Forget traditional norms — Cat's writing ignites a feisty journey towards a world where women reign supreme, and relationships bask in a harmonious matriarchy. These practices can be adapted to suit your unique dynamic and preferences.

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Given that, it makes sense to assume that Google Podcasts. This could involve an unexpected tease, an early release, or an extended denial period. He learns to appreciate his partner not just as a lover but as a leader, a guide, a queen. Unfortunately he is all too often distracted from it by his own desires. We have had a seri…. They agree to and abide by the rules. The key is unpredictability, which helps keep the anticipation high. Skip to content. But what exactly does this dance entail? After 26 years of marriage, we know why.

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