Hearthstone battlegrounds minion list
This page lists golden versions of Battlegrounds minion cards as of Note that pools can include general minions whose effect is related to that pool.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds is a game mode in Hearthstone where eight players battle against each other in a series of 1v1 head-to-heads. The mode mainly revolves around players recruiting minions for their warband, and then deciding on the right placement and strategy for their units, to ultimately end up as the last one standing. With new minion tribes being added regularly, it can be difficult for players to figure out which are the strongest. Pirates are in an interesting place in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. After losing their most powerful minion, Cap'n Hoggarr, in Season 4, they have lost their ability to scale effectively.
Hearthstone battlegrounds minion list
One of the biggest changes in Season Five of Hearthstone Battlegrounds was the introduction of Tavern Tier 7, which came with a host of powerful new minions. Related: Hearthstone: Best Manathirst Cards. Acquiring a Tier 7 minion can take a great deal of effort, though. Here are the strongest minions at the highest level of the Battlegrounds. And while Sanguine Champion did get its stats buffed, that wasn't the core problem with the minion. Since Tavern Tier 7 minions were first introduced, Granite Guardian has been buffed, increasing its Health by eleven. Unlike Sanguine Champion, Granite Guardian does benefit significantly from that increase, but not enough to save it. At best, that means it trades one-for-one in the same way lower-Tier Venomous minions would. Individually, doubling the effects of your Battlecries and Deathrattles are strong abilities. Brann Bronzebeard and Titus Rivendare, who have them separately, are highly sought after for a reason. Related: Hearthstone: Every Titan, Ranked.
Zapp Slywick. There are a lot of great Murlocs, but Bream Counter is the engine that powers them. Prized Promo-Drake.
This page lists a total of current Battlegrounds minion cards and 30 tokens, as of Hearthstone Wiki Explore. Random page Community portal Recent changes Admin noticeboard Discord. Standard format Wild format Classic format Ranked Card properties. Game modes.
This page lists a total of current Battlegrounds minion cards and 36 tokens, as of Navigation menu Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read Edit Edit source View history. Databases Achievements Cards Battlegrounds minions Battlegrounds heroes Mercenaries abilities Mercenaries equipments Mercenaries tasks Mercenaries bounties. From Hearthstone Wiki. For the minions grouped by pool, see Minion by pool. For the main page about minion, see Minion. For the golden version of these cards, see Golden minion. For the removed cards, see Removed card.
Hearthstone battlegrounds minion list
This page lists Battlegrounds minion cards as of Note that pools can include general minions whose effect is related to that pool. For the golden version of these cards, see Golden minion by pool. For the list grouped by tier, see Minion. Hearthstone Wiki Explore. Random page Community portal Recent changes Admin noticeboard Discord. Standard format Wild format Classic format Ranked Card properties.
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Spellcraft: Give a minion stats equal to twice your Tier until next turn. Taunt Spellcraft: Give a minion Divine Shield until next turn. Battlegrounds Perk Rewards Track. Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect. Categories : Battlegrounds Card types. Windfury This minion always attacks the enemy minion with the lowest Attack. After this attacks and kills a minion, deal excess damage to both adjacent minions. At the end of your turn, adjacent minions trigger their Battlecries. Undead builds with Moroes, Steward of Death or multi-type builds Motley Phalanx which may appear later on this list can increase their stats to absurd levels. Foe Reaper These are the minions that make or break your entire build when you find them thanks to their sheer power. Reef Riffer. After this attacks, trigger another friendly minion's Deathrattle twice.
Need a list of all the Hearthstone Battlegrounds cards? Battlegrounds is Hearthstone's take on the popular autobattler genre, where matches are won through careful planning and selecting the right cards for each situation.
Silent Swimmer. Hearthstone Wiki Explore. Eventide Brute. At the end of every 2 turns, get 2 random Magnetic Mechs. Keyboard Igniter. Banana Slamma. Prized Promo-Drake. After this attacks and kills a minion, deal excess damage to a random adjacent minion. Wrath Weaver. The main function of The Boommobile is to magnetize it onto your Mechs. Her Spellcraft Spell makes it far easier for you to get Golden versions of your crucial minions. Molten Rock. Battlegrounds collection. For the regular version of these cards, see Minion by pool. Humming Bird.
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