free puppies dallas

Free puppies dallas

Dallas Pets Alive is on a mission to promote and free puppies dallas the resources, education and programs needed to eliminate the killing of companion animals in North Texas. You can make the world a better place with one simple action: Fostering a pet.

Clover Iv Adult: Years, female, husky. Video Available. Diamond Iv Adult: Years, female, labrador retriever. Queen Ii Adult: Years, female, terrier. Domino Iv Adult: Years, male, pit bull terrier.

Free puppies dallas

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause! By fostering an animal in your home, you can prepare a homeless animal to be paired with a loving forever family. Change the life of an animal with a little extra TLC today. Love animals? Our Animal Cruelty Investigations Unit helped more than 1, animals last year. If you see an animal suffering in your neighborhood, speak up and help put a stop to cruelty and neglect. Available for the first dogs of Ellis County residents only. Limit of 4 adult dogs Over 4 months old or 2 adult dogs and 1 litter per household. Dogs must be on leashes. Dry dog food available while supplies last. Registration is required for the pet pantry. Plus, enjoy family-friendly food, drink and entertainment. The Bow Wow Bazaar will include vendor booths, activities for pets and kids, demonstrations and more! Spots are extremely limited! Our clinic delivers affordable and accessible basic veterinary services at discounted rates thanks to the generosity of our donors and sponsors.

Foster Testimonial: "When Winston first came into my home, he was very shy and timid. Spots are extremely limited! Male Medium Young.

Ready to apply? Start the adoption application. Through our innovative program, New Digs , we offer people who can no longer keep their pets the resources to responsibly find new loving homes in North Texas. Pets in need of new homes are listed below. Please note that Dallas Pets Alive is acting as intermediary to connect prospective adopters with individuals wanting to rehome their pets.

I am a sweet gentle gal looking for a place to relax in while I wait for my heartworm treatment. This means I will need to be a couch potato and go for leash walks only! I also need some dental work done too! My foster parent should be comfortable bringing me to the shelter periodically for scheduled vet appointments. Any place with some love and treats will cheer me up! I also get along with other dogs and most people too!

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A volunteer will email you if there are any questions about your application. Otherwise, you will receive an email usually within 48 hours informing you that your application has been approved. Our pet adoption counselors and fosters are available to answer any questions you may have. Email us at adopt dallaspetsalive. Fosters provide a lifeline and a second chance for pets who may be underage, injured, or simply in need of some TLC before they can be adopted. While the amount of time a pet spends with a foster can vary from a few days to few months, the positive impact a foster has on that dog or cat lasts a lifetime. Adopt a Pet. The Dallas Pets Alive pet adoption team works to find perfect homes for all of the pets in our foster care. Adoption is not only the right thing to do but THE thing to do. Pet Adoption process.

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Struggling to provide medical care or food for your pet? We may be able to provide temporary assistance. Meet Reeves. Small 2. Get Involved. Jessie Iii Adult: Years, female, terrier. We have lived in foster care before so we will be more comfortable in a home rather than the shelter. Domino Iv Adult: Years, male, pit bull terrier. You can name the search or just leave in the filters. For the past five years, Kevin Kirksey has been deeply involved with Dallas Pets Alive, driven by the unwavering passion of the organization's Executive Director, Leslie, for animal welfare. Extra-Large 1. He loved it --this is something we wouldn't have been able to do with him a few weeks ago but over time he is trusting us more and he was able to embrace the experience. Get Fast Help for a Lost Animal.

Why would we deny you certainty when it comes to free puppies? The answer is very simple.

Large Male Senior. Make an Appointment Donate Now. Ash Adult: Years, male, siberian husky. Foster Testimonial: "When Winston first came into my home, he was very shy and timid. Our adoption team works to find perfect homes for all of the pets in our foster care. Get Expert Help for Your Animal. Gender Gender Female Other Dogs. Gender mobile Select content Gender Female 34 Male Learn More. Adult Large Male.

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